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Test description

This test starts a server using GNRC TCP. The test is intended to work with gnrc_tcp_client.

On startup the server assigns a given IP-Address to its network interface and opens a given port number waiting for a client to connect to this port. As soon as a client connects the server expects to receive 2048 byte containing a sequence of a test pattern (0xF0).

After successful verification, the server sends 2048 byte with a test pattern (0xA7) to the peer. After successful transmission the connection termination sequence is initiated.

The test sequence above runs a configurable amount of times.

Usage (native)

Build and run test: make clean all term

Build and run test, user specified local address: make clean all term TCP_LOCAL_ADDR=

Build and run test, user specified local port: make clean all term TCP_LOCAL_PORT=

Build and run test, user specified amount of test cycles: make clean all term TCP_TEST_CYLES=

Build and run test, fully specified: make clean all term TCP_LOCAL_ADDR= TCP_LOCAL_PORT= TCP_TEST_CYLES=