/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Eistec AB * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more * details. */ /** * @ingroup board_mulle * @{ * * @file * @name Peripheral MCU configuration for the Eistec Mulle * * @author Joakim NohlgÄrd <joakim.nohlgard@eistec.se> */ #ifndef MULLE_PERIPH_CONF_H_ #define MULLE_PERIPH_CONF_H_ #include "periph_cpu.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @name Clock system configuration * @{ */ #define KINETIS_CPU_USE_MCG 1 #define KINETIS_MCG_USE_ERC 1 #define KINETIS_MCG_USE_PLL 0 #define KINETIS_MCG_DCO_RANGE (96000000U) #define KINETIS_MCG_ERC_OSCILLATOR 0 #define KINETIS_MCG_ERC_FRDIV 0 #define KINETIS_MCG_ERC_RANGE 0 #define KINETIS_MCG_ERC_FREQ (32768U) /* Base clocks, used by SystemCoreClockUpdate */ /** Value of the external crystal or oscillator clock frequency in Hz */ #define CPU_XTAL_CLK_HZ 8000000u /** Value of the external 32k crystal or oscillator clock frequency in Hz */ #define CPU_XTAL32k_CLK_HZ 32768u /** Value of the slow internal oscillator clock frequency in Hz */ #define CPU_INT_SLOW_CLK_HZ 32768u /** Value of the fast internal oscillator clock frequency in Hz */ #define CPU_INT_FAST_CLK_HZ 4000000u /** Default System clock value */ #define DEFAULT_SYSTEM_CLOCK (CPU_XTAL32k_CLK_HZ * 2929u) /* bus clock for the peripherals */ #define CLOCK_BUSCLOCK (DEFAULT_SYSTEM_CLOCK / 2) /** @} */ /** * @name Timer configuration * @{ */ #define PIT_NUMOF (2U) #define PIT_CONFIG { \ { \ .prescaler_ch = 0, \ .count_ch = 1, \ }, \ { \ .prescaler_ch = 2, \ .count_ch = 3, \ }, \ } #define LPTMR_NUMOF (1U) #define LPTMR_CONFIG { \ { \ .dev = LPTMR0, \ .clk_gate = (uint32_t volatile *)BITBAND_REGADDR(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_LPTIMER_SHIFT), \ .index = 0, \ } \ } #define TIMER_NUMOF ((PIT_NUMOF) + (LPTMR_NUMOF)) #define PIT_BASECLOCK (CLOCK_BUSCLOCK) #define PIT_CLOCKGATE (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_PIT_SHIFT)) #define PIT_ISR_0 isr_pit1 #define PIT_ISR_1 isr_pit3 #define LPTMR_ISR_0 isr_lptmr0 /** @} */ /** * @name UART configuration * @{ */ #define UART_NUMOF (2U) #define UART_0_EN 1 #define UART_1_EN 1 #define UART_2_EN 0 #define UART_3_EN 0 #define UART_4_EN 0 #define UART_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO /* UART 0 device configuration */ #define UART_0_DEV UART1 #define UART_0_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_UART1_SHIFT) = 1) #define UART_0_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_UART1_SHIFT) = 0) #define UART_0_CLK (SystemSysClock) #define UART_0_IRQ_CHAN UART1_RX_TX_IRQn #define UART_0_ISR isr_uart1_status /* UART 0 pin configuration */ #define UART_0_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_SHIFT) = 1) #define UART_0_PORT PORTC #define UART_0_TX_PIN 4 #define UART_0_RX_PIN 3 /* Function number in pin multiplex, see K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, * section 10.3.1 K60 Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments */ #define UART_0_AF 3 #define UART_0_TX_PCR_MUX 3 #define UART_0_RX_PCR_MUX 3 /* UART 1 device configuration */ #define UART_1_DEV UART0 #define UART_1_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_UART0_SHIFT) = 1) #define UART_1_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_UART0_SHIFT) = 0) #define UART_1_CLK (SystemSysClock) #define UART_1_IRQ_CHAN UART0_RX_TX_IRQn #define UART_1_ISR isr_uart0_status /* UART 1 pin configuration */ #define UART_1_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_SHIFT) = 1) #define UART_1_PORT PORTA #define UART_1_TX_PIN 14 #define UART_1_RX_PIN 15 /* Function number in pin multiplex, see K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, * section 10.3.1 K60 Signal Multiplexing and Pin Assignments */ #define UART_1_AF 3 #define UART_1_TX_PCR_MUX 3 #define UART_1_RX_PCR_MUX 3 /** @} */ /** * @name ADC configuration * @{ */ static const adc_conf_t