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OpenThread on RIOT

This test demonstrates the OpenThread stack running on RIOT. When flashed, it will initialize the OpenThread Command Line Interface for interacting with the stack.

Quick usage

To test OpenThread on RIOT, you can do the following:

  1. Flash nodes with make BOARD=<target> clean all flash
  2. Write panid 0x1234, ifconfig up then thread start on one node.
  3. Check the state of the node with state. In the beggining should be detached, but after some seconds it should become leader
  4. Write panid 0x1234, ifconfig up then thread start on another node. The second node should become child or router if there's a leader.
  5. Get the mesh IP address of a node with ipaddr.

Addresses starting with fd are mesh-local, and addresses starting with fe80 are link-local. Mesh-local address types that contain ff:fe00 are classified as Router Locator (RLOC). Mesh-local address types that don't contain ff:fe00 are Endpoint Identifies (EID).

  1. Ping from another node to a mesh-local address with ping fdde:ad00:beef:0:946a:c722:a5d9:8481.
  2. You can try IEEE802.15.4 scan with scan command
  3. You can also check other commands with help
  4. Enjoy!


See the OpenThread CLI Reference for more information about OpenThread CLI commands