2.65 KB


This application provides command line access to gcoap, a high-level API for CoAP messaging. See the CoAP spec for background, and the Modules>Networking>CoAP topic in the source documentation for detailed usage instructions and implementation notes.

We support two setup options for this example:

Native networking

Build with the standard Makefile. Follow the setup instructions for the gnrc_networking example.

SLIP-based border router

Build with Makefile.slip. Follow the setup instructions in, which are based on the SLIP instructions for the gnrc_border_router example. We also plan to provide or reference the ethos/UHCP instructions, but we don't have it working yet.

Example Use

This example uses gcoap as a server on RIOT native. Then we send a request from a libcoap example client on the Linux host.

Verify setup from RIOT terminal

> coap info

Expected response:

CoAP server is listening on port 5683
 CLI requests sent: 0
CoAP open requests: 0

Query from libcoap example client

gcoap does not provide any output to the CoAP terminal when it handles a request. We recommend use of Wireshark to see the request and response. You also can add some debug output in the endpoint function callback.

./coap-client -N -m get -p 5683 coap://[fe80::1843:8eff:fe40:4eaa%tap0]/.well-known/core

Example response:

v:1 t:NON c:GET i:0daa {} [ ]

The response shows the endpoint registered by the gcoap CLI example.

Send query to libcoap example server

Start the libcoap example server with the command below.


Enter the query below in the RIOT CLI.

> coap get fe80::d8b8:65ff:feee:121b 5683 /.well-known/core

CLI output:

gcoap_cli: sending msg ID 743, 75 bytes
> gcoap: response Success, code 2.05, 105 bytes
</>;title="General Info";ct=0,</time>;if="clock";rt="Ticks";title="Internal Clock";ct=0;obs,</async>;ct=0

Other available CoAP implementations and applications

RIOT also provides package imports and test applications for other CoAP implementations: