README.jni 896 Bytes
The files in this directory compile JNI version of giac for Mac OS X
10.6 or 10.8. (Maybe other versions will also work, untested.) 10.6 is
preferred since if compiled under 10.8 the JNI cannot be used on earlier
Mac OS X versions.


  * Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.8 (either real or running in VirtualBox)
  * Xcode 3.2 (for 10.6) or a recent one (for 10.8)
  * Admin privileges for the current user


  * Enter "make" to compile the JNI version. You will be asked to give
    the admin password to install some dependencies into /usr/local.
  * The file libjavagiac.jnilib will be put in giac-1.1.0/src/.
  * You can do some testing by running "make test". You should see
    that the .jnilib file is a 18 MB bundle having no .dylib
    dependencies (i.e. libgmp, libgsl, libmpfr and libgettext are
    statically linked into it).


  * Bernard Parisse
  * Zoltan Kovacs