// hw_timer.h - Defines and macros used when accessing the timer.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
//   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
//   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
//   are met:
//   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
//   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
//   documentation and/or other materials provided with the
//   distribution.
//   Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
//   its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
//   from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This is part of revision 9453 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// The following are defines for the Timer register offsets.
#define TIMER_O_CFG             0x00000000  // GPTM Configuration
#define TIMER_O_TAMR            0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Mode
#define TIMER_O_TBMR            0x00000008  // GPTM Timer B Mode
#define TIMER_O_CTL             0x0000000C  // GPTM Control
#define TIMER_O_SYNC            0x00000010  // GPTM Synchronize
#define TIMER_O_IMR             0x00000018  // GPTM Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_O_RIS             0x0000001C  // GPTM Raw Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_O_MIS             0x00000020  // GPTM Masked Interrupt Status
#define TIMER_O_ICR             0x00000024  // GPTM Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_O_TAILR           0x00000028  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
#define TIMER_O_TBILR           0x0000002C  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
#define TIMER_O_TAMATCHR        0x00000030  // GPTM Timer A Match
#define TIMER_O_TBMATCHR        0x00000034  // GPTM Timer B Match
#define TIMER_O_TAPR            0x00000038  // GPTM Timer A Prescale
#define TIMER_O_TBPR            0x0000003C  // GPTM Timer B Prescale
#define TIMER_O_TAPMR           0x00000040  // GPTM TimerA Prescale Match
#define TIMER_O_TBPMR           0x00000044  // GPTM TimerB Prescale Match
#define TIMER_O_TAR             0x00000048  // GPTM Timer A
#define TIMER_O_TBR             0x0000004C  // GPTM Timer B
#define TIMER_O_TAV             0x00000050  // GPTM Timer A Value
#define TIMER_O_TBV             0x00000054  // GPTM Timer B Value
#define TIMER_O_RTCPD           0x00000058  // GPTM RTC Predivide
#define TIMER_O_TAPS            0x0000005C  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Snapshot
#define TIMER_O_TBPS            0x00000060  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Snapshot
#define TIMER_O_TAPV            0x00000064  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Value
#define TIMER_O_TBPV            0x00000068  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Value
#define TIMER_O_PP              0x00000FC0  // GPTM Peripheral Properties

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CFG register.
#define TIMER_CFG_M             0x00000007  // GPTM Configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_TIMER  0x00000000  // 32-bit timer configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_32_BIT_RTC    0x00000001  // 32-bit real-time clock (RTC)
                                            // counter configuration
#define TIMER_CFG_16_BIT        0x00000004  // 16-bit timer configuration. The
                                            // function is controlled by bits
                                            // 1:0 of GPTMTAMR and GPTMTBMR

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMR register.
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer A PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer A Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer A PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load Write
#define TIMER_TAMR_TASNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer A Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Count Direction
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer A Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TAMR_TACMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer A Mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TAMR_TAMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMR register.
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPLO        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B PWM Legacy
                                            // Operation
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMRSU       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Match Register
                                            // Update
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBPWMIE      0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B PWM Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBILD        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load Write
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBSNAPS      0x00000080  // GPTM Timer B Snap-Shot Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBWOT        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer B Wait-on-Trigger
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMIE        0x00000020  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCDIR       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer B Count Direction
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBAMS        0x00000008  // GPTM Timer B Alternate Mode
                                            // Select
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBCMR        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_M       0x00000003  // GPTM Timer B Mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_1_SHOT  0x00000001  // One-Shot Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_PERIOD  0x00000002  // Periodic Timer mode
#define TIMER_TBMR_TBMR_CAP     0x00000003  // Capture mode

