Name Last Update
README.txt Loading commit data...
goodfet.bsl Loading commit data...


#For Mac, install the following.
# XCode
# MacPorts
# FTDI Virtual COM Driver

#For Windows,
# Python 2.7, 32-bit
# py-serial for Python 2.7. Version for 2.6 will not work.
# FTDI VCP drivers, available in Windows Update
# Add python to %PATH% and use it to run the scripts in \trunk\client\.

# In Linux, the FTDI driver should be included by default. Be sure
# that the user is allowed to use /dev/ttyUSB0, which often requires
# being a member of the dialout group.

# Now install these packages. They might have different names.
# python-serial wget subversion gcc-msp430 curl

# Use subversion to grab the code.
mkdir -p ~/svn; cd ~/svn
svn co

# Then link the client into /usr/local/bin/
# You could also add the client directory to your $PATH.
cd ~/svn/goodfet/trunk/client
sudo make link

# Load firmware, not yet building it locally.
goodfet.bsl --fromweb
goodfet.monitor test