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Creating a SLIP network interface

The module slipdev (Serial line IP) enables the RIOT network stack to communicate IP packets over the serial interface. This collection of tools originally from Contiki [1] enables Linux to interpret this data. Though there is a tool for such operations on Linux (slattach) it is only able to handle IPv4 packages and is unnecessarily complicated.


Just install them using

sudo make install

By default they are installed to the /usr/local/bin directory, you can however change that by setting the PREFIX environment variable

export PREFIX=${HOME}/.local
sudo make install


tapslip6 allows you to open a TAP interface (includes link-layer data) for a serial interace handling IPv6 data, tunslip allows you to open a TUN interface (includes only network-layer data) for a serial interace handling IPv4 data, and tunslip6 allows you to open a TUN interface (includes only network-layer data) for a serial interace handling IPv6 data.

For more information use the help feature of the tools

tapslip -h
tunslip -h
tunslip6 -h
