<?php /*======================================================================= // File: JPGRAPH_PLOTLINE.PHP // Description: PlotLine extension for JpGraph // Created: 2009-03-24 // Ver: $Id: jpgraph_plotline.php 1931 2010-03-22 15:05:48Z ljp $ // // CLASS PlotLine // Data container class to hold properties for a static // line that is drawn directly in the plot area. // Useful to add static borders inside a plot to show for example set-values // // Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved. //======================================================================== */ class PlotLine { public $scaleposition, $direction=-1; protected $weight=1; protected $color = 'black'; private $legend='',$hidelegend=false, $legendcsimtarget='', $legendcsimalt='',$legendcsimwintarget=''; private $iLineStyle='solid'; public $numpoints=0; // Needed since the framework expects this property function __construct($aDir=HORIZONTAL,$aPos=0,$aColor='black',$aWeight=1) { $this->direction = $aDir; $this->color=$aColor; $this->weight=$aWeight; $this->scaleposition=$aPos; } function SetLegend($aLegend,$aCSIM='',$aCSIMAlt='',$aCSIMWinTarget='') { $this->legend = $aLegend; $this->legendcsimtarget = $aCSIM; $this->legendcsimwintarget = $aCSIMWinTarget; $this->legendcsimalt = $aCSIMAlt; } function HideLegend($f=true) { $this->hidelegend = $f; } function SetPosition($aScalePosition) { $this->scaleposition=$aScalePosition; } function SetDirection($aDir) { $this->direction = $aDir; } function SetColor($aColor) { $this->color=$aColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight=$aWeight; } function SetLineStyle($aStyle) { $this->iLineStyle = $aStyle; } function GetCSIMAreas() { return ''; } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS function DoLegend($graph) { if( !$this->hidelegend ) $this->Legend($graph); } // Framework function the chance for each plot class to set a legend function Legend($aGraph) { if( $this->legend != '' ) { $dummyPlotMark = new PlotMark(); $lineStyle = 1; $aGraph->legend->Add($this->legend,$this->color,$dummyPlotMark,$lineStyle, $this->legendcsimtarget,$this->legendcsimalt,$this->legendcsimwintarget); } } function PreStrokeAdjust($aGraph) { // Nothing to do } // Called by framework to allow the object to draw // optional information in the margin area function StrokeMargin($aImg) { // Nothing to do } // Framework function to allow the object to adjust the scale function PrescaleSetup($aGraph) { // Nothing to do } function Min() { return array(null,null); } function Max() { return array(null,null); } function _Stroke($aImg,$aMinX,$aMinY,$aMaxX,$aMaxY,$aXPos,$aYPos) { $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->weight); $oldStyle = $aImg->SetLineStyle($this->iLineStyle); if( $this->