<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" /** * Class CCBPGraph * Utility class to create Critical Chain Buffer penetration charts */ class CCBPGraph { const TickStep = 25; const YTitle = '% Buffer used'; const XTitle = '% CC Completed'; const NColorMaps = 2; private $graph=null; private $iWidth,$iHeight; private $iPlots=array(); private $iXMin=-50, $iXMax = 100; private $iYMin=-50, $iYMax = 150; private $iColorInd = array( array(5,75), /* Green */ array(25,85), /* Yellow */ array(50,100));/* Red */ private $iColorMap = 0; private $iColorSpec = array( array('darkgreen:1.0','yellow:1.4','red:0.8','darkred:0.85'), array('#c6e9af','#ffeeaa','#ffaaaa','#de8787')); private $iMarginColor = array('darkgreen@0.7','darkgreen@0.9'); private $iSubTitle='',$iTitle = 'CC Buffer penetration'; /** * Construct a new instance of CCBPGraph * * @param int $aWidth * @param int $aHeight * @return CCBPGraph */ public function __construct($aWidth, $aHeight) { $this->iWidth = $aWidth; $this->iHeight = $aHeight; } /** * Set the title and subtitle for the graph * * @param string $aTitle * @param string $aSubTitle */ public function SetTitle($aTitle, $aSubTitle) { $this->iTitle = $aTitle; $this->iSubTitle = $aSubTitle; } /** * Set the x-axis min and max values * * @param int $aMin * @param int $aMax */ public function SetXMinMax($aMin, $aMax) { $this->iXMin = floor($aMin/CCBPGraph::TickStep)*CCBPGraph::TickStep; $this->iXMax = ceil($aMax/CCBPGraph::TickStep)*CCBPGraph::TickStep; } /** * Specify what color map to use * * @param int $aMap */ public function SetColorMap($aMap) { $this->iColorMap = $aMap % CCBPGraph::NColorMaps; } /** * Set the y-axis min and max values * * @param int $aMin * @param int $aMax */ public function SetYMinMax($aMin,$aMax) { $this->iYMin = floor($aMin/CCBPGraph::TickStep)*CCBPGraph::TickStep; $this->iYMax = ceil($aMax/CCBPGraph::TickStep)*CCBPGraph::TickStep; } /** * Set the specification of the color backgrounds and also the * optional exact colors to be used * * @param mixed $aSpec An array of 3 1x2 arrays. Each array specify the * color indication value at x=0 and x=max x in order to determine the slope * @param mixed $aColors An array with four elements specifying the colors * of each color indicator */ public function SetColorIndication(array $aSpec,array $aColors=null) { if( count($aSpec) !== 3 ) { JpgraphError::Raise('Specification of scale values for background indicators must be an array with three elements.'); } $this->iColorInd = $aSpec; if( $aColors !== null ) { if( is_array($aColors) && count($aColors) == 4 ) { $this->iColorSpec = $aColors; } else { JpGraphError::Raise('Color specification for background indication must have four colors.'); } } } /** * Construct the graph * */ private function Init() { // Setup limits for color indications $lowx = $this->iXMin; $highx= $this->iXMax; $lowy = $this->iYMin; $highy = $this->iYMax; $width=$this->iWidth; $height=$this->iHeight; // Margins $lm=50; $rm=40; $tm=60; $bm=40; if( $width <= 300 || $height <= 250 ) { $labelsize = 8; $lm=25; $rm=25; $tm=45; $bm=25; } elseif( $width <= 450 || $height <= 300 ) { $labelsize = 8; $lm=30; $rm=30; $tm=50; $bm=30; } elseif( $width <= 600 || $height <= 400 ) { $labelsize = 9; } else { $labelsize = 11; } if( $this->iSubTitle == '' ) { $tm -= $labelsize+4; } $graph = new