<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once ('../jpgraph.php'); require_once ('../jpgraph_canvas.php'); require_once ('../jpgraph_colormap.inc.php'); class ColorMapDriver { const WIDTH = 600; // Image width const LMARG = 90; // Left margin const RMARG = 25; // Right margin const MAPMARG = 35; // Map margin between each map const MODHEIGHT = 30; // Module height (=Map height) const YSTART = 60; // Start coordinate for map list public function Draw($aTitle, $aStart, $aEnd, $n=64, $aReverse=false, $addColorNames = false ) { // Setup to draw colormap with names platoe colors $lmarg = ColorMapDriver::LMARG; // left margin $rmarg = ColorMapDriver::RMARG; // right margin $width = ColorMapDriver::WIDTH; // Overall image width // Module height $mh = ColorMapDriver::MODHEIGHT; // Step between each map $ymarg = $mh + ColorMapDriver::MAPMARG; if( $addColorNames ) { $ymarg += 50; } // Start position $xs=$lmarg; $ys=ColorMapDriver::YSTART; // Setup a basic canvas graph $height = ($aEnd-$aStart+1)*$ymarg+50; $graph = new CanvasGraph($width,$height); $graph->img->SetColor('darkgray'); $graph->img->Rectangle(0,0,$width-1,$height-1); $t = new Text($aTitle, $width/2,5); $t->SetAlign('center','top'); $t->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,14); $t->Stroke($graph->img); // Instantiate a colormap $cm = new ColorMap(); $cm->InitRGB($graph->img->rgb); for( $mapidx=$aStart; $mapidx <= $aEnd; ++$mapidx, $ys += $ymarg ) { $cm->SetMap($mapidx,$aReverse); $n = $cm->SetNumColors($n); list( $mapidx, $maparray ) = $cm->GetCurrMap(); $ncols = count($maparray); $colbuckets = $cm->GetBuckets(); // The module width will depend on the actual number of colors $mw = round(($width-$lmarg-$rmarg)/$n); // Draw color map title (name) $t->Set('Basic colors: '.$ncols.', Total colors: '.$n); $t->SetAlign('center','bottom'); $t->SetAngle(0); $t->SetFont(FF_TIMES,FS_NORMAL,14); $t->Stroke($graph->img,$width/2,$ys-3); // Add the name/number of the map to the left $t->SetAlign('right','center'); $t->Set('Map: '.$mapidx); $t->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_NORMAL,14); $t->Stroke($graph->img,$xs-20,round($ys+$mh/2)); // Setup text properties for the color names if( $addColorNames ) { $t->SetAngle(30); $t->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_NORMAL,12); $t->SetAlign('right','top'); } // Loop through all colors in the map $x = $xs; $y = $ys; $k=0; for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i){ $graph->img->SetColor($colbuckets[$i]); $graph->img->FilledRectangle($x,$y,$x+$mw,$y+$mh); // Mark all basic colors in the map with a bar and name if( $i % (($n-$ncols)/($ncols-1)+1) == 0 ) { $graph->img->SetColor('black'); $graph->img->FilledRectangle($x,$y+$mh+4,$x+$mw-1,$y+$mh+6); if( $addColorNames ) { $t->Set($maparray[$k++]); $t->Stroke($graph->img,$x+$mw/2,$y+$mh+10); } } $x += $mw; } // Draw a border around the map $graph->img->SetColor('black'); $graph->img->Rectangle($xs,$ys,$xs+$mw*$n,$ys+$mh); } // Send back to client $graph->Stroke(); } } $driver = new ColorMapDriver(); $title = "Standard maps"; $reverse = false; $n = 64; $s=0; $e=9; $showNames = false; /* $title = "Center maps"; $reverse = false; $n = 64; $s=10; $e=14; $showNames = false; */ /* $title = "Continues maps"; $reverse = false; $n = 64; $s=15; $e=21; $showNames = false; */ $driver->Draw($title,$s,$e,$n,$reverse,$showNames); ?>