csv_reader_V2.c 4.17 KB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Personne Personne;
struct Personne {int athId; int regId; int divId; char* lastName; char* firstName; char gender; int age; char* weight; char* height; int affiliateId; char* affiliateName; int overallScrore; int overallRank; int score18_1; char* scoreDisplay18_1; int rank18_1; int score18_2; char* scoreDisplay18_2; int rank18_2;int score18_2a; char* scoreDisplay18_2a; int rank18_2a;int score18_3; char* scoreDisplay18_3; int rank18_3;int score18_4; char* scoreDisplay18_4; int rank18_4;int score18_5; char* scoreDisplay18_5; int rank18_5; Personne* suivant};
typedef Personne* Liste;

    printf("Index nom prenom score");

    printf("athId nom prenom gender age taille poids score18.1 score18.2 score 18.2a score18.3 score18.4 score18.5");

affiche_top50(Personne P, int i)
    printf("%d %s %s %d", i , P.lastName, P.firstName, P.score);

affiche_recherche(Personne P)
    printf("%d %s %s %c %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d", P.athId, P.lastName, P.firstName, P.gender, P.age, P.height, P.weight, P.score18_1, P.score18_2, P.score18_2a, P.score18_3, P.score18_4, P.score18_5);

// Conditionals
const bool          IS_DEBUG            = true;

// Constants
const unsigned int  BUFFER_SIZE         = 2048;
const unsigned int  FIELD_SIZE          = 20;
const char          CSV_DELIMITERS[]    = ",";

// Globals
char**              CSV_HEADER_FIELDS;
unsigned int        CSV_NB_FIELDS;

void display_header()
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < CSV_NB_FIELDS; i++)
        printf("%d - %s\n", i, CSV_HEADER_FIELDS[i]);

void read_csv_header(char * header_line)
    int     line_length = strlen(header_line);
    int     nb_fields   = 0;
    char*   string_ptr  = header_line;

    // Count the occurrences of delimiters
    while (NULL != string_ptr)
        string_ptr = strpbrk(string_ptr, CSV_DELIMITERS);
        if (NULL != string_ptr)

    // Globals allocation
    CSV_NB_FIELDS       = nb_fields;
    CSV_HEADER_FIELDS   = malloc( nb_fields * sizeof(char*) );

    char* token         = strtok(header_line, CSV_DELIMITERS);                  // strtok init.

    // Re-read the line to get the header of the columns
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_fields; i++)
        CSV_HEADER_FIELDS[i] = malloc( FIELD_SIZE * sizeof(char) );             // alloc
        memset(CSV_HEADER_FIELDS[i], 0, FIELD_SIZE);                            // 0 init.
        strcpy(CSV_HEADER_FIELDS[i], token);                                    // copy field in the structure
        token = strtok(NULL, CSV_DELIMITERS);                                   // loop to get a new field label
       // printf("%s ", *token);
    if (IS_DEBUG) display_header();

void read_csv_file(const char * filename)
    FILE*   fp = fopen(filename, "r");
    char    buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    // Check if the file is really opened
    if (NULL == fp)
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file: %s\n", filename);

    // 1st row is a header with field descriptions
    fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fp);

    // Remaining rows are the entries
    while ( NULL != fgets(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, fp) )
        char*           token;
        unsigned int    i = 0;

        // strtok init.
        token = strtok(buffer, CSV_DELIMITERS);

        while (NULL != token)
            if (IS_DEBUG) printf("Field %d is %s\n", i++, token);

            // ...
            // you can strcpy the `token` string in your data structures
            // ...

            token = strtok(NULL, CSV_DELIMITERS);


void usage(const char * prog_name)
    printf("Usage is %s your_csv_file\n\n", prog_name);

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    printf("test \n");
    if (2 != argc)
        return 0;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < CSV_NB_FIELDS; i++)

    return 0;