<?php require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php'); require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_odo.php'); // Create a new odometer graph (width=250, height=200 pixels) $graph = new OdoGraph(250,140); // Setup a title $graph->title->Set('An example with thick border'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,11); // Add drop shadow for graph $graph->SetShadow(); // Set some nonstandard colors $color = array(205,220,205); $graph->SetMarginColor($color); $graph->SetColor($color); // Now we need to create an odometer to add to the graph. // By default the scale will be 0 to 100 $odo = new Odometer(); $odo->SetColor('white'); $odo->SetBorder('darkgreen:0.8',5); $odo->scale->label->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,10); $odo->scale->label->SetColor('brown:0.6'); // Set display value for the odometer $odo->needle->Set(70); // Add drop shadow for needle $odo->needle->SetShadow(); // Add the odometer to the graph $graph->Add($odo); // ... and finally stroke and stream the image back to the browser $graph->Stroke(); ?>