adxl345.h 7.61 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Mesotic SAS
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @defgroup    drivers_adxl345 ADXL345 3-Axis accelerometer
 * @ingroup     drivers_sensors
 * @brief       Device driver interface for the ADXL345
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Interface definition for the ADXL345
 * @author     Dylan Laduranty <>

#ifndef ADXL345_H
#define ADXL345_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "periph/i2c.h"
#include "periph/gpio.h"

 * @brief   Possible ADXL345 hardware addresses (wiring specific)
enum {
    ADXL345_ADDR_1D = 0x1D, /**< I2C device address if Alt addr pin is high */
    ADXL345_ADDR_53 = 0x53, /**< I2C device address if Alt addr pin is low */

 * @brief   List ADXL345 power mode
enum {

 * @brief   Define ADXL345 sensitivity
enum {
    ADXL345_RANGE_2G    = 1,     /**< +/- 2 g Full Scale Rang */
    ADXL345_RANGE_4G    = 2,     /**< +/- 4 g Full Scale Rang */
    ADXL345_RANGE_8G    = 4,     /**< +/- 8 g Full Scale Rang */
    ADXL345_RANGE_16G   = 8      /**< +/- 16 g Full Scale Rang */

 * @brief   List bandwidth rate
enum {
    ADXL345_RATE_0HZ1   = 0,   /**< 0.1 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_0HZ2   = 1,   /**< 0.2 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_0HZ39  = 2,   /**< 0.39 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_0HZ78  = 3,   /**< 0.78 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_1HZ56  = 4,   /**< 1.56 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_3HZ13  = 5,   /**< 3.13 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_6HZ25  = 6,   /**< 6.25 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_12HZ50 = 7,   /**< 12.5 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_25HZ   = 8,   /**< 25 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_50HZ   = 9,   /**< 50 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_100HZ  = 10,  /**< 100 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_200HZ  = 11,  /**< 200 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_400HZ  = 12,  /**< 400 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_800HZ  = 13,  /**< 800 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_1600HZ = 14,  /**< 1600 Hz Output Data Rate */
    ADXL345_RATE_3200HZ = 15   /**< 3200 Hz Output Data Rate */

 * @brief   List fifo mode
enum {
    BYPASS  = 0,          /**< FIFO bypass mode */
    FIFO    = 1,          /**< FIFO mode */
    STREAM  = 2,          /**< FIFO stream mode */
    TRIGGER = 3           /**< FIFO trigger mode */

 * @brief   Output Interrupt selection
enum {
    INT1,  /**< Output interrupt on INT1 pin */
    INT2   /**< Output interrupt on INT2 pin */

 * @brief   Named return values
enum {
    ADXL345_OK          =  0,       /**< everything was fine */
    ADXL345_DATA_READY  =  1,       /**< new data ready to be read */
    ADXL345_NOI2C       = -1,       /**< I2C communication failed */
    ADXL345_NODEV       = -2,       /**< no ADXL345 device found on the bus */
    ADXL345_NODATA      = -3        /**< no data available */

 * @brief   ADXL345 result vector struct
typedef struct {
    int16_t x;             /**< X-Axis measurement result */
    int16_t y;             /**< Y-Axis measurement result */
    int16_t z;             /**< Z-Axis measurement result */
} adxl345_data_t;

 * @brief   Interrupt configuration struct for the ADXL345 sensor
typedef struct {
    uint8_t source;       /**< Source of interrupts */
    uint8_t map;          /**< Interrupt mapping control */
    uint8_t enable;       /**< Interrupt enable control */
    uint8_t thres_tap;    /**< Tap threshold */
    uint8_t thres_dur;    /**< Tap duration */
    uint8_t thres_latent; /**< Tap latency */
    uint8_t thres_window; /**< Tap window */
    uint8_t thres_act;    /**< Activity threshold */
    uint8_t thres_inact;  /**< Inactivity threshold */
    uint8_t time_inact;   /**< Inactivity time */
    uint8_t thres_ff;     /**< Free-fall threshold */
    uint8_t time_ff;      /**< Time threshold */
    uint8_t act_inact;    /**< Enable ctrl for activity/inactivity detection */
    uint8_t tap_axes;     /**< Axis control for single tap/double tap */
} adxl345_interrupt_t;

 * @brief   Configuration struct for the ADXL345 sensor
typedef struct {
    gpio_t int1;              /**< accelerometer int1 pin */
    gpio_t int2;              /**< accelerometer int2 pin */
    uint8_t offset[3];        /**< offset axis */
    uint8_t range;            /**< Sensitivity configuration */
    uint8_t rate;             /**< Configured sample rate for accel  */
    uint8_t full_res;         /**< Resolution bit */
} adxl345_params_t;

 * @brief   Device descriptor for the ADXL345 sensor
typedef struct {
    i2c_t i2c;                      /**< I2C device which is used */
    uint8_t addr;                   /**< I2C address */
    adxl345_params_t *params;       /**< Device configuration */
    adxl345_interrupt_t interrupt;  /**< Interrupts configuration  */
    float scale_factor;             /**< Scale factor for converting value to mg */
} adxl345_t;

 * @brief   Initialize the ADXL345 accelerometer driver.
 * @param[out] dev          device descriptor of accelerometer to initialize
 * @param[in]  params       configuration parameters
 * @return                  ADXL345_OK on success
 * @return                  ADXL345_NOI2C if initialization of I2C bus failed
 * @return                  ADXL345_NODEV if accelerometer test failed
int adxl345_init(adxl345_t *dev, const adxl345_params_t* params);
 * @brief   Read accelerometer's data
 * Acceleration will be calculated as:<br>
 *     \f$ accel = {value \times 3.9} \f$ if full scale is set to 2g<br>
 *     \f$ accel = {value \times 7.8} \f$ if full scale is set to 4g<br>
 *     \f$ accel = {value \times 15.6} \f$ if full scale is set to 8g<br>
 *     \f$ accel = {value \times 31.2} \f$ if full scale is set to 16g<br>
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
 * @param[out] data         the current acceleration data [in mg]
void adxl345_read(const adxl345_t *dev, adxl345_data_t *data);

 * @brief   set ADXL345's interrupts configuration
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
void adxl345_set_interrupt(const adxl345_t *dev);

 * @brief   set ADXL345's measure mode
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
void adxl345_set_measure(const adxl345_t *dev);

 * @brief   Set standby mode
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
void adxl345_set_standby(const adxl345_t *dev);

 * @brief   Set sleep mode
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
void adxl345_set_sleep(const adxl345_t *dev);

 * @brief   Set autosleep mode
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
void adxl345_set_autosleep(const adxl345_t *dev);

 * @brief   Set bandwidth rate
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
 * @param[in]  bw_rate      new datarate
void adxl345_set_bandwidth_rate(const adxl345_t *dev, uint8_t bw_rate);

 * @brief   Set fifo mode with its configuration.
 * @param[in]  dev          device descriptor of accelerometer
 * @param[in]  mode         fifo mode configuration
 * @param[in]  output       set trigger output
 * @param[in]  value        set trigger's value
void adxl345_set_fifo_mode(const adxl345_t *dev, uint8_t mode,
                           uint8_t output, uint8_t value);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* ADXL345_H */
/** @} */