lwmac_internal.h 10.5 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Krebs
 *               2016 INRIA
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @ingroup     net_gnrc_lwmac
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Interface definition for internal functions of LWMAC protocol
 * @author      Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
 * @author      Shuguo Zhuo  <shuguo.zhuo@inria.fr>


#include <stdint.h>

#include "periph/rtt.h"
#include "net/gnrc/netdev.h"
#include "net/gnrc/mac/types.h"
#include "net/gnrc/lwmac/types.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief   Flag to track if the sender can continue to transmit packet to
 *          the receiver in its TX procedure.
 * LWMAC supports burst transmission based on the pending-bit technique.
 * Namely, if the sender has multi packets for the same receiver, it can
 * successively transmit its packets back to back with this flag set up,
 * with the awareness that the receiver will also keep awake for receptions.
#define GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_TX_CONTINUE          (0x0008U)

 * @brief   Flag to track if the sender should quit Tx in current cycle.
 * This flag is mainly for collision avoidance. In case a node overhears
 * ongoing broadcast packets stream or other ongoing transmissions of
 * other communication pairs during its wake-up period, it sets up this
 * flag, which quits all its potential transmission attempts in this current
 * cycle (started by the wake-up period), thus not to collide with other
 * (neighbor) nodes' transmissions.
#define GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_TX              (0x0010U)

 * @brief   Flag to track if the device need to reselect a new wake-up phase.
 * This flag is mainly for potential collision avoidance. In multi-hop scenario,
 * it could be dangerous that a sender's wake-up phase is close to its receiver's,
 * which may lead to collisions when the sender is sending to the receiver while
 * the sender's son nodes are also sending to the sender. To avoid this, in case a
 * sender finds its phase close to its receiver's, it sets up this flag and then
 * randomly reselects a new wake-up phase.
#define GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_PHASE_BACKOFF        (0x0020U)

 * @brief   Flag to track if the device needs to quit the wake-up (listening) procedure.
 * LWMAC adopts an auto wake-up extension scheme. That is, normally, after each data
 * reception in the wake-up period, it extends the wake-up period to another basic
 * duration, thus to receive more potential incoming packets, which is also correlated to
 * the pending-bit transmission scheme to support burst transmissions to boost throughput.
 * However, in some situations, like receiving broadcast (stream) packet, the receiver
 * should immediately goto sleep (by setting up this flag) after one reception, thus not
 * to receive duplicate broadcast packets.
#define GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_RX              (0x0040U)

 * @brief Type to pass information about parsing.
typedef struct {
    gnrc_lwmac_hdr_t *header;      /**< LWMAC header of packet */
    gnrc_lwmac_l2_addr_t src_addr; /**< copied source address of packet  */
    gnrc_lwmac_l2_addr_t dst_addr; /**< copied destination address of packet */
} gnrc_lwmac_packet_info_t;

 * @brief Next RTT event must be at least this far in the future.
 * When setting an RTT alarm to short in the future it could be possible that
 * the counter already passed the calculated alarm before it could be set.

 * @brief set the TX-continue flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] tx_continue  value for LWMAC tx-continue flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_tx_continue(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool tx_continue)
    if (tx_continue) {
        dev->mac_info |= GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_TX_CONTINUE;
    else {
        dev->mac_info &= ~GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_TX_CONTINUE;

 * @brief get the TX-continue flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if tx continue
 * @return                 false if tx will continue
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_tx_continue(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->mac_info & GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_TX_CONTINUE);

 * @brief set the quit-TX flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] quit_tx      value for LWMAC quit-TX flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_quit_tx(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool quit_tx)
    if (quit_tx) {
        dev->mac_info |= GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_TX;
    else {
        dev->mac_info &= ~GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_TX;

 * @brief get the quit-TX flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if quit tx
 * @return                 false if will not quit tx
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_quit_tx(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->mac_info & GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_TX);

 * @brief set the phase-backoff flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] backoff      value for LWMAC phase-backoff flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_phase_backoff(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool backoff)
    if (backoff) {
        dev->mac_info |= GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_PHASE_BACKOFF;
    else {
        dev->mac_info &= ~GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_PHASE_BACKOFF;

 * @brief get the phase-backoff of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if will run phase-backoff
 * @return                 false if will not run phase-backoff
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_phase_backoff(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->mac_info & GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_PHASE_BACKOFF);