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CTL register.
#define TIMER_CTL_TBPWML        0x00004000  // GPTM Timer B PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TBOTE         0x00002000  // GPTM Timer B Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_M     0x00000C00  // GPTM Timer B Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_NEG   0x00000400  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_BOTH  0x00000C00  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TBSTALL       0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEN          0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAPWML        0x00000040  // GPTM Timer A PWM Output Level
#define TIMER_CTL_TAOTE         0x00000020  // GPTM Timer A Output Trigger
                                            // Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_RTCEN         0x00000010  // GPTM RTC Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_M     0x0000000C  // GPTM Timer A Event Mode
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_POS   0x00000000  // Positive edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_NEG   0x00000004  // Negative edge
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_BOTH  0x0000000C  // Both edges
#define TIMER_CTL_TASTALL       0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Stall Enable
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEN          0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_SYNC register.
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_M    0x00C00000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TA   0x00400000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TB   0x00800000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT5_TATB 0x00C00000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_M    0x00300000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TA   0x00100000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TB   0x00200000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT4_TATB 0x00300000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_M    0x000C0000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TA   0x00040000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TB   0x00080000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT3_TATB 0x000C0000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_M    0x00030000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TA   0x00010000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TB   0x00020000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT2_TATB 0x00030000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_M    0x0000C000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TA   0x00004000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TB   0x00008000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT1_TATB 0x0000C000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_M    0x00003000  // Synchronize GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer
                                            // 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_NONE 0x00000000  // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TA   0x00001000  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TB   0x00002000  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 32/64-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCWT0_TATB 0x00003000  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 32/64-Bit
                                            // Timer 0 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_M     0x00000C00  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 5
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TA    0x00000400  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TB    0x00000800  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 5 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT5_TATB  0x00000C00  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 5 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_M     0x00000300  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 4
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TA    0x00000100  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TB    0x00000200  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 4 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT4_TATB  0x00000300  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 4 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_M     0x000000C0  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 3
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TA    0x00000040  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TB    0x00000080  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 3 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT3_TATB  0x000000C0  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 3 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_M     0x00000030  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 2
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TA    0x00000010  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TB    0x00000020  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 2 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT2_TATB  0x00000030  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 2 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_M     0x0000000C  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 1
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TA    0x00000004  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TB    0x00000008  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 1 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT1_TATB  0x0000000C  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 1 is triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_M     0x00000003  // Synchronize GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer
                                            // 0
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_NONE  0x00000000  // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is not
                                            // affected
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TA    0x00000001  // A timeout event for Timer A of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TB    0x00000002  // A timeout event for Timer B of
                                            // GPTM 16/32-Bit Timer 0 is
                                            // triggered
#define TIMER_SYNC_SYNCT0_TATB  0x00000003  // A timeout event for both Timer A
                                            // and Timer B of GPTM 16/32-Bit
                                            // Timer 0 is triggered

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_IMR register.
#define TIMER_IMR_WUEIM         0x00010000  // GPTM Write Update Error
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TBMIM         0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBEIM         0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CBMIM         0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TBTOIM        0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TAMIM         0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_RTCIM         0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAEIM         0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_CAMIM         0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Mask
#define TIMER_IMR_TATOIM        0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RIS register.
#define TIMER_RIS_WUERIS        0x00010000  // GPTM Write Update Error Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TBMRIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBERIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CBMRIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TBTORIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TAMRIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_RTCRIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAERIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_CAMRIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Raw Interrupt
#define TIMER_RIS_TATORIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_MIS register.
#define TIMER_MIS_WUEMIS        0x00010000  // GPTM Write Update Error Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TBMMIS        0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBEMIS        0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CBMMIS        0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TBTOMIS       0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TAMMIS        0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Masked
                                            // Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_RTCMIS        0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAEMIS        0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_CAMMIS        0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Masked Interrupt
#define TIMER_MIS_TATOMIS       0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Masked
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_ICR register.
#define TIMER_ICR_WUECINT       0x00010000  // 32/64-Bit GPTM Write Update
                                            // Error Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TBMCINT       0x00000800  // GPTM Timer B Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBECINT       0x00000400  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CBMCINT       0x00000200  // GPTM Timer B Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TBTOCINT      0x00000100  // GPTM Timer B Time-Out Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TAMCINT       0x00000010  // GPTM Timer A Match Interrupt
                                            // Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_RTCCINT       0x00000008  // GPTM RTC Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAECINT       0x00000004  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Event
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_CAMCINT       0x00000002  // GPTM Timer A Capture Mode Match
                                            // Interrupt Clear
#define TIMER_ICR_TATOCINT      0x00000001  // GPTM Timer A Time-Out Raw
                                            // Interrupt

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAILR register.
#define TIMER_TAILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH_M    0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register High
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRL_M    0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Interval Load
                                            // Register Low
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH_S    16
#define TIMER_TAILR_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBILR register.
#define TIMER_TBILR_M           0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TBILR_TBILRL_M    0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Interval Load
                                            // Register
#define TIMER_TBILR_S           0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Match Register
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRH_M  0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Match Register High
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRL_M  0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Match Register Low

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBMATCHR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMR_M   0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Match Register
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMRL_M  0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Match Register Low

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPR register.
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale High Byte
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer A Prescale
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSRH_S     8
#define TIMER_TAPR_TAPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPR register.
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_M     0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale High Byte
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_M      0x000000FF  // GPTM Timer B Prescale
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSRH_S     8
#define TIMER_TBPR_TBPSR_S      0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPMR register.
#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer A Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
#define TIMER_TAPMR_TAPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerA Prescale Match

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPMR register.
#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMRH_M   0x0000FF00  // GPTM Timer B Prescale Match High
                                            // Byte
#define TIMER_TBPMR_TBPSMR_M    0x000000FF  // GPTM TimerB Prescale Match

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAR register.
#define TIMER_TAR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH_M        0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Register High
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register Low
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH_S        16
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL_S        0
#define TIMER_TAR_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBR register.
#define TIMER_TBR_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Register
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL_M        0x00FFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL_S        0
#define TIMER_TBR_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAV register.
#define TIMER_TAV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer A Value
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVH_M        0xFFFF0000  // GPTM Timer A Value High
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Register Low
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVH_S        16
#define TIMER_TAV_TAVL_S        0
#define TIMER_TAV_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBV register.
#define TIMER_TBV_M             0xFFFFFFFF  // GPTM Timer B Value
#define TIMER_TBV_TBVL_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Register
#define TIMER_TBV_TBVL_S        0
#define TIMER_TBV_S             0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RTCPD register.
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_M     0x0000FFFF  // RTC Predivide Counter Value
#define TIMER_RTCPD_RTCPD_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPS register.
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Snapshot
#define TIMER_TAPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPS register.
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPS_PSS_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAPV register.
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer A Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TAPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBPV register.
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_M        0x0000FFFF  // GPTM Timer B Prescaler Value
#define TIMER_TBPV_PSV_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_PP register.
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_M         0x0000000F  // Count Size
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_16        0x00000000  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 16 bits each with an 8-bit
                                            // prescale counter
#define TIMER_PP_SIZE_32        0x00000001  // Timer A and Timer B counters are
                                            // 32 bits each with a 16-bit
                                            // prescale counter

// The following definitions are deprecated.

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CFG
// register.
#define TIMER_CFG_CFG_MSK       0x00000007  // Configuration options mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_CTL
// register.
#define TIMER_CTL_TBEVENT_MSK   0x00000C00  // TimerB event mode mask
#define TIMER_CTL_TAEVENT_MSK   0x0000000C  // TimerA event mode mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_RIS
// register.
#define TIMER_RIS_CBEMIS        0x00000400  // CaptureB event masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CBMMIS        0x00000200  // CaptureB match masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_TBTOMIS       0x00000100  // TimerB time out masked int stat
#define TIMER_RIS_RTCMIS        0x00000008  // RTC masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CAEMIS        0x00000004  // CaptureA event masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_CAMMIS        0x00000002  // CaptureA match masked int status
#define TIMER_RIS_TATOMIS       0x00000001  // TimerA time out masked int stat

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAILR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRH      0xFFFF0000  // TimerB load val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAILR_TAILRL      0x0000FFFF  // TimerA interval load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBILR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBILR_TBILRL      0x0000FFFF  // TimerB interval load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the
// TIMER_O_TAMATCHR register.
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRH    0xFFFF0000  // TimerB match val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAMATCHR_TAMRL    0x0000FFFF  // TimerA match value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the
// TIMER_O_TBMATCHR register.
#define TIMER_TBMATCHR_TBMRL    0x0000FFFF  // TimerB match load value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TAR
// register.
#define TIMER_TAR_TARH          0xFFFF0000  // TimerB val in 32 bit mode
#define TIMER_TAR_TARL          0x0000FFFF  // TimerA value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_O_TBR
// register.
#define TIMER_TBR_TBRL          0x0000FFFF  // TimerB value

// The following are deprecated defines for the reset values of the timer
// registers.
#define TIMER_RV_TAILR          0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA interval load reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAR            0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAMATCHR       0xFFFFFFFF  // TimerA match register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBILR          0x0000FFFF  // TimerB interval load reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBMATCHR       0x0000FFFF  // TimerB match register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBR            0x0000FFFF  // TimerB register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAPR           0x00000000  // TimerA prescale register RV
#define TIMER_RV_CFG            0x00000000  // Configuration register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBPMR          0x00000000  // TimerB prescale match regi RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAPMR          0x00000000  // TimerA prescale match reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_CTL            0x00000000  // Control register RV
#define TIMER_RV_ICR            0x00000000  // Interrupt clear register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBMR           0x00000000  // TimerB mode register RV
#define TIMER_RV_MIS            0x00000000  // Masked interrupt status reg RV
#define TIMER_RV_RIS            0x00000000  // Interrupt status register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TBPR           0x00000000  // TimerB prescale register RV
#define TIMER_RV_IMR            0x00000000  // Interrupt mask register RV
#define TIMER_RV_TAMR           0x00000000  // TimerA mode register RV

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnMR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNAMS        0x00000008  // Alternate mode select
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNCMR        0x00000004  // Capture mode - count or time
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_MSK    0x00000003  // Timer mode mask
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_1_SHOT 0x00000001  // Mode - one shot
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_PERIOD 0x00000002  // Mode - periodic
#define TIMER_TNMR_TNTMR_CAP    0x00000003  // Mode - capture

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNPR_TNPSR        0x000000FF  // TimerN prescale value

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the TIMER_TnPMR
// register.
#define TIMER_TNPMR_TNPSMR      0x000000FF  // TimerN prescale match value


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* STELLARIS_HW_TIMER_H_ */