adc_config[] = { /* dev, pin, channel */ [ 0] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 26 }, /* internal: temperature sensor */ [ 1] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 27 }, /* internal: band gap */ [ 2] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 29 }, /* internal: V_REFSH */ [ 3] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 30 }, /* internal: V_REFSL */ [ 4] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 23 }, /* internal: DAC0 module output level */ [ 5] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 18 }, /* internal: VREF module output level */ [ 6] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 0 }, /* on board connection to Mulle Vbat/2 on PGA1_DP pin */ [ 7] = { ADC1, GPIO_UNDEF, 19 }, /* on board connection to Mulle Vchr/2 on PGA1_DM pin */ [ 8] = { ADC0, GPIO_UNDEF, 0 }, /* expansion port PGA0_DP pin */ [ 9] = { ADC0, GPIO_UNDEF, 19 }, /* expansion port PGA0_DM pin */ [10] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_A, 17), 17 }, /* expansion port PTA17 */ [11] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_B, 0), 8 }, /* expansion port PTB0 */ [12] = { ADC0, GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 0), 14 }, /* expansion port PTC0 */ [13] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 8), 4 }, /* expansion port PTC8 */ [14] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 9), 5 }, /* expansion port PTC9 */ [15] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 10), 6 }, /* expansion port PTC10 */ [16] = { ADC1, GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 11), 7 }, /* expansion port PTC11 */ }; #define ADC_NUMOF (sizeof(adc_config) / sizeof(adc_config[0])) /** @} */ /** * @name DAC configuration * @{ */ #define DAC_CONFIG { \ { DAC0, (uint32_t volatile *)BITBAND_REGADDR(SIM->SCGC2, SIM_SCGC2_DAC0_SHIFT) }, \ } #define DAC_NUMOF 1 /** @} */ /** * @name PWM configuration * @{ */ #define PWM_NUMOF (2U) #define PWM_0_EN 1 #define PWM_1_EN 1 #define PWM_MAX_CHANNELS 8 #define PWM_MAX_VALUE 0xffff /* PWM 0 device configuration */ #define PWM_0_DEV FTM0 #define PWM_0_CHANNELS 2 #define PWM_0_CLK (SystemBusClock) #define PWM_0_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_FTM0_SHIFT) = 1) #define PWM_0_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_FTM0_SHIFT) = 0) /* PWM 0 pin configuration */ #define PWM_0_CH0_GPIO GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 1) #define PWM_0_CH0_FTMCHAN 0 #define PWM_0_CH0_AF 4 #define PWM_0_CH1_GPIO GPIO_PIN(PORT_C, 2) #define PWM_0_CH1_FTMCHAN 1 #define PWM_0_CH1_AF 4 /* PWM 1 device configuration */ #define PWM_1_DEV FTM1 #define PWM_1_CHANNELS 2 #define PWM_1_CLK (SystemBusClock) #define PWM_1_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_FTM1_SHIFT) = 1) #define PWM_1_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_FTM1_SHIFT) = 0) /* PWM 1 pin configuration */ #define PWM_1_CH0_GPIO GPIO_PIN(PORT_A, 12) #define PWM_1_CH0_FTMCHAN 0 #define PWM_1_CH0_AF 3 #define PWM_1_CH1_GPIO GPIO_PIN(PORT_A, 13) #define PWM_1_CH1_FTMCHAN 1 #define PWM_1_CH1_AF 3 /** @} */ /** * @name SPI configuration * @{ */ #define SPI_NUMOF 3 #define SPI_0_EN 1 #define SPI_1_EN 1 #define SPI_2_EN 1 #define SPI_3_EN 0 #define SPI_4_EN 0 #define SPI_5_EN 0 #define SPI_6_EN 0 #define SPI_7_EN 0 #define MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(left, index, right) MULLE_PASTE_PARTS2(left, index, right) #define MULLE_PASTE_PARTS2(left, index, right) left##index##right /* SPI 0 device config */ /* SPI_0 (in RIOT) is mapped to SPI0, CTAS=0 in hardware */ #define SPI_0_INDEX 0 #define SPI_0_CTAS 0 #define SPI_0_DEV MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_0_INDEX, ) #define SPI_0_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI0_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_0_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI0_SHIFT) = 0) #define SPI_0_IRQ MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_0_INDEX, _IRQn) #define SPI_0_IRQ_HANDLER MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(isr_spi, SPI_0_INDEX, ) #define SPI_0_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO #define SPI_0_FREQ SystemBusClock /* SPI 0 pin configuration */ #define SPI_0_SCK_PORT PORTD #define SPI_0_SCK_PIN 1 #define SPI_0_SCK_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_0_SCK_AF 2 #define SPI_0_SIN_PORT PORTD #define SPI_0_SIN_PIN 3 #define SPI_0_SIN_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_0_SIN_AF 2 #define SPI_0_SOUT_PORT PORTD #define SPI_0_SOUT_PIN 2 #define SPI_0_SOUT_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_0_SOUT_AF 2 #define SPI_0_PCS0_PORT PORTD #define SPI_0_PCS0_PIN 0 #define SPI_0_PCS0_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_0_PCS0_AF 2 /* SPI chip select polarity */ #define SPI_0_PCS0_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_0_PCS1_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_0_PCS2_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_0_PCS3_ACTIVE_LOW 1 /* SPI 1 device config */ /* SPI_1 (in RIOT) is mapped to SPI1, CTAS=0 in hardware */ #define SPI_1_INDEX 1 #define SPI_1_CTAS 0 #define SPI_1_DEV MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_1_INDEX, ) #define SPI_1_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI1_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_1_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI1_SHIFT) = 0) #define SPI_1_IRQ MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_1_INDEX, _IRQn) #define SPI_1_IRQ_HANDLER MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(isr_spi, SPI_1_INDEX, ) #define SPI_1_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO #define SPI_1_FREQ SystemBusClock /* SPI 0 pin configuration */ #define SPI_1_SCK_PORT PORTE #define SPI_1_SCK_PIN 2 #define SPI_1_SCK_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_1_SCK_AF 2 #define SPI_1_SIN_PORT PORTE #define SPI_1_SIN_PIN 3 #define SPI_1_SIN_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_1_SIN_AF 2 #define SPI_1_SOUT_PORT PORTE #define SPI_1_SOUT_PIN 1 #define SPI_1_SOUT_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_1_SOUT_AF 2 #define SPI_1_PCS0_PORT PORTE #define SPI_1_PCS0_PIN 4 #define SPI_1_PCS0_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_1_PCS0_AF 2 /* SPI chip select polarity */ #define SPI_1_PCS0_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_1_PCS1_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_1_PCS2_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_1_PCS3_ACTIVE_LOW 1 /* SPI 2 device config */ /* SPI_2 (in RIOT) is mapped to SPI0, CTAS=1 in hardware */ #define SPI_2_INDEX 0 #define SPI_2_CTAS 1 #define SPI_2_DEV MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_2_INDEX, ) #define SPI_2_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI0_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_2_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_SPI0_SHIFT) = 0) #define SPI_2_IRQ MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(SPI, SPI_2_INDEX, _IRQn) /* #define SPI_2_IRQ_HANDLER MULLE_PASTE_PARTS(isr_spi, SPI_2_INDEX, ) */ #define SPI_2_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO #define SPI_2_FREQ SystemBusClock /* SPI 2 pin configuration, must be the same as the other RIOT device using this * hardware module */ #define SPI_2_SCK_PORT PORTD #define SPI_2_SCK_PIN 1 #define SPI_2_SCK_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_2_SCK_AF 2 #define SPI_2_SIN_PORT PORTD #define SPI_2_SIN_PIN 3 #define SPI_2_SIN_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_2_SIN_AF 2 #define SPI_2_SOUT_PORT PORTD #define SPI_2_SOUT_PIN 2 #define SPI_2_SOUT_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_2_SOUT_AF 2 #define SPI_2_PCS0_PORT PORTD #define SPI_2_PCS0_PIN 0 #define SPI_2_PCS0_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT) = 