 * @brief set the quit-RX flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] quit_rx      value for LWMAC quit-Rx flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_quit_rx(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool quit_rx)
    if (quit_rx) {
        dev->mac_info |= GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_RX;
    else {
        dev->mac_info &= ~GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_RX;

 * @brief get the quit-RX flag of the device
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if will quit rx
 * @return                 false if will not quit rx
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_quit_rx(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->mac_info & GNRC_NETDEV_LWMAC_QUIT_RX);

 * @brief set the duty-cycle-active flag of LWMAC
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] active       value for LWMAC duty-cycle-active flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_dutycycle_active(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool active)
    if (active) {
        dev->lwmac.lwmac_info |= GNRC_LWMAC_DUTYCYCLE_ACTIVE;
    else {
        dev->lwmac.lwmac_info &= ~GNRC_LWMAC_DUTYCYCLE_ACTIVE;

 * @brief get the duty-cycle-active flag of LWMAC
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if active
 * @return                 false if not active
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_dutycycle_active(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->lwmac.lwmac_info & GNRC_LWMAC_DUTYCYCLE_ACTIVE);

 * @brief set the needs-rescheduling flag of LWMAC
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @param[in] reschedule   value for LWMAC needs-rescheduling flag
static inline void gnrc_netdev_lwmac_set_reschedule(gnrc_netdev_t *dev, bool reschedule)
    if (reschedule) {
        dev->lwmac.lwmac_info |= GNRC_LWMAC_NEEDS_RESCHEDULE;
    else {
        dev->lwmac.lwmac_info &= ~GNRC_LWMAC_NEEDS_RESCHEDULE;

 * @brief get the needs-rescheduling flag of LWMAC
 * @param[in] dev          ptr to netdev device
 * @return                 true if needs rescheduling
 * @return                 false if no need for rescheduling
static inline bool gnrc_netdev_lwmac_get_reschedule(gnrc_netdev_t *dev)
    return (dev->lwmac.lwmac_info & GNRC_LWMAC_NEEDS_RESCHEDULE);

 * @brief Parse an incoming packet and extract important information.
 *        Copies addresses into @p info, but header points inside @p pkt.
 * @param[in]   pkt             packet that will be parsed
 * @param[out]  info            structure that will hold parsed information
 * @return                      0 if correctly parsed
 * @return                      <0 on error
int _gnrc_lwmac_parse_packet(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, gnrc_lwmac_packet_info_t *info);

 * @brief Shortcut to get the state of netdev.
 * @param[in]   gnrc_netdev    gnrc_netdev structure
 * @return                     state of netdev
netopt_state_t _gnrc_lwmac_get_netdev_state(gnrc_netdev_t *gnrc_netdev);

 * @brief Shortcut to set the state of netdev
 * @param[in]   gnrc_netdev    gnrc_netdev structure
 * @param[in]   devstate       new state for netdev
void _gnrc_lwmac_set_netdev_state(gnrc_netdev_t *gnrc_netdev, netopt_state_t devstate);

 * @brief Convert RTT ticks to device phase
 * @param[in]   ticks    RTT ticks
 * @return               device phase
static inline uint32_t _gnrc_lwmac_ticks_to_phase(uint32_t ticks)


 * @brief Get device's current phase
 * @return               device phase
static inline uint32_t _gnrc_lwmac_phase_now(void)
    return _gnrc_lwmac_ticks_to_phase(rtt_get_counter());

 * @brief Calculate how many ticks remaining to the targeted phase in the future
 * @param[in]   phase    device phase
 * @return               RTT ticks
static inline uint32_t _gnrc_lwmac_ticks_until_phase(uint32_t phase)
    long int tmp = phase - _gnrc_lwmac_phase_now();

    if (tmp < 0) {
        /* Phase in next interval */

    return (uint32_t)tmp;

 * @brief Store the received packet to the dispatch buffer and remove possible
 *        duplicate packets.
 * @param[in,out]   buffer      RX dispatch packet buffer
 * @param[in]       pkt         received packet
 * @return                      0 if correctly stored
 * @return                      <0 on error
int _gnrc_lwmac_dispatch_defer(gnrc_pktsnip_t * buffer[], gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* LWMAC_INTERNAL_H */
/** @} */