/* Copyright (C) 2014 Parrot SA Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Parrot nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file BebopSample.c * @brief This file contains sources about basic arsdk example sending commands to a bebop drone to pilot it, * receive its battery level and display the video stream. * @date 15/01/2015 */ /***************************************** * * include file : * *****************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BebopSample.h" #include "ihm.h" /***************************************** * * define : * *****************************************/ #define TAG "BebopSample" #define ERROR_STR_LENGTH 2048 #define BEBOP_IP_ADDRESS "" #define BEBOP_DISCOVERY_PORT 44444 #define DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER 1 #define FIFO_DIR_PATTERN "/tmp/arsdk_XXXXXX" #define FIFO_NAME "arsdk_fifo" #define IHM /***************************************** * * private header: * ****************************************/ /***************************************** * * implementation : * *****************************************/ static char fifo_dir[] = FIFO_DIR_PATTERN; static char fifo_name[128] = ""; int gIHMRun = 1; char gErrorStr[ERROR_STR_LENGTH]; IHM_t *ihm = NULL; FILE *videoOut = NULL; int frameNb = 0; ARSAL_Sem_t stateSem; int isBebop2 = 0; static void signal_handler(int signal) { gIHMRun = 0; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // local declarations int failed = 0; ARDISCOVERY_Device_t *device = NULL; ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *deviceController = NULL; eARCONTROLLER_ERROR error = ARCONTROLLER_OK; eARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE deviceState = ARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE_MAX; pid_t child = 0; /* Set signal handlers */ struct sigaction sig_action = { .sa_handler = signal_handler, }; int ret = sigaction(SIGINT, &sig_action, NULL); if (ret < 0) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, "ERROR", "Unable to set SIGINT handler : %d(%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); return 1; } ret = sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sig_action, NULL); if (ret < 0) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, "ERROR", "Unable to set SIGPIPE handler : %d(%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (mkdtemp(fifo_dir) == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, "ERROR", "Mkdtemp failed."); return 1; } snprintf(fifo_name, sizeof(fifo_name), "%s/%s", fifo_dir, FIFO_NAME); if(mkfifo(fifo_name, 0666) < 0) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, "ERROR", "Mkfifo failed: %d, %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return 1; } ARSAL_Sem_Init (&(stateSem), 0, 0); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "Select your Bebop : Bebop (1) ; Bebop2 (2)"); char answer = '1'; scanf(" %c", &answer); if (answer == '2') { isBebop2 = 1; } if(isBebop2) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "-- Bebop 2 Sample --"); } else { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "-- Bebop Sample --"); } if (!failed) { if (DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER) { // fork the process to launch mplayer if ((child = fork()) == 0) { execlp("xterm", "xterm", "-e", "mplayer", "-demuxer", "h264es", fifo_name, "-benchmark", "-really-quiet", NULL); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "Missing mplayer, you will not see the video. Please install mplayer and xterm."); return -1; } } if (DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER) { videoOut = fopen(fifo_name, "w"); } } #ifdef IHM ihm = IHM_New (&onInputEvent); if (ihm != NULL) { gErrorStr[0] = '\0'; ARSAL_Print_SetCallback (customPrintCallback); //use a custom callback to print, for not disturb ncurses IHM if(isBebop2) { IHM_PrintHeader (ihm, "-- Bebop 2 Sample --"); } else { IHM_PrintHeader (ihm, "-- Bebop Sample --"); } } else { ARSAL_PRINT (ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "Creation of IHM failed."); failed = 1; } #endif // create a discovery device if (!failed) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "- init discovey device ... "); eARDISCOVERY_ERROR errorDiscovery = ARDISCOVERY_OK; device = ARDISCOVERY_Device_New (&errorDiscovery); if (errorDiscovery == ARDISCOVERY_OK) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, " - ARDISCOVERY_Device_InitWifi ..."); // create a Bebop drone discovery device (ARDISCOVERY_PRODUCT_ARDRONE) if(isBebop2) { errorDiscovery = ARDISCOVERY_Device_InitWifi (device, ARDISCOVERY_PRODUCT_BEBOP_2, "bebop2", BEBOP_IP_ADDRESS, BEBOP_DISCOVERY_PORT); } else { errorDiscovery = ARDISCOVERY_Device_InitWifi (device, ARDISCOVERY_PRODUCT_ARDRONE, "bebop", BEBOP_IP_ADDRESS, BEBOP_DISCOVERY_PORT); } if (errorDiscovery != ARDISCOVERY_OK) { failed = 1; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "Discovery error :%s", ARDISCOVERY_Error_ToString(errorDiscovery)); } } else { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "Discovery error :%s", ARDISCOVERY_Error_ToString(errorDiscovery)); failed = 1; } } // create a device controller if (!failed) { deviceController = ARCONTROLLER_Device_New (device, &error); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { ARSAL_PRINT (ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "Creation of deviceController failed."); failed = 1; } else { IHM_setCustomData(ihm, deviceController); } } if (!failed) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "- delete discovey device ... "); ARDISCOVERY_Device_Delete (&device); } // add the state change callback to be informed when the device controller starts, stops... if (!failed) { error = ARCONTROLLER_Device_AddStateChangedCallback (deviceController, stateChanged, deviceController); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { ARSAL_PRINT (ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "add State callback failed."); failed = 1; } } // add the command received callback to be informed when a command has been received from the device if (!failed) { error = ARCONTROLLER_Device_AddCommandReceivedCallback (deviceController, commandReceived, deviceController); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { ARSAL_PRINT (ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "add callback failed."); failed = 1; } } // add the frame received callback to be informed when a streaming frame has been received from the device if (!failed) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "- set Video callback ... "); error = ARCONTROLLER_Device_SetVideoStreamCallbacks (deviceController, decoderConfigCallback, didReceiveFrameCallback, NULL , NULL); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { failed = 1; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "- error: %s", ARCONTROLLER_Error_ToString(error)); } } if (!failed) { IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, "Connecting ..."); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "Connecting ..."); error = ARCONTROLLER_Device_Start (deviceController); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { failed = 1; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "- error :%s", ARCONTROLLER_Error_ToString(error)); } } if (!failed) { // wait state update update ARSAL_Sem_Wait (&(stateSem)); deviceState = ARCONTROLLER_Device_GetState (deviceController, &error); if ((error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) || (deviceState != ARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE_RUNNING)) { failed = 1; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "- deviceState :%d", deviceState); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "- error :%s", ARCONTROLLER_Error_ToString(error)); } } // send the command that tells to the Bebop to begin its streaming if (!failed) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "- send StreamingVideoEnable ... "); error = deviceController->aRDrone3->sendMediaStreamingVideoEnable (deviceController->aRDrone3, 1); if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "- error :%s", ARCONTROLLER_Error_ToString(error)); failed = 1; } } if (!failed) { IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, "Running ... ('t' to takeoff ; Spacebar to land ; 'e' for emergency ; Arrow keys and ('r','f','d','g') to move ; 'q' to quit)"); #ifdef IHM while (gIHMRun) { usleep(50); } #else int i = 20; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "- sleep 20 ... "); while (gIHMRun && i--) sleep(1); #endif } #ifdef IHM IHM_Delete (&ihm); #endif // we are here because of a disconnection or user has quit IHM, so safely delete everything if (deviceController != NULL) { deviceState = ARCONTROLLER_Device_GetState (deviceController, &error); if ((error == ARCONTROLLER_OK) && (deviceState != ARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE_STOPPED)) { IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, "Disconnecting ..."); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "Disconnecting ..."); error = ARCONTROLLER_Device_Stop (deviceController); if (error == ARCONTROLLER_OK) { // wait state update update ARSAL_Sem_Wait (&(stateSem)); } } IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, ""); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "ARCONTROLLER_Device_Delete ..."); ARCONTROLLER_Device_Delete (&deviceController); if (DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER) { fflush (videoOut); fclose (videoOut); if (child > 