1) #define SPI_2_PCS0_AF 2 /* SPI chip select polarity */ #define SPI_2_PCS0_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_2_PCS1_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_2_PCS2_ACTIVE_LOW 1 #define SPI_2_PCS3_ACTIVE_LOW 1 /** * @name SPI delay timing configuration * @{ */ /* These values are necessary for communicating with the AT86RF212B when running * the MCU core at high clock frequencies. */ /* NB: The given values are the reciprocals of the time, in order to compute the * scalers using only integer math. */ #define SPI_0_TCSC_FREQ (5555555) /* It looks silly, but this is correct. 1/180e-9 */ #define SPI_0_TASC_FREQ (5454545) /* It looks silly, but this is correct. 1/183e-9 */ #define SPI_0_TDT_FREQ (4000000) /* 1/250e-9 */ /* SPI_1 timings */ #define SPI_1_TCSC_FREQ (0) #define SPI_1_TASC_FREQ (0) #define SPI_1_TDT_FREQ (0) /* SPI_2 timings */ #define SPI_2_TCSC_FREQ (0) #define SPI_2_TASC_FREQ (0) #define SPI_2_TDT_FREQ (0) /** @} */ /** @} */ /** * @name I2C configuration * @{ */ #define I2C_NUMOF (1U) #define I2C_CLK SystemBusClock #define I2C_0_EN 1 #define I2C_1_EN 0 #define I2C_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO /** * @name I2C baud rate configuration * @{ */ /* Low (10 kHz): MUL = 4, SCL divider = 2560, total: 10240 */ #define KINETIS_I2C_F_ICR_LOW (0x3D) #define KINETIS_I2C_F_MULT_LOW (2) /* Normal (100 kHz): MUL = 2, SCL divider = 240, total: 480 */ #define KINETIS_I2C_F_ICR_NORMAL (0x1F) #define KINETIS_I2C_F_MULT_NORMAL (1) /* Fast (400 kHz): MUL = 1, SCL divider = 128, total: 128 */ #define KINETIS_I2C_F_ICR_FAST (0x17) #define KINETIS_I2C_F_MULT_FAST (0) /* Fast plus (1000 kHz): MUL = 1, SCL divider = 48, total: 48 */ #define KINETIS_I2C_F_ICR_FAST_PLUS (0x10) #define KINETIS_I2C_F_MULT_FAST_PLUS (0) /** @} */ /* I2C 0 device configuration */ #define I2C_0_DEV I2C0 #define I2C_0_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_SHIFT) = 1) #define I2C_0_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC4, SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_SHIFT) = 0) #define I2C_0_IRQ I2C0_IRQn #define I2C_0_IRQ_HANDLER isr_i2c0 /* I2C 0 pin configuration */ #define I2C_0_PORT PORTB #define I2C_0_PORT_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC5, SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_SHIFT) = 1) #define I2C_0_PIN_AF 2 #define I2C_0_SDA_PIN 1 #define I2C_0_SCL_PIN 2 #define I2C_0_PORT_CFG (PORT_PCR_MUX(I2C_0_PIN_AF) | PORT_PCR_ODE_MASK) /** @} */ /** * @name GPIO configuration * @{ */ #define GPIO_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO /** @} */ /** * @name RTC configuration * @{ */ /* RIOT RTC implementation uses RTT for underlying timekeeper */ #define RTC_NUMOF (1U) /** @} */ /** * @name RTT configuration * @{ */ #define RTT_NUMOF (1U) #define RTT_IRQ_PRIO CPU_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIO #define RTT_IRQ RTC_IRQn #define RTT_ISR isr_rtc_alarm #define RTT_DEV RTC #define RTT_UNLOCK() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC6, SIM_SCGC6_RTC_SHIFT) = 1) #define RTT_MAX_VALUE (0xffffffff) #define RTT_FREQUENCY (1) /* in Hz */ /** * RTC module crystal load capacitance configuration bits. */ /* The crystal on the Mulle is designed for 12.5 pF load capacitance. According * to the data sheet, the K60 will have a 5 pF parasitic capacitance on the * XTAL32/EXTAL32 connection. The board traces might give some minor parasitic * capacitance as well. */ /* enable 6pF load capacitance, might need adjusting.. */ #define RTT_LOAD_CAP_BITS (RTC_CR_SC4P_MASK | RTC_CR_SC2P_MASK | RTC_CR_SC1P_MASK) /** @} */ /** * @name Random Number Generator configuration * @{ */ #define HWRNG_CLKEN() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC3, SIM_SCGC3_RNGA_SHIFT) = 1) #define HWRNG_CLKDIS() (BITBAND_REG32(SIM->SCGC3, SIM_SCGC3_RNGA_SHIFT) = 0) /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* MULLE_PERIPH_CONF_H_ */ /** @} */