cc2538_rf.h 8.33 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2016 MUTEX NZ Ltd.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Loci Controls Inc.
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @ingroup     cpu_cc2538
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Low-level radio driver for the CC2538
 * @author      Aaron Sowry <>
 * @author      Ian Martin <>

#ifndef CC2538_RF_H
#define CC2538_RF_H

#include <stdbool.h>

#include "net/ieee802154.h"
#include "net/netdev.h"
#include "net/netdev/ieee802154.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define CC2538_AUTOCRC_LEN          (2)
#define CC2538_RF_FIFO_SIZE         (128)
#define CC2538_PACKET_LENGTH_SIZE   (1)


#define CC2538_EUI64_LOCATION_PRI   (0x00280028) /**< Primary EUI-64 address location */
#define CC2538_EUI64_LOCATION_SEC   (0x0027FFCC) /**< Secondary EUI-64 address location */

/* TODO: Move these to sys/include/net/ieee802154.h somehow */
/* IEEE 802.15.4 defined constants (2.4 GHz logical channels) */
#define IEEE802154_MIN_FREQ         (2405) /**< Min. frequency (2405 MHz) */
#define IEEE802154_MAX_FREQ         (2480) /**< Max. frequency (2480 MHz) */

#define IEEE802154_CHANNEL_SPACING  (5)    /**< Channel spacing in MHz  */

#define IEEE802154_CHAN2FREQ(chan)  ( IEEE802154_MIN_FREQ + ((chan) - IEEE802154_CHANNEL_MIN) * IEEE802154_CHANNEL_SPACING )
#define IEEE802154_FREQ2CHAN(freq)  ( IEEE802154_CHANNEL_MIN + ((freq) - IEEE802154_MIN_FREQ) / IEEE802154_CHANNEL_SPACING )
/* /TODO */

#define CC2538_MIN_FREQ             (2394)
#define CC2538_MAX_FREQ             (2507)

#define CC2538_RF_POWER_DEFAULT     (IEEE802154_DEFAULT_TXPOWER)    /**< Default output power in dBm */

#define OUTPUT_POWER_MIN            (-24)  /**< Min output power in dBm */
#define OUTPUT_POWER_MAX            (7)    /**< Max output power in dBm */

#define CC2538_CORR_VAL_MIN         (50U)
#define CC2538_CORR_VAL_MAX         (110U)
#define CC2538_CORR_VAL_MASK        (0x7F)

#define CC2538_RSSI_OFFSET          (-73)  /**< Signal strength offset value */
#define CC2538_RF_SENSITIVITY       (-97)  /**< dBm typical, normal conditions */

#define RFCORE_ASSERT(expr) (void)( (expr) || RFCORE_ASSERT_failure(#expr, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) )

#define RFCORE_WAIT_UNTIL(expr) while (!(expr)) {                                        \
    DEBUG("RFCORE_WAIT_UNTIL(%s) at line %u in %s()\n", #expr, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);  \
    thread_yield();                                                                      \
#define RFCORE_WAIT_UNTIL(expr) while (!(expr)) thread_yield()


#define ABS_DIFF(x, y)          ( ((x) < (y))? ((y) - (x)) : ((x) - (y)) )
#define BOOLEAN(x)              ( (x) != 0 )
#define NOT(x)                  ( (x) == 0 )
#define GET_BYTE(buffer, index) ( (unsigned char*)(buffer) )[index]

#define BIT(n) ( 1 << (n) )

enum {
    FSM_STATE_IDLE           =  0,

 * @brief RFCORE_XREG_RFERRM bits
enum {
    STROBE_ERR = BIT(6),
    TXUNDERF   = BIT(5),
    TXOVERF    = BIT(4),
    RXUNDERF   = BIT(3),
    RXOVERF    = BIT(2),
    RXABO      = BIT(1),
    NLOCK      = BIT(0),

  * @brief RFCORE_XREG_FRMCTRL0 bits
enum {
    ENERGY_SCAN      = BIT(4),
    AUTOACK          = BIT(5),
    AUTOCRC          = BIT(6),

enum {
    ACT_UNUSED       = BIT(0),
    SFD              = BIT(1), /**< Start of frame event */
    FIFOP            = BIT(2),
    SRC_MATCH_DONE   = BIT(3),
    RXPKTDONE        = BIT(6), /**< End of frame event */
    RXMASKZERO       = BIT(7),

