periph_conf.h 3.81 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Freie Universität Berlin
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more
 * details.

 * @ingroup     boards_openmote-cc2538
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Peripheral MCU configuration for the OpenMote-cc2538 board
 * @author      Hauke Petersen <>
 * @author      Sebastian Meiling <>


#include "cc2538_gpio.h"
#include "periph_cpu.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

 * @name    Clock system configuration
 * @{
#define CLOCK_CORECLOCK     (32000000U)     /* desired core clock frequency, 32MHz */
/** @} */

 * @name    Timer configuration
 * General purpose timers (GPT[0-3]) are configured consecutively and in order
 * (without gaps) starting from GPT0, i.e. if multiple timers are enabled.
 * @{
static const timer_conf_t timer_config[] = {
        .chn = 2,
        .cfg = GPTMCFG_16_BIT_TIMER, /* required for XTIMER */
        .chn = 1,
        .cfg = GPTMCFG_32_BIT_TIMER,
        .chn = 2,
        .cfg = GPTMCFG_16_BIT_TIMER,
        .chn = 1,
        .cfg = GPTMCFG_32_BIT_TIMER,

#define TIMER_NUMOF         (sizeof(timer_config) / sizeof(timer_config[0]))
#define TIMER_IRQ_PRIO      1
/** @} */

 * @name ADC configuration
 * @{

static const adc_conf_t adc_config[] = {
    GPIO_PIN(0, 2), /**< GPIO_PA2 = AD4_PIN */
    GPIO_PIN(0, 3), /**< GPIO_PA3 = CTS_DI07_PIN */
    GPIO_PIN(0, 4), /**< GPIO_PA4 = AD5_PIN */
    GPIO_PIN(0, 5), /**< GPIO_PA5 = AD6_PIN */
    GPIO_PIN(0, 6), /**< GPIO_PA6 = ON_SLEEP_PIN */

#define ADC_NUMOF           (sizeof(adc_config) / sizeof(adc_config[0]))
/** @} */

 * @name    UART configuration
 * @{
#define UART_NUMOF          (1U)
#define UART_0_EN           1
#define UART_IRQ_PRIO       1

/* UART 0 device configuration */
#define UART_0_DEV          UART0
#define UART_0_IRQ          UART0_IRQn
#define UART_0_ISR          isr_uart0
/* UART 0 pin configuration */
#define UART_0_TX_PIN       GPIO_PA1
#define UART_0_RX_PIN       GPIO_PA0
/** @} */

 * @name    I2C configuration
 * @{
#define I2C_NUMOF               1
#define I2C_0_EN                1
#define I2C_IRQ_PRIO            1

/* I2C 0 device configuration */
#define I2C_0_DEV               0
#define I2C_0_IRQ               I2C_IRQn
#define I2C_0_IRQ_HANDLER       isr_i2c
#define I2C_0_SCL_PIN           GPIO_PB3 /* OpenBattery */
#define I2C_0_SDA_PIN           GPIO_PB4 /* OpenBattery */

static const i2c_conf_t i2c_config[I2C_NUMOF] = {
        .scl_pin = GPIO_PB3, /* OpenBattery */
        .sda_pin = GPIO_PB4, /* OpenBattery */
/** @} */

 * @brief   Pre-calculated clock divider values based on a CLOCK_CORECLOCK (32MHz)
 * Calculated with (CPSR * (SCR + 1)) = (CLOCK_CORECLOCK / bus_freq), where
 * 1 < CPSR < 255 and
 * 0 < SCR  < 256
static const spi_clk_conf_t spi_clk_config[] = {
    { .cpsr = 10, .scr = 31 },  /* 100khz */
    { .cpsr =  2, .scr = 39 },  /* 400khz */
    { .cpsr =  2, .scr = 15 },  /* 1MHz */
    { .cpsr =  2, .scr =  2 },  /* ~4.5MHz */
    { .cpsr =  2, .scr =  1 }   /* ~10.7MHz */

 * @name    SPI configuration
 * @{
static const spi_conf_t spi_config[] = {
        .dev      = SSI0,
        .mosi_pin = GPIO_PA5,
        .miso_pin = GPIO_PA4,
        .sck_pin  = GPIO_PA2,
        .cs_pin   = GPIO_PA3,

#define SPI_NUMOF           (sizeof(spi_config) / sizeof(spi_config[0]))
/** @} */

 * @name    Radio peripheral configuration
 * @{
#define RADIO_IRQ_PRIO      1
/** @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern "C" */

#endif /* PERIPH_CONF_H */
/** @} */