Makefile.include 665 Bytes
# define the cpu used by the nRF52 DK
export CPU = nrf52
export CPU_MODEL = nrf52840xxaa

# set default port depending on operating system
PORT_LINUX ?= /dev/ttyACM0
PORT_DARWIN ?= $(firstword $(sort $(wildcard /dev/tty.usbmodem*)))

# setup JLink for flashing
export JLINK_DEVICE := nrf52

# special options when using SoftDevice
ifneq (,$(filter nordic_softdevice_ble,$(USEPKG)))
  export JLINK_PRE_FLASH := erase\nloadfile $(BINDIR)/softdevice.hex
  export FLASH_ADDR := 0x1f000
  export LINKER_SCRIPT ?= $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ldscripts/$(CPU_MODEL)_sd.ld
include $(RIOTMAKE)/tools/

# setup serial terminal
include $(RIOTMAKE)/tools/