/* Values for use with CCTEST_OBSSELx registers: */
#define OBSSEL_EN BIT(7)
enum {
    rfc_obs_sig0 = 0,
    rfc_obs_sig1 = 1,
    rfc_obs_sig2 = 2,

/* Values for RFCORE_XREG_RFC_OBS_CTRLx registers: */
enum {
    constant_value_0 = 0x00,
    constant_value_1 = 0x01,
    rfc_sniff_data   = 0x08,
    rfc_sniff_clk    = 0x09,
    rssi_valid       = 0x0c,
    demod_cca        = 0x0d,
    sampled_cca      = 0x0e,
    sfd_sync         = 0x0f,
    tx_active        = 0x10,
    rx_active        = 0x11,
    ffctrl_fifo      = 0x12,
    ffctrl_fifop     = 0x13,
    packet_done      = 0x14,
    rfc_xor_rand_i_q = 0x16,
    rfc_rand_q       = 0x17,
    rfc_rand_i       = 0x18,
    lock_status      = 0x19,
    pa_pd            = 0x20,
    lna_pd           = 0x2a,

 * @brief   Device descriptor for CC2538 transceiver
 * @extends netdev_ieee802154_t
typedef struct {
    netdev_ieee802154_t netdev;   /**< netdev parent struct */
    uint8_t state;                /**< current state of the radio */
} cc2538_rf_t;

 * @brief   IRQ handler for RF events
void _irq_handler(void);

 * @brief   Trigger a clear channel assessment
 * @return  True if channel is clear
 * @return  False if channel is busy
bool cc2538_channel_clear(void);

 * @brief   Get the configured long address of the device
 * @return  The currently set (8-byte) long address
uint64_t cc2538_get_addr_long(void);

 * @brief   Get the configured short address of the device
 * @return  The currently set (2-byte) short address
uint16_t cc2538_get_addr_short(void);

 * @brief   Get the primary (burned-in) EUI-64 of the device
 * @return  The primary EUI-64 of the device
uint64_t cc2538_get_eui64_primary(void);

 * @brief   Get the configured channel number of the device
 * @return  The currently set channel number
unsigned int cc2538_get_chan(void);

 * @brief   Check if device is in monitor (promiscuous) mode
 * @return  True if device is in monitor mode
 * @return  False if device is not in monitor mode
bool cc2538_get_monitor(void);

 * @brief   Get the configured PAN ID of the device
 * @return  The currently set PAN ID
uint16_t cc2538_get_pan(void);

 * @brief   Get the configured transmission power of the device
 * @return  The currently configured transmission power in dBm
int cc2538_get_tx_power(void);

 * @brief   Initialise the CC2538 radio hardware
void cc2538_init(void);

 * @brief   Check if device is active
 * @return  True if device is active
 * @return  False if device is not active
bool cc2538_is_on(void);

 * @brief   Deactivate the CC2538 radio device
void cc2538_off(void);

 * @brief   Activate the CC2538 radio device
bool cc2538_on(void);

 * @brief   Setup a CC2538 radio device for use with netdev
 * @param[out] dev          Device descriptor
void cc2538_setup(cc2538_rf_t *dev);

 * @brief   Set the short address of the device
 * @param[in] addr          (2-byte) short address to set
void cc2538_set_addr_short(uint16_t addr);

 * @brief   Set the long address of the device
 * @param[in] addr          (8-byte) short address to set
void cc2538_set_addr_long(uint64_t addr);

 * @brief   Set the channel number of the device
 * @param[in] chan          Channel number to set
void cc2538_set_chan(unsigned int chan);

 * @brief   Set the frequency of the device
 * @param[in] MHz          Frequency to set in MHz
void cc2538_set_freq(unsigned int MHz);

 * @brief   Enable/disable monitor (promiscuous) mode for the device
 * @param[in] mode          True for enable, false for disable
void cc2538_set_monitor(bool mode);

 * @brief   Set the PAN ID of the device
 * @param[in] pan           PAN ID to set
void cc2538_set_pan(uint16_t pan);

 * @brief   Set the state of the device
 * @param[out] dev          Device descriptor
 * @param[in]  state        State to set device to
void cc2538_set_state(cc2538_rf_t *dev, netopt_state_t state);

 * @brief   Set the transmission power for the device
 * @param[in] dBm          Transmission power to set in dBm
void cc2538_set_tx_power(int dBm);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* CC2538_RF_H */
/** @} */