23 Mar, 2016
1 commit
Closes #3
06 Mar, 2015
1 commit
Not really a navbar toggle, just scrolls up. That would be a mess if it was a real one, I don't want't to go into it.
03 Mar, 2015
2 commits
01 Mar, 2015
2 commits
But it's so small that I commented it out.
Otherwise it overflowed. Not sure if I should use the logo or plain CREP
22 Feb, 2015
1 commit
20 Feb, 2015
3 commits
09 Nov, 2014
7 commits
07 Nov, 2014
12 commits
05 Nov, 2014
3 commits
31 Oct, 2014
4 commits
menu.php on the rails
topnavbarshould load properly connect.php
24 Oct, 2014
4 commits