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Makefile.desvirt Loading commit data... Loading commit data...

DESVIRT integration into RIOT

You can find more information about desvirt at

Control DESVIRT via Make


This Makefile introduces some additional variables:

  • TOPO (name of the topology to use)
  • TOPO_SIZE (size of the topology to use)
  • TOPO_TYPE (type of the topology to use [line|grid])


It defines the following targets:

  • desvirt-topology
  • desvirt-define
  • desvirt-undefine
  • desvirt-list
  • desvirt-start
  • desvirt-stop
  • desvirt-clean
  • desvirt-distclean


This target creates a new topology file in RIOTBASE/dist/tools/desvirt/desvirt/.desvirt It is necessary to supply the type and size of the new topology with TOPO_TYPE and TOPO_SIZE. The make target will create the topology file with the name $(TOPO_TYPE)$(TOPO_SIZE). Examples:

TOPO_TYPE=line TOPO_SIZE=4 make desvirt-topology
TOPO_TYPE=grid TOPO_SIZE=9 make desvirt-topology

The names of the files will be: line4 and grid9.


This target defines a new topology. This must be done prior to starting desvirt.

TOPO=line4 make desvirt-define


This target undefines a topology.

TOPO=line4 make desvirt-undefine


This target lists all defined topologies.

make desvirt-list


This target starts a new virtualization with the given topology name. The topology must be defined beforehand.

TOPO=line4 make desvirt-start

You will get an output like this:

cd /home/pschmerzl/RIOT/dist/tools/desvirt/desvirt && ./vnet -s -n line4
vnet           : Loaded statefile .desvirt/lib/line4.macs.
vif            : creating line4_0 for pschmerzl
vif            : Creating tap: line4_0
vif            : creating line4_1 for pschmerzl
vif            : Creating tap: line4_1
vif            : creating line4_2 for pschmerzl
vif            : Creating tap: line4_2
vif            : creating line4_3 for pschmerzl
vif            : Creating tap: line4_3
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_0 to line4_1, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_1 to line4_0, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_1 to line4_2, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_2 to line4_1, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_2 to line4_3, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
lossnet        : line4: New link from line4_3 to line4_2, rate=100mbit, loss=0.0, delay=0.0
vnet           : Network Name: line4
vm             : Defining RIOT native process line4_1
riotnative     : Start the RIOT: socat EXEC:'/home/pschmerzl/RIOT/examples/gnrc_networking/bin/native/gnrc_networking.elf line4_1',end-close,stderr,pty TCP-L:4711,reuseaddr,fork
riotnative     : PID: 18235
vm             : Defining RIOT native process line4_0
riotnative     : Start the RIOT: socat EXEC:'/home/pschmerzl/RIOT/examples/gnrc_networking/bin/native/gnrc_networking.elf line4_0',end-close,stderr,pty TCP-L:4712,reuseaddr,fork
riotnative     : PID: 18236
vm             : Defining RIOT native process line4_3
riotnative     : Start the RIOT: socat EXEC:'/home/pschmerzl/RIOT/examples/gnrc_networking/bin/native/gnrc_networking.elf line4_3',end-close,stderr,pty TCP-L:4713,reuseaddr,fork
riotnative     : PID: 18237
vm             : Defining RIOT native process line4_2
riotnative     : Start the RIOT: socat EXEC:'/home/pschmerzl/RIOT/examples/gnrc_networking/bin/native/gnrc_networking.elf line4_2',end-close,stderr,pty TCP-L:4714,reuseaddr,fork
riotnative     : PID: 18238

Once the topology is running, you can use pyterm to connect to the various instances, e.g. calling pyterm -ts 4712 to connect to node line4_0 from the example above.


This target stops a new virtualization with the given topology name. The topology must be defined beforehand.

TOPO=line4 make desvirt-stop


This target resets the desvirt git-folder. All topologies will be deleted.

make desvirt-clean


This target deletes the desvirt folder.

make desvirt-distclean