require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_odo.php');

// Create a new odometer graph (width=250, height=200 pixels)
$graph = new OdoGraph(250,200);

// Setup titles
$graph->title->Set("Result for 2002");
$graph->subtitle->Set("New York Office");
$graph->caption->Set("Figure 1.This is a very, very\nlong text with multiples lines\nthat are added as a caption.");

// Setup colors
// Make the border 40% darker than normal "khaki"

// Now we need to create an odometer to add to the graph.
// By default the scale will be 0 to 100
$odo = new Odometer();

// Setup colors for odometyer plot

// Set display value for the odometer

// Add the odometer to the graph

// ... and finally stroke and stream the image back to the client
