isotp.h 5.81 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2016 OTA keys S.A.
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @ingroup    sys_can_conn
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Definitions of generic CAN interface
 * @author      Vincent Dupont <>


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "can/can.h"
#include "can/isotp.h"
#include "mbox.h"

#if defined(MODULE_CONN_CAN_ISOTP_MULTI) || defined(DOXYGEN)
#include "mutex.h"

 * @brief Mailbox size of a conn_can_isotp_t

 * @brief ISO-TP connection
 * When conn_can_isotp_multi module is used, this is a 'master' connection
 * which can be used to send and receive with multiple connections within
 * a single thread.
 * If conn_can_isotp_multi is not used, this is a simple ISO-TP connection
typedef struct conn_can_isotp_master conn_can_isotp_t;

 * @brief ISO-TP salve connection
 * This is a slave connection which exists only when conn_can_isotp_multi
 * module is used.
typedef struct conn_can_isotp_slave {
    struct conn_can_isotp_slave *next;     /**< Next slave in the list */
    struct conn_can_isotp_master *master;  /**< Master connection holding the mailbox */
    struct isotp isotp;                    /**< ISO-TP parameters and status */
    int ifnum;                             /**< interface number */
    int bound;                             /**< 1 if connection is bound */
    can_rx_data_t *rx;                     /**< Buffered rx data */
} conn_can_isotp_slave_t;

 * @brief ISO-TP master connection
struct conn_can_isotp_master {
    /* slave fields */
    struct conn_can_isotp_slave *next;     /**< First slave in the list */
    struct conn_can_isotp_master *master;  /**< Master connection */
    struct isotp isotp;                    /**< ISO-TP parameters and status */
    int ifnum;                             /**< interface number */
    int bound;                             /**< 1 if connection is bound */
    can_rx_data_t *rx;                     /**< Buffered rx data */
    /* slave fields end */
    mutex_t lock;                          /**< Master lock */
    mbox_t mbox;                           /**< mailbox for the connection list */
    /** Connection list message queue */
    msg_t mbox_queue[CONN_CAN_ISOTP_MBOX_SIZE];

 * @brief Initialize a slave connection
 * This initializes a slave connection.
 * This must be called on slave connections when conn_can_isotp_multi is used.
 * Does not exist otherwise.
 * @param[in]    master     the master connection
 * @param[inout] slave      the slave connection to initialize
static inline void conn_can_isotp_init_slave(conn_can_isotp_t *master, conn_can_isotp_slave_t *slave)
    slave->next = NULL;
    slave->master = master;
    slave->rx = NULL;

 * @brief Mailbox size of a conn_can_isotp_t

 * @brief   ISOTP connection
typedef struct conn_can_isotp {
    struct isotp isotp;  /**< ISO-TP connection */
    int ifnum;           /**< interface number */
    int bound;           /**< 1 if connection is bound */
    mbox_t mbox;         /**< mbox */
    /** message queue */
    msg_t mbox_queue[CONN_CAN_ISOTP_MBOX_SIZE];
} conn_can_isotp_t;

 * @brief  Create can isotp connection socket
 * @param[inout] conn       ISO-TP connection
 * @param[in] options       ISO-TP options
 * @param[in] ifnum         can device Interface
 * @return 0 if socket was successfully connected
 * @return any other negative number in case of an error
int conn_can_isotp_create(conn_can_isotp_t *conn, struct isotp_options *options, int ifnum);

 * @brief Bind a can isotp connection
 * @param[inout] conn       ISO-TP connection
 * @return 0 on success
 * @return any other negative number in case of an error
int conn_can_isotp_bind(conn_can_isotp_t *conn);

 * @brief  Close can isotp connection socket
 * @param[in] conn          ISO-TP connection
 * @return 0 if conn is closed correctly
 * @return any other negative number in case of an error
int conn_can_isotp_close(conn_can_isotp_t *conn);

 *  @brief  Receive isotp data
 * @param[in] conn          ISO-TP connection
 * @param[out] buf          buf to fill in with received data
 * @param[in] size          size of the buffer in bytes
 * @param[in] timeout       timeout in us, 0 for infinite
 * @return the number of bytes received
 * @return any other negative number in case of an error
int conn_can_isotp_recv(conn_can_isotp_t *conn, void *buf, size_t size, uint32_t timeout);

 * @brief  Generic can send
 * @param[in] conn          ISO-TP connection
 * @param[in] buf           data to send
 * @param[in] size          size of the buffer in bytes
 * @param[in] flags         make function blocked or not
 *                          (CAN_ISOTP_TX_DONT_WAIT to ignore tx confirmation)
 * @return the number of bytes sent
 * @return any other negative number in case of an error
int conn_can_isotp_send(conn_can_isotp_t *conn, const void *buf, size_t size, int flags);

#if defined(MODULE_CONN_CAN_ISOTP_MULTI) || defined(DOXYGEN)
 * @brief Wait for reception from multiple connections
 * @param[out] conn        ISO-TP connection which received data
 * @param[in] master       the master connection
 * @param[in] timeout      timeout in us, 0 for infinite wait
 * @return 0 if OK, < 0 if error
int conn_can_isotp_select(conn_can_isotp_slave_t **conn, conn_can_isotp_t *master, uint32_t timeout);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* CAN_CONN_ISOTP_H */
/** @} */