CM-preamble.sty 7.57 KB
% Declare that this style file requires at least LaTeX version 2e.

% Provide the name of your page, the date it was last updated, and a comment about what it's used for
\ProvidesPackage{CM-preamble}[2016/01/20 Programmation avance Style]

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

\title[IMA3-PA]{Programmation avancée}

%\subtitle{\Huge Introduction et Rappel}

\author{Walter Rudametkin}
\vspace{0.5cm}Bureau F011\\



%Array image stuff and  lists!!!
	node/.style = { 
		minimum height=6mm, 
		minimum width=6mm,
		node distance=8mm
	bignode/.style = { 
		minimum height=8mm, 
		minimum width=8mm,
		node distance=12mm
	link/.style = {
		shorten >=1pt
		,line width = 0.28mm
	array element/.style = {
		draw, fill=white,
		minimum width = 8mm,
		minimum height = 8mm
	\foreach \element in \list {
		\node[node, right = of aux, name=\element] {\element};
		\draw[link] (aux) -- (\element);
		\coordinate (aux) at (\element.east);
	\foreach \element in \list {
		\node[bignode, right = of aux, name=\element] {\element};
		\node[bignode, name=aux2, anchor=west] at ([xshift=-.4pt] \element.east) {};
		\draw[link] (aux) -- (\element);
		\coordinate (aux) at (aux2);
%	\fill (aux) circle(2pt);
%	\draw (aux) circle(1cm);
	\draw[line width = 0.28mm] ($ (aux) + (0.4,0.4) $) -- ($ (aux) + (-0.4,-0.4) $);

% Now paste your code from the preamble here
%\documentclass[professionalfont]{beamer} %


%Available font sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt. Default font size is 11pt (which corresponds to 22pt at the full screen mode).




\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} % using non standard fonts for beamer
%\usefonttheme{serif} % default family is serif
%\setmainfont{Liberation Serif}


%\documentclass [serif]{beamer} %

%Good solution for monospaces
\usepackage{pxfonts} % Or palatino or mathpazo, changes all fonts to something sans
\usepackage{eulervm} % only changes math fonts, i checked
\usepackage[ttdefault=true]{AnonymousPro} %Only changes tt fonts

%Inconsoloata, a little too light.
%\usepackage{fontspec} %Doesn't work with pdflatex

%\renewcommand*\familydefault{\ttdefault} %% Only if the base font of the document is to be typewriter style


%Make tabularx center cells vertically

%%Syntax hilighting
%	\fontsize{14}{14}\selectfont}


\newcommand{\IMAGE}{{\color{red} \huge TODO: IMAGE}}


%Added strikeout, \sout to use

% % % French algorithm language % % % % %
%\renewcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{pour tout}}
%\renewcommand{\algorithmicwhile}{\textbf{tant que}}
%\newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif}
%\newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
%\newcommand{\algorithmicendfor}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}

\newcommand{\myline}{\begin{center} \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\paperwidth}{0.5pt}}\end{center}}

% Finally, we'll use \endinput to indicate that LaTeX can stop reading this file. LaTeX will ignore anything after this line.

% % % % % % % % %
% Nowhere to put this stuff ?

% % % % % % %French better example with algorithm2e
	\scalebox{.7}{                        %new code
		\begin{algorithm}[H]              %new code
			\KwIn{Labels: set of all labels}
			\KwIn{F: combinatorial logic function}
			\KwIn{X: set of inputs to F with values in 0,1}
			\KwOut{$Sh_F$: truth table for shadow F}
			\Sortie{$Sh_F$: truth table for shadow F}
			\Retour{$Sh_F$: truth table for shadow F}\\
			\For{each XRow $\in$ XSet}{
				\For{each LRow $\in$ LSet}{
					CandidateSet $\gets$ $\phi$\;
					\For{each $label \in Labels$} {
						$C \gets \phi$\;
						\For{each $l_i \in LRow$} {
								$C \gets C \cup \{x_i\}$ \;
							CandidateSet $\gets$ CandidateSet $\cap$ \{label\} \;
					$SHF_{row} \gets$ Lat.ChooseMin(CandidateSet) \;
					Output $X_{row}$, $T_{row}$, $SHF_{row}$ \;

% % % IN FRENCH TOOO! Works with algorithmicx. Needs to uncomment French lines in preamble !!!!!!!! % % % %
%		\begin{algorithm}[H]
%  	\begin{algorithmic}
%\While {S n'est pas vide}
%\State {Pop out top vertex from S. Let v=S.pop().}
%\If {Expression 1} 
%\If {Expression 2}
%\State Statement 1.
%\State Statement 2. 
%\ElsIf {Expression 3}
%\State  Statement 3.
%\State  Statement 4.
%\State  Statement 4.
%  	\end{algorithmic}
%  \end{algorithm}

%	\frametitle{Structures cartésiennes}
%	\begin{algorithm}[H]
%		\begin{algorithmic}[1]
%			qsdfqsdfqsdf
%		\end{algorithmic}
%		\caption{pseudocode for the calculation of }
%		\label{alg:seq}
%	\end{algorithm}