<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php'); require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php'); $graph = new GanttGraph(); $graph->SetBox(); $graph->SetShadow(); // Add title and subtitle $graph->title->Set("Example of captions"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,12); $graph->subtitle->Set("(ganttex14.php)"); // Show day, week and month scale $graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HDAY | GANTT_HWEEK | GANTT_HMONTH); // Use the short name of the month together with a 2 digit year // on the month scale $graph->scale->month->SetStyle(MONTHSTYLE_SHORTNAMEYEAR2); $graph->scale->month->SetFontColor("white"); $graph->scale->month->SetBackgroundColor("blue"); // 0 % vertical label margin $graph->SetLabelVMarginFactor(1); // Format the bar for the first activity // ($row,$title,$startdate,$enddate) $activity = new GanttBar(0,"Project","2001-12-21","2002-01-07","[50%]"); // Yellow diagonal line pattern on a red background $activity->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG,"yellow"); $activity->SetFillColor("red"); // Set absolute height $activity->SetHeight(10); // Specify progress to 60% $activity->progress->Set(0.6); // Format the bar for the second activity // ($row,$title,$startdate,$enddate) $activity2 = new GanttBar(1,"Project","2001-12-21","2002-01-02","[30%]"); // Yellow diagonal line pattern on a red background $activity2->SetPattern(BAND_RDIAG,"yellow"); $activity2->SetFillColor("red"); // Set absolute height $activity2->SetHeight(10); // Specify progress to 30% $activity2->progress->Set(0.3); // Finally add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($activity); $graph->Add($activity2); // Add a vertical line $vline = new GanttVLine("2001-12-24","Phase 1"); $vline->SetDayOffset(0.5); //$graph->Add($vline); // ... and display it $graph->Stroke(); ?>