Commit 95b03deea3d957c0e89320fca5dcba85a31e7e06

Authored by Jean Wasilewski
1 parent e38acf99

Connection to Mysql fixed

Showing 1 changed file with 1 additions and 1 deletions   Show diff stats
1 1 <div class="jumbotron">
2 2 <?php
3 3 require_once("creds.php");
4   - $link = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOSTNAME, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD)
  4 + $link = mysql_connect(__MYSQL_HOSTNAME__, __MYSQL_USER__, __MYSQL_PASSWORD__)
5 5 or die("Impossible de se connecter : " . mysql_error());
6 6 echo 'Connexion réussie';
7 7  
... ...