nd.h 8.15 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Martine Lenders <mlenders@inf.fu-berlin.de>
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @defgroup    net_sixlowpan_nd    6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery
 * @ingroup     net_sixlowpan
 * @brief       Message types and helper functions for Neighbor Discovery Optimization for 6LoWPAN
 *              (6LoWPAN-ND)
 * @see         [RFC 6775, section 4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4)
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief   Message type and helper function definitions for 6LoWPAN-ND
 * @author  Martine Lenders <mlenders@inf.fu-berlin.de>

#include <stdint.h>

#include "byteorder.h"
#include "net/eui64.h"
#include "net/ipv6/addr.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @{
 * @name    Lengths for fixed length options
 * @note    Options don't use bytes as their length unit, but 8 bytes.
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_AR_LEN                 (2U)
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_ABR_LEN                (3U)
 * @}

 * @{
 * @name    Authoritative border router option constants
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.3)
 * @brief   Valid lifetime (in minutes) assumed if sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_t::ltime
 *          is 0.

 * @{
 * @name    Status values for address registration option and DARs
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.1)
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_STATUS_SUCCESS             (0) /**< success */
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_STATUS_DUP                 (1) /**< duplicate address */
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_STATUS_NC_FULL             (2) /**< neighbor cache full */
 * @}

 * @{
 * @name    Flags for 6LoWPAN context option
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_MASK        (0x1f)
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_C           (0x10)  /**< valid for compression */
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_CID_MASK    (0x0f)  /**< mask for CID */
 * @}

 * @name    6LoWPAN border router constants
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 9](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-9)
 * @{
/** @} */

 * @name    6LoWPAN router constants
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 9](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-9)
 * @{
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_MAX_RA_NUMOF               (3U)        /**< MAX_RTR_ADVERTISEMENTS */
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_MAX_RA_MS_DELAY            (2000U)     /**< MAX_RA_DELAY_TIME (in ms) */
/** @} */

 * @name    Router constants
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 9](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-9)
 * @{
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_MULTIHOP_HL                (64U)       /**< MULTIHOP_HOPLIMIT */
/** @} */

 * @name    Host constants
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 9](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-9)
 * @{
 * @brief   RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL (in msec)
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_RS_MSEC_INTERVAL           (10000U)
#define SIXLOWPAN_ND_MAX_RS_NUMOF               (3U)        /**< MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS */
 * @brief   MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS_INTERVAL (in seconds)
/** @} */

 * @brief   Duplicate address request and confirmation message format.
 * @extends icmpv6_hdr_t
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.4)
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint8_t type;           /**< message type */
    uint8_t code;           /**< message code */
    network_uint16_t csum;  /**< checksum */
    uint8_t status;         /**< indicates registration status in DAC; must be 0 in DAR. */
    uint8_t resv;           /**< reserved field */
    network_uint16_t ltime; /**< registration lifetime */
    eui64_t eui64;          /**< EUI-64 */
    ipv6_addr_t addr;       /**< registered address */
} sixlowpan_nd_da_t;

 * @brief   Address registration option format
 * @extends ndp_opt_t
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.1)
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint8_t type;           /**< option type */
    uint8_t len;            /**< length in units of 8 octets */
    uint8_t status;         /**< indicates registration status in NA response;
                             *   must be 0 in NS messages */
    uint8_t resv[3];        /**< reserved fields */
    network_uint16_t ltime; /**< registration lifetime */
    eui64_t eui64;          /**< EUI-64 */
} sixlowpan_nd_opt_ar_t;

 * @brief   6LoWPAN context option format
 * @extends ndp_opt_t
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.2)
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint8_t type;           /**< option type */
    uint8_t len;            /**< length in units of 8 octets */
    uint8_t ctx_len;        /**< context length */
    uint8_t resv_c_cid;     /**< 3-bit reserved, 1-bit c flag, 4 bit CID */
    network_uint16_t resv;  /**< reserved field */
    network_uint16_t ltime; /**< valid lifetime */
} sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_t;

 * @brief   Authoritative border router option format
 * @extends ndp_opt_t
 * @see     [RFC 6775, section 4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6775#section-4.3)
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint8_t type;           /**< option type */
    uint8_t len;            /**< length in units of 8 octets */
    network_uint16_t vlow;  /**< version low */
    network_uint16_t vhigh; /**< version high */
    network_uint16_t ltime; /**< valid lifetime */
    ipv6_addr_t braddr;     /**< 6LoWPAN border router address */
} sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_t;

 * @brief   Checks if a 6LoWPAN context in an 6LoWPAN context option is
 *          valid for compression.
 * @param[in] ctx_opt   A 6LoWPAN context option.
 * @return  true, if C bit is set in @p ctx_opt.
 * @return  false, if C bit is unset in @p ctx_opt.
static inline bool sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_is_comp(const sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_t *ctx_opt)
    return (bool)(ctx_opt->resv_c_cid & SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_C);

 * @brief   Gets a CID (context identifier) from a 6LoWPAN context option.
 * @param[in] ctx_opt   A 6LoWPAN context option.
 * @return  The CID in the 6LoWPAN context option @p ctx_opt.
static inline uint8_t sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_get_cid(const sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_t *ctx_opt)
    return (ctx_opt->resv_c_cid & SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_CID_MASK);

 * @brief   Sets a CID (context identifier) for a 6LoWPAN context option.
 * @param[out] ctx_opt  A 6LoWPAN context option.
 * @param[in] cid       The CID for the 6LoWPAN context option.
static inline void sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_set_cid(sixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_t *ctx_opt, uint8_t cid)
    ctx_opt->resv_c_cid &= ~SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_CID_MASK;
    ctx_opt->resv_c_cid |= (SIXLOWPAN_ND_OPT_6CTX_FLAGS_CID_MASK & cid);

 * @brief   Gets the version in correct order from an Authoritative Border
 *          Router option
 * @param[in] abr_opt   An Authoritative Border Router option (ABRO).
 * @return  The version of the ABRO
static inline uint32_t sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_get_version(const sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_t *abr_opt)
    return ((uint32_t)byteorder_ntohs(abr_opt->vlow)) |
           (((uint32_t)byteorder_ntohs(abr_opt->vhigh)) << 16);

 * @brief   Sets the version of an Authoritative Border Router option
 * @param[in] abr_opt   An Authoritative Border Router option (ABRO).
 * @param[in] version   Version for the ABRO.
static inline void sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_set_version(sixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_t *abr_opt,
                                                    uint32_t version)
    abr_opt->vlow = byteorder_htons((uint16_t)(version & 0xffff));
    abr_opt->vhigh = byteorder_htons((uint16_t)(version >> 16));

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* NET_SIXLOWPAN_ND_H */
/** @} */