README.WIN 736 Bytes
Running xcas:
After unzipping xcas in a directory, click on
xcas.exe (english)
xcasfr.bat (french)
xcases.bat (spanish)
If you want to have print support you should install AsTeX, see
Once AsTeX installed, preview and print should work on windows NT. 
On windows 9x, you might need to edit the file
latex.bat with wordpad or notepad and remove the ^ before &latex2e

* Making a giac dll (Jean-Pierre Branchard)
make -f giac.dll
cp giac.dll /bin
ln -sf /bin/giac.dll /usr/local/lib
See also
Then you can compile giac applications using e.g. for Ginette
g++ -s -o ginette `gtk-config --cflags --libs` -lgiac