Commit d132aafeb9d887c3f6323579ce3431a2704d2abe

Authored by mchauvel
1 parent 14e56608


Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 12 deletions   Show diff stats
Missile/Missile.h deleted
... ... @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
1   -#include <stdio.h>
2   -#include <stdlib.h>
3   -
4   -int CheckCollisionEntiteEntite(struct entite,int,int,struct entite,int,int);
5   -
6   -int CheckCollisionListeEntite(struct liste_entite*,int,int,struct entite,int,int);
7   -
8   -int CheckCollisionListeListe(struct liste_entite*,int,int,struct liste_entite*,int,int);
9   -
10   -void Tirer(struct entite, struct liste_entite**);
11   -
12   -void DeplacementTire(int,struct liste_entite*);