0) { kill(child, SIGKILL); } } } ARSAL_Sem_Destroy (&(stateSem)); unlink(fifo_name); rmdir(fifo_dir); ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "-- END --"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /***************************************** * * private implementation: * ****************************************/ // called when the state of the device controller has changed void stateChanged (eARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE newState, eARCONTROLLER_ERROR error, void *customData) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, " - stateChanged newState: %d .....", newState); switch (newState) { case ARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE_STOPPED: ARSAL_Sem_Post (&(stateSem)); //stop gIHMRun = 0; break; case ARCONTROLLER_DEVICE_STATE_RUNNING: ARSAL_Sem_Post (&(stateSem)); break; default: break; } } static void cmdBatteryStateChangedRcv(ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *deviceController, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *elementDictionary) { ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ARG_t *arg = NULL; ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *singleElement = NULL; if (elementDictionary == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "elements is NULL"); return; } // get the command received in the device controller HASH_FIND_STR (elementDictionary, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_SINGLE_KEY, singleElement); if (singleElement == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "singleElement is NULL"); return; } // get the value HASH_FIND_STR (singleElement->arguments, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_BATTERYSTATECHANGED_PERCENT, arg); if (arg == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "arg is NULL"); return; } // update UI batteryStateChanged(arg->value.U8); } static void cmdSensorStateListChangedRcv(ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *deviceController, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *elementDictionary) { FILE* fichier = NULL; fichier = fopen("test.txt", "a"); ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ARG_t *arg = NULL; ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *dictElement = NULL; ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *dictTmp = NULL; eARCOMMANDS_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_SENSORSSTATESLISTCHANGED_SENSORNAME sensorName = ARCOMMANDS_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_SENSORSSTATESLISTCHANGED_SENSORNAME_MAX; int sensorState = 0; if (elementDictionary == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "elements is NULL"); return; } // get the command received in the device controller HASH_ITER(hh, elementDictionary, dictElement, dictTmp) { // get the Name HASH_FIND_STR (dictElement->arguments, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_SENSORSSTATESLISTCHANGED_SENSORNAME, arg); if (arg != NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "arg sensorName is NULL"); continue; } sensorName = arg->value.I32; // get the state HASH_FIND_STR (dictElement->arguments, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_SENSORSSTATESLISTCHANGED_SENSORSTATE, arg); if (arg == NULL) { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR, TAG, "arg sensorState is NULL"); continue; } sensorState = arg->value.U8; ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_INFO, TAG, "sensorName %d ; sensorState: %d", sensorName, sensorState); fprintf(fichier, "sensorName %d ; sensorState: %d", sensorName, sensorState); printf("sensorName %d ; sensorState: %d", sensorName, sensorState); //sensorStateChanged(arg->value.I32, arg->value.U8); } sensorStateChanged(arg->value.I32, arg->value.U8); } // called when a command has been received from the drone void commandReceived (eARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY commandKey, ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_ELEMENT_t *elementDictionary, void *customData) { ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *deviceController = customData; if (deviceController == NULL) return; // if the command received is a battery state changed switch(commandKey) { case ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_BATTERYSTATECHANGED: cmdBatteryStateChangedRcv(deviceController, elementDictionary); break; case ARCONTROLLER_DICTIONARY_KEY_COMMON_COMMONSTATE_SENSORSSTATESLISTCHANGED: cmdSensorStateListChangedRcv(deviceController, elementDictionary); break; default: break; } } void batteryStateChanged (uint8_t percent) { // callback of changing of battery level if (ihm != NULL) { IHM_PrintBattery (ihm, percent); } } void sensorStateChanged (uint8_t sensorName, uint8_t sensorValue) { // callback of changing of battery level if (ihm != NULL) { IHM_PrintSensors(ihm, sensorName, sensorValue); } } eARCONTROLLER_ERROR decoderConfigCallback (ARCONTROLLER_Stream_Codec_t codec, void *customData) { if (videoOut != NULL) { if (codec.type == ARCONTROLLER_STREAM_CODEC_TYPE_H264) { if (DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER) { fwrite(codec.parameters.h264parameters.spsBuffer, codec.parameters.h264parameters.spsSize, 1, videoOut); fwrite(codec.parameters.h264parameters.ppsBuffer, codec.parameters.h264parameters.ppsSize, 1, videoOut); fflush (videoOut); } } } else { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_WARNING, TAG, "videoOut is NULL."); } return ARCONTROLLER_OK; } eARCONTROLLER_ERROR didReceiveFrameCallback (ARCONTROLLER_Frame_t *frame, void *customData) { if (videoOut != NULL) { if (frame != NULL) { if (DISPLAY_WITH_MPLAYER) { fwrite(frame->data, frame->used, 1, videoOut); fflush (videoOut); } } else { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_WARNING, TAG, "frame is NULL."); } } else { ARSAL_PRINT(ARSAL_PRINT_WARNING, TAG, "videoOut is NULL."); } return ARCONTROLLER_OK; } // IHM callbacks: void onInputEvent (eIHM_INPUT_EVENT event, void *customData) { // Manage IHM input events ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *deviceController = (ARCONTROLLER_Device_t *)customData; eARCONTROLLER_ERROR error = ARCONTROLLER_OK; switch (event) { case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_EXIT: IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, "IHM_INPUT_EVENT_EXIT ..."); gIHMRun = 0; break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_EMERGENCY: if(deviceController != NULL) { // send a Emergency command to the drone error = deviceController->aRDrone3->sendPilotingEmergency(deviceController->aRDrone3); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_LAND: if(deviceController != NULL) { // send a takeoff command to the drone error = deviceController->aRDrone3->sendPilotingLanding(deviceController->aRDrone3); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_TAKEOFF: if(deviceController != NULL) { // send a landing command to the drone error = deviceController->aRDrone3->sendPilotingTakeOff(deviceController->aRDrone3); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_UP: if(deviceController != NULL) { // set the flag and speed value of the piloting command error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDGaz(deviceController->aRDrone3, 50); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_DOWN: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDGaz(deviceController->aRDrone3, -50); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_RIGHT: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDYaw(deviceController->aRDrone3, 50); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_LEFT: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDYaw(deviceController->aRDrone3, -50); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_FORWARD: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDPitch(deviceController->aRDrone3, 50); error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDFlag(deviceController->aRDrone3, 1); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_BACK: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDPitch(deviceController->aRDrone3, -50); error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDFlag(deviceController->aRDrone3, 1); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_ROLL_LEFT: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDRoll(deviceController->aRDrone3, -50); error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDFlag(deviceController->aRDrone3, 1); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_ROLL_RIGHT: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDRoll(deviceController->aRDrone3, 50); error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMDFlag(deviceController->aRDrone3, 1); } break; case IHM_INPUT_EVENT_NONE: if(deviceController != NULL) { error = deviceController->aRDrone3->setPilotingPCMD(deviceController->aRDrone3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } break; default: break; } // This should be improved, here it just displays that one error occured if (error != ARCONTROLLER_OK) { IHM_PrintInfo(ihm, "Error sending an event"); } } int customPrintCallback (eARSAL_PRINT_LEVEL level, const char *tag, const char *format, va_list va) { // Custom callback used when ncurses is runing for not disturb the IHM if ((level == ARSAL_PRINT_ERROR) && (strcmp(TAG, tag) == 0)) { // Save the last Error vsnprintf(gErrorStr, (ERROR_STR_LENGTH - 1), format, va); gErrorStr[ERROR_STR_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; } return 1; }