mtd_spi_nor.h 4.63 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Eistec AB
 *               2017 OTA keys S.A.
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @defgroup    drivers_mtd_spi_nor Serial NOR flash
 * @ingroup     drivers_storage
 * @brief       Driver for serial NOR flash memory technology devices attached via SPI
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief       Interface definition for the serial flash memory driver
 * @author      Joakim Nohlgård <>
 * @author      Vincent Dupont <>

#ifndef MTD_SPI_NOR_H
#define MTD_SPI_NOR_H

#include <stdint.h>

#include "periph_conf.h"
#include "periph/spi.h"
#include "periph/gpio.h"
#include "mtd.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

 * @brief   SPI NOR flash opcode table
typedef struct {
    uint8_t rdid;            /**< Read identification (JEDEC ID) */
    uint8_t wren;            /**< Write enable */
    uint8_t rdsr;            /**< Read status register */
    uint8_t wrsr;            /**< Write status register */
    uint8_t read;            /**< Read data bytes, 3 byte address */
    uint8_t read_fast;       /**< Read data bytes, 3 byte address, at higher speed */
    uint8_t page_program;    /**< Page program */
    uint8_t sector_erase;    /**< Block erase 4 KiB */
    uint8_t block_erase_32k; /**< 32KiB block erase */
    uint8_t block_erase;     /**< Block erase (usually 64 KiB) */
    uint8_t chip_erase;      /**< Chip erase */
    uint8_t sleep;           /**< Deep power down */
    uint8_t wake;            /**< Release from deep power down */
    /* TODO: enter 4 byte address mode for large memories */
} mtd_spi_nor_opcode_t;

 * @brief   Internal representation of JEDEC memory ID codes.
 * @see
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint8_t bank;      /**< Manufacturer ID bank number, 1 through 10, see JEP106 */
    uint8_t manuf;     /**< Manufacturer ID, 1 byte */
    uint8_t device[2]; /**< Device ID, 2 bytes */
} mtd_jedec_id_t;

 * @brief   Byte to signal increment bank number when reading manufacturer ID
 * @see
#define JEDEC_NEXT_BANK (0x7f)

 * @brief   Flag to set when the device support 4KiB sector erase (sector_erase opcode)
#define SPI_NOR_F_SECT_4K   (1)
 * @brief   Flag to set when the device support 32KiB block erase (block_erase_32k opcode)
#define SPI_NOR_F_SECT_32K  (2)

 * @brief   Device descriptor for serial flash memory devices
 * This is an extension of the @c mtd_dev_t struct
typedef struct {
    mtd_dev_t base;          /**< inherit from mtd_dev_t object */
    const mtd_spi_nor_opcode_t *opcode; /**< Opcode table for the device */
    spi_t spi;               /**< SPI bus the device is connected to */
    gpio_t cs;               /**< CS pin GPIO handle */
    spi_mode_t mode;         /**< SPI mode */
    spi_clk_t clk;           /**< SPI clock */
    uint16_t flag;           /**< Config flags */
    mtd_jedec_id_t jedec_id; /**< JEDEC ID of the chip */
     * @brief   bitmask to corresponding to the page address
     * Computed by mtd_spi_nor_init, no need to touch outside the driver.
    uint32_t page_addr_mask;
     * @brief   bitmask to corresponding to the sector address
     * Computed by mtd_spi_nor_init, no need to touch outside the driver.
    uint32_t sec_addr_mask;
    uint8_t addr_width;      /**< Number of bytes in addresses, usually 3 for small devices */
     * @brief   number of right shifts to get the address to the start of the page
     * Computed by mtd_spi_nor_init, no need to touch outside the driver.
    uint8_t page_addr_shift;
     * @brief   number of right shifts to get the address to the start of the sector
     * Computed by mtd_spi_nor_init, no need to touch outside the driver.
    uint8_t sec_addr_shift;
} mtd_spi_nor_t;

 * @brief   NOR flash SPI MTD device operations table
extern const mtd_desc_t mtd_spi_nor_driver;

/* Available opcode tables for known devices */
/* Defined in mtd_spi_nor_configs.c */
 * @brief   Default command opcodes
 * The numbers were taken from Micron M25P16, but the same opcodes can
 * be found in Macronix MX25L25735E, and multiple other data sheets for
 * different devices, as well as in the Linux kernel, so they seem quite
 * sensible for default values. */
extern const mtd_spi_nor_opcode_t mtd_spi_nor_opcode_default;

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* MTD_SPI_NOR_H */
/** @} */