ccn-lite-riot.h 7.6 KB
 * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 INRIA
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.


 * @defgroup    pkg_ccnlite CCN-Lite stack
 * @ingroup     pkg
 * @ingroup     net
 * @brief       Provides a NDN implementation
 * This package provides the CCN-Lite stack as a port of NDN for RIOT.
 * @{

#include <unistd.h>
#include "kernel_types.h"
#include "arpa/inet.h"
#include "net/packet.h"
#include "net/ethernet/hdr.h"
#include "sys/socket.h"
#include "ccnl-defs.h"
#include "ccnl-core.h"
#include "ccnl-headers.h"
#include "net/gnrc/netreg.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Define the log level of the CCN-Lite stack
#include "log.h"

 * @name Dynamic memory allocation used in CCN-Lite
 * @{
#define ccnl_malloc(s)                  malloc(s)
#define ccnl_calloc(n,s)                calloc(n,s)
#define ccnl_realloc(p,s)               realloc(p,s)
#define ccnl_free(p)                    free(p)
 * @}

 * Closing an interface or socket from CCN-Lite
#define ccnl_close_socket(s)            close(s)

 * @name Log levels used by CCN-Lite debugging
 * @{
#define INFO    LOG_INFO
 * @}

 * @name CCN-Lite's debugging macros
 * @{
#define DEBUGMSG(LVL, ...) do {       \
        if ((LVL)>debug_level) break;   \
        LOG(LVL, __VA_ARGS__);   \
    } while (0)


#define DEBUGSTMT(LVL, ...) do { \
        if ((LVL)>debug_level) break; \
        __VA_ARGS__; \
     } while (0)

#define TRACEIN(...)                    do {} while(0)
#define TRACEOUT(...)                   do {} while(0)
 * @}

 * @brief Some macro definitions
 * @{
#define free_2ptr_list(a,b)     ccnl_free(a), ccnl_free(b)
#define free_3ptr_list(a,b,c)   ccnl_free(a), ccnl_free(b), ccnl_free(c)
#define free_4ptr_list(a,b,c,d) ccnl_free(a), ccnl_free(b), ccnl_free(c), ccnl_free(d);
#define free_5ptr_list(a,b,c,d,e) ccnl_free(a), ccnl_free(b), ccnl_free(c), ccnl_free(d), ccnl_free(e);
 * @}

 * Frees all memory directly and indirectly allocated for prefix information
#define free_prefix(p)  do{ if(p) \
                free_5ptr_list(p->bytes,p->comp,p->complen,p->chunknum,p); } while(0)

 * Constant string
#define CONSTSTR(s)                     s

 * Stack size for CCN-Lite event loop

 * Size of the message queue of CCN-Lite's event loop
#define CCNL_QUEUE_SIZE     (8)

 * @brief Data structure for interest packet
typedef struct {
    struct ccnl_prefix_s *prefix;   /**< requested prefix */
    unsigned char *buf;             /**< buffer to store the interest packet */
    size_t buflen;                  /**< size of the buffer */
} ccnl_interest_t;

 * Maximum string length for prefix representation
#define CCNL_PREFIX_BUFSIZE     (50)

 * Message type for signalling a timeout while waiting for a content chunk
#define CCNL_MSG_TIMEOUT        (0x1701)

 * Message type for advancing the ageing timer
#define CCNL_MSG_AGEING         (0x1702)

 * Maximum number of elements that can be cached
#define CCNL_CACHE_SIZE     (5)
#ifdef DOXYGEN

 * Struct holding CCN-Lite's central relay information
extern struct ccnl_relay_s ccnl_relay;

 * @brief Function pointer type for local producer function
typedef int (*ccnl_producer_func)(struct ccnl_relay_s *relay,
                                  struct ccnl_face_s *from,
                                  struct ccnl_pkt_s *pkt);

 * @brief Function pointer type for caching strategy function
typedef int (*ccnl_cache_strategy_func)(struct ccnl_relay_s *relay,
                                        struct ccnl_content_s *c);

 * @brief   Start the main CCN-Lite event-loop
 * @return  The PID of the event-loop's thread
kernel_pid_t ccnl_start(void);

 * @brief Opens a @ref net_gnrc_netif device for use with CCN-Lite
 * @param[in] if_pid        The pid of the @ref net_gnrc_netif device driver
 * @param[in] netreg_type   The @ref net_gnrc_nettype @p if_pid should be
 *                          configured to use
 * @return 0 on success,
 * @return -EINVAL if eventloop could not be registered for @p netreg_type
int ccnl_open_netif(kernel_pid_t if_pid, gnrc_nettype_t netreg_type);

 * @brief Sends out an Interest
 * @param[in] prefix    The name that is requested
 * @param[out] buf      Buffer to write the content chunk to
 * @param[in] buf_len   Size of @p buf
 * @return 0 on success
 * @return -1 on failure
int ccnl_send_interest(struct ccnl_prefix_s *prefix,
                       unsigned char *buf, size_t buf_len);

 * @brief Wait for incoming content chunk
 * @pre The thread has to register for CCNL_CONT_CHUNK in @ref net_gnrc_netreg
 *      first
 * @post The thread should unregister from @ref net_gnrc_netreg after this
 *       function returns
 * @param[out] buf      Buffer to stores the received content
 * @param[in]  buf_len  Size of @p buf
 * @param[in]  timeout  Maximum to wait for the chunk, set to a default value if 0
 * @return 0 if a content was received
 * @return -ETIMEDOUT if no chunk was received until timeout
int ccnl_wait_for_chunk(void *buf, size_t buf_len, uint64_t timeout);

 * @brief Add entry to the CCN-Lite FIB
 * @par[in] relay   Local relay struct
 * @par[in] pfx     Prefix of the FIB entry
 * @par[in] face    Face for the FIB entry
 * @return 0    on success
 * @return -1   on error
int ccnl_fib_add_entry(struct ccnl_relay_s *relay, struct ccnl_prefix_s *pfx,
                       struct ccnl_face_s *face);

 * @brief Remove entry from the CCN-Lite FIB
 * @par[in] relay   Local relay struct
 * @par[in] pfx     Prefix of the FIB entry, may be NULL
 * @par[in] face    Face for the FIB entry, may be NULL
 * @return 0    on success
 * @return -1   on error
int ccnl_fib_rem_entry(struct ccnl_relay_s *relay, struct ccnl_prefix_s *pfx, struct ccnl_face_s *face);

 * @brief Prints the current CCN-Lite FIB
 * @par[in] relay   Local relay struct
void ccnl_fib_show(struct ccnl_relay_s *relay);

 * @brief Set a local producer function
 * Setting a local producer function allows to generate content on the fly or
 * react otherwise on any kind of incoming interest.
 * @param[in] func  The function to be called first for any incoming interest
void ccnl_set_local_producer(ccnl_producer_func func);

 * @brief Set a function to control the caching strategy
 * The given function will be called if the cache is full and a new content
 * chunk arrives. It shall remove (at least) one entry from the cache.
 * If the return value of @p func is 0, the default caching strategy will be
 * applied by the CCN-lite stack. If the return value is 1, it is assumed that
 * (at least) one entry has been removed from the cache.
 * @param[in] func  The function to be called for an incoming content chunk if
 *                  the cache is full.
void ccnl_set_cache_strategy_remove(ccnl_cache_strategy_func func);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* CCN_LITE_RIOT_H */
/** @} */