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Zolertia RE-Mote platform

The RE-Mote platform (Revision A) is a IoT Hardware development platform based on TI's CC2538 system on chip (SoC), featuring an ARM Cortex-M3 with 512KB flash, 32Kb RAM, double RF interface (Sub-1GHz CC1200 RF transceiver), and the following goodies:

  • ISM 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4 & Zigbee compliant.
  • ISM 868-, 915-, 920-, 950-MHz ISM/SRD Band.
  • AES-128/256, SHA2 Hardware Encryption Engine.
  • ECC-128/256, RSA Hardware Acceleration Engine for Secure Key Exchange.
  • Power consumption down to 150nA using our shutdown mode.
  • Flashing over BSL without requiring to press any button to enter bootloader mode.
  • Built-in battery charger (500mA), Energy Harvesting and Solar Panels to be connected to standards LiPo batteries.
  • Power input with wide range 3.7-16VDC.

Port Features

In terms of hardware support, the following drivers have been implemented:

  • CC2538 System-on-Chip:
    • UART
    • Random number generator
    • Low Power Modes
    • General-Purpose Timers
    • I2C/SPI library
    • LEDs
    • Buttons
    • RF switch to programatically drive either 2.4GHz or sub-1GHz to a single RP-SMA
    • RF 2.4GHz built-in in CC2538

And under work or pending at cc2538 base cpu:

* Built-in core temperature and battery sensor.
* CC1200 sub-1GHz radio interface.
* Micro-SD external storage.
* USB (in CDC-ACM).
* uDMA Controller.


  • Toolchain to compile RIOT for the CC2538
  • Drivers to enable your host to communicate with the platform
  • Built-in BSL programming over USB using cc2538-bsl (included)

Install a Toolchain

The toolchain used to build is arm-gcc, to check if it is currently installed run:

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: arm-none-eabi
Configured with: /scratch/julian/lite-respin/eabi/src/gcc-4.3/configure
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.3.2 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2008q3-66)

Else install from


The RE-Mote features a CP2104 serial-to-USB module, the driver is commonly found in most OS, but if required it can be downloaded from

For the CC2538EM (USB CDC-ACM)

The RE-Mote has built-in support for USB 2.0 USB, Vendor and Product IDs are the following:

  • VID 0x0451
  • PID 0x16C8

On Linux and OS X this is straightforward, on windows you need to install the following driver:

And replace the IDs accordingly.

Device Enumerations

For the UART, serial line settings are 115200 8N1, no flow control.

Once all drivers have been installed correctly:

On windows, devices will appear as a virtual COM port.

On Linux, devices will appear under /dev/.

On OS X, /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUARTx.

On Linux:

  • RE-Mote over CP2104: ttyUSB0
  • RE-Mote over USB driver (in CDC-ACM): ttyACMn (n=0, 1, ....)

More Reading

  1. Zolertia RE-Mote website
  2. Zolertia Wiki page
  3. CC2538 System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee applications (SWRU319B)
  4. CC1200 sub-1GHz RF transceiver