board.h 4.87 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Eistec AB
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more
 * details.

 * @defgroup    boards_mulle Eistec Mulle
 * @ingroup     boards
 * @brief       Board specific files for Eistec Mulle IoT boards
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Board specific definitions for the Eistec Mulle IoT board
 * @author      Joakim Nohlgård <>

#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H

#include "cpu.h"
#include "periph_conf.h"
#include "mulle-nvram.h"
#include "mtd.h"

/* Use the on board RTC 32kHz clock for LPTMR clocking. */
/** @brief Clock source for the LPTMR module */

/** Disable hardware watchdog, for debugging purposes, don't use this on production builds. */
#define DISABLE_WDOG    1

 * @brief Use the UART1 for STDIO on this board
#define UART_STDIO_DEV      UART_DEV(1)

 * @brief   xtimer configuration
 * @{
#if 0
/* LPTMR xtimer configuration */
/* WIP, Use PIT for now */
#define XTIMER_DEV                  (TIMER_LPTMR_DEV(0))
/* LPTMR is 16 bits wide */
#define XTIMER_WIDTH                (16)
#define XTIMER_BACKOFF              (4)
#define XTIMER_ISR_BACKOFF          (4)
#define XTIMER_OVERHEAD             (3)
#define XTIMER_HZ                   (32768ul)
/* PIT xtimer configuration */
#define XTIMER_DEV                  (TIMER_PIT_DEV(0))
#define XTIMER_CHAN                 (0)
#define XTIMER_BACKOFF              (40)
#define XTIMER_ISR_BACKOFF          (40)
#define XTIMER_OVERHEAD             (30)
/** @} */

 * @brief   LED pin definitions and handlers
 * @{
#define LED_PORT            PTC
#define LED0_BIT            (15)
#define LED1_BIT            (14)
#define LED2_BIT            (13)

#define LED0_PIN            GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, LED0_BIT)
#define LED1_PIN            GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, LED1_BIT)
#define LED2_PIN            GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, LED2_BIT)

#define LED0_ON             (LED_PORT->PSOR = (1 << LED0_BIT))
#define LED0_OFF            (LED_PORT->PCOR = (1 << LED0_BIT))
#define LED0_TOGGLE         (LED_PORT->PTOR = (1 << LED0_BIT))

#define LED1_ON             (LED_PORT->PSOR = (1 << LED1_BIT))
#define LED1_OFF            (LED_PORT->PCOR = (1 << LED1_BIT))
#define LED1_TOGGLE         (LED_PORT->PTOR = (1 << LED1_BIT))

#define LED2_ON             (LED_PORT->PSOR = (1 << LED2_BIT))
#define LED2_OFF            (LED_PORT->PCOR = (1 << LED2_BIT))
#define LED2_TOGGLE         (LED_PORT->PTOR = (1 << LED2_BIT))
/** @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief Initialize board specific hardware, including clock, LEDs and std-IO
void board_init(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus

 * @name Define the interface to the AT86RF212B radio
 * @todo Work around missing RESET pin on Mulle v0.6x
 * {spi bus, spi speed, cs pin, int pin, reset pin, sleep pin}
#define AT86RF2XX_PARAMS_BOARD      {.spi = SPI_DEV(0), \
                                     .spi_clk = SPI_CLK_5MHZ, \
                                     .cs_pin = SPI_HWCS(1), \
                                     .int_pin = GPIO_PIN(PORT_B, 9), \
                                     .sleep_pin = GPIO_PIN(PORT_E, 6), \
                                     .reset_pin = GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 12)}

 * @name LIS3DH configuration
 * @{
#define LIS3DH_INT1                 GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 18)
#define LIS3DH_INT2                 GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 17)
#define LIS3DH_CS                   SPI_HWCS(0)
#define LIS3DH_CLK                  SPI_CLK_5MHZ
#define LIS3DH_SPI                  SPI_DEV(0)
/** @} */

 * @name Mulle power control configuration
/** @{ */
#define MULLE_POWER_AVDD        GPIO_PIN(PORT_B, 17) /**< AVDD enable pin */
#define MULLE_POWER_VPERIPH     GPIO_PIN(PORT_D,  7) /**< VPERIPH enable pin */
#define MULLE_POWER_VSEC        GPIO_PIN(PORT_B, 16) /**< VSEC enable pin */
/** @} */

 * @name Mulle NVRAM hardware configuration
/** @{ */
#define MULLE_NVRAM_SPI_DEV             SPI_DEV(0)
#define MULLE_NVRAM_SPI_CLK             SPI_CLK_5MHZ
#define MULLE_NVRAM_SPI_CS              SPI_HWCS(3) /**< FRAM CS pin */
#define MULLE_NVRAM_CAPACITY            512     /**< FRAM size, in bytes */
#define MULLE_NVRAM_SPI_ADDRESS_COUNT   1       /**< FRAM addressing size, in bytes */
/** @} */

 * @name Mulle NOR flash hardware configuration
/** @{ */
#define MULLE_NOR_SPI_DEV               SPI_DEV(0)
#define MULLE_NOR_SPI_CLK               SPI_CLK_5MHZ
#define MULLE_NOR_SPI_CS                SPI_HWCS(2) /**< Flash CS pin */
/** @} */
 * @name MTD configuration
/** @{ */
extern mtd_dev_t *mtd0;
#define MTD_0 mtd0
/** @} */

 * @name Mulle Vchr, Vbat ADC lines
/** @{ */
#define MULLE_VBAT_ADC_LINE           ADC_LINE(6)
#define MULLE_VCHR_ADC_LINE           ADC_LINE(7)
/** @} */
#endif /* BOARD_H */
/** @} */