Graph($width,$height); $graph->clearTheme(); $graph->SetScale('intint',$lowy,$highy,$lowx,$highx); $graph->SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm); $graph->SetMarginColor($this->iMarginColor[$this->iColorMap]); $graph->SetClipping(); $graph->title->Set($this->iTitle); $graph->subtitle->Set($this->iSubTitle); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,$labelsize+4); $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,$labelsize+1); $graph->SetBox(true,'black@0.3'); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,$labelsize); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,$labelsize); $graph->xaxis->scale->ticks->Set(CCBPGraph::TickStep,CCBPGraph::TickStep); $graph->yaxis->scale->ticks->Set(CCBPGraph::TickStep,CCBPGraph::TickStep); $graph->xaxis->HideZeroLabel(); $graph->yaxis->HideZeroLabel(); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelFormatString('%d%%'); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormatString('%d%%'); // For the x-axis we adjust the color so labels on the left of the Y-axis are in black $n1 = floor(abs($this->iXMin/25))+1; $n2 = floor($this->iXMax/25); if( $this->iColorMap == 0 ) { $xlcolors=array(); for( $i = 0; $i < $n1; ++$i ) { $xlcolors[$i] = 'black'; } for( $i = 0; $i < $n2; ++$i ) { $xlcolors[$n1+$i] = 'lightgray:1.5'; } $graph->xaxis->SetColor('gray',$xlcolors); $graph->yaxis->SetColor('gray','lightgray:1.5'); } else { $graph->xaxis->SetColor('darkgray','darkgray:0.8'); $graph->yaxis->SetColor('darkgray','darkgray:0.8'); } $graph->SetGridDepth(DEPTH_FRONT); $graph->ygrid->SetColor('gray@0.6'); $graph->ygrid->SetLineStyle('dotted'); $graph->ygrid->Show(); $graph->xaxis->SetWeight(1); $graph->yaxis->SetWeight(1); $ytitle = new Text(CCBPGraph::YTitle,floor($lm*.75),($height-$tm-$bm)/2+$tm); #$ytitle->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_BOLD,$labelsize+1); $ytitle->SetAlign('right','center'); $ytitle->SetAngle(90); $graph->Add($ytitle); $xtitle = new Text(CCBPGraph::XTitle,($width-$lm-$rm)/2+$lm,$height - 10); #$xtitle->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_BOLD,$labelsize); $xtitle->SetAlign('center','bottom'); $graph->Add($xtitle); $df = 'D j:S M, Y'; if( $width < 400 ) { $df = 'D j:S M'; } $time = new Text(date($df),$width-10,$height-10); $time->SetAlign('right','bottom'); #$time->SetFont(FF_VERA,FS_NORMAL,$labelsize-1); $time->SetColor('darkgray'); $graph->Add($time); // Use an accumulated fille line graph to create the colored bands $n = 3; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $b = $this->iColorInd[$i][0]; $k = ($this->iColorInd[$i][1] - $this->iColorInd[$i][0])/$this->iXMax; $colarea[$i] = array( array($lowx,$lowx*$k+$b), array($highx,$highx*$k+$b) ); } $colarea[3] = array( array($lowx,$highy), array($highx,$highy) ); $cb = array(); for( $i=0; $i < 4; ++$i ) { $cb[$i] = new LinePlot(array($colarea[$i][0][1],$colarea[$i][1][1]), array($colarea[$i][0][0],$colarea[$i][1][0])); $cb[$i]->SetFillColor($this->iColorSpec[$this->iColorMap][$i]); $cb[$i]->SetFillFromYMin(); } $graph->Add(array_slice(array_reverse($cb),0,4)); $this->graph = $graph; } /** * Add a line or scatter plot to the graph * * @param mixed $aPlots */ public function Add($aPlots) { if( is_array($aPlots) ) { $this->iPlots = array_merge($this->iPlots,$aPlots); } else { $this->iPlots[] = $aPlots; } } /** * Stroke the graph back to the client or to a file * * @param mixed $aFile */ public function Stroke($aFile='') { $this->Init(); if( count($this->iPlots) > 0 ) { $this->graph->Add($this->iPlots); } $this->graph->Stroke($aFile); } } ?>