/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Krebs * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_samd21 * @{ * @file * @brief Low-level RTT driver implementation * @author Daniel Krebs * @} */ #include #include "cpu.h" #include "periph/rtt.h" #include "periph_conf.h" /* guard file in case no RTT device was specified */ #if RTT_NUMOF typedef struct { rtt_cb_t overflow_cb; /**< called from RTT interrupt on overflow */ void* overflow_arg; /**< argument passed to overflow callback */ rtt_cb_t alarm_cb; /**< called from RTT interrupt on alarm */ void* alarm_arg; /**< argument passen to alarm callback */ } rtt_state_t; static rtt_state_t rtt_callback; /** * @brief Initialize RTT module * * The RTT is running at 32768 Hz by default, i.e. @ XOSC32K frequency without * divider. There are 2 cascaded dividers in the clock path: * * - GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(n): between 1 and 31 * - RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIVn: between 1 and 1024, see defines in `component_rtc.h` * * However the division scheme of GCLK_GENDIV_DIV can be changed by setting * GCLK_GENCTRL_DIVSEL: * * - GCLK_GENCTRL_DIVSEL = 0: Clock divided by GENDIV.DIV (default) * - GCLK_GENCTRL_DIVSEL = 1: Clock divided by 2^( GENDIV.DIV + 1 ) */ void rtt_init(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); /* Turn on power manager for RTC */ PM->APBAMASK.reg |= PM_APBAMASK_RTC; /* RTC uses External 32,768KHz Oscillator because OSC32K isn't accurate * enough (p1075/1138). Also keep running in standby. */ SYSCTRL->XOSC32K.reg = SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_ONDEMAND | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_EN32K | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_XTALEN | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_STARTUP(6) | #if RTT_RUNSTDBY SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_RUNSTDBY | #endif SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_ENABLE; /* Setup clock GCLK2 with divider 1 */ GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_ID(2) | GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1); while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} /* Enable GCLK2 with XOSC32K as source. Use divider without modification * and keep running in standby. */ GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(2) | GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN | #if RTT_RUNSTDBY GCLK_GENCTRL_RUNSTDBY | #endif GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_XOSC32K; while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} /* Connect GCLK2 to RTC */ GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK2 | GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN | GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID(RTC_GCLK_ID); while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} /* Disable RTC */ rtt_poweroff(); /* Reset RTC */ rtcMode0->CTRL.bit.SWRST = 1; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY || rtcMode0->CTRL.bit.SWRST) {} /* Configure as 32bit counter with no prescaler and no clear on match compare */ rtcMode0->CTRL.reg = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_MODE_COUNT32 | RTC_MODE0_CTRL_PRESCALER_DIV1; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} /* Setup interrupt */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTT_IRQ); /* Enable RTC */ rtt_poweron(); } void rtt_set_overflow_cb(rtt_cb_t cb, void *arg) { rtt_callback.overflow_cb = cb; rtt_callback.overflow_arg = arg; /* Enable Overflow Interrupt and clear flag */ RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->INTFLAG.bit.OVF = 1; rtcMode0->INTENSET.bit.OVF = 1; } void rtt_clear_overflow_cb(void) { /* Disable Overflow Interrupt */ RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->INTENCLR.bit.OVF = 1; rtt_callback.overflow_cb = NULL; rtt_callback.overflow_arg = NULL; } uint32_t rtt_get_counter(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} return rtcMode0->COUNT.reg; } void rtt_set_counter(uint32_t counter) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->COUNT.reg = counter; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} } void rtt_set_alarm(uint32_t alarm, rtt_cb_t cb, void *arg) { rtt_callback.alarm_cb = cb; rtt_callback.alarm_arg = arg; RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->COMP[0].reg = alarm; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} /* Enable Compare Interrupt and clear flag */ rtcMode0->INTFLAG.bit.CMP0 = 1; rtcMode0->INTENSET.bit.CMP0 = 1; } void rtt_clear_alarm(void) { /* Disable Compare Interrupt */ RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->INTENCLR.bit.CMP0 = 1; rtt_callback.alarm_cb = NULL; rtt_callback.alarm_arg = NULL; } uint32_t rtt_get_alarm(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); return rtcMode0->COMP[0].reg; } void rtt_poweron(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->CTRL.bit.ENABLE = 1; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} } void rtt_poweroff(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); rtcMode0->CTRL.bit.ENABLE = 0; while (rtcMode0->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY) {} } void RTT_ISR(void) { RtcMode0 *rtcMode0 = &(RTT_DEV); uint8_t status = rtcMode0->INTFLAG.reg; if ( (status & RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_CMP0) && (rtt_callback.alarm_cb != NULL) ) { rtt_callback.alarm_cb(rtt_callback.alarm_arg); rtcMode0->INTFLAG.bit.CMP0 = 1; } if ( (status & RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_OVF) && (rtt_callback.overflow_cb != NULL) ) { rtt_callback.overflow_cb(rtt_callback.overflow_arg); rtcMode0->INTFLAG.bit.OVF = 1; } cortexm_isr_end(); } #endif /* RTT_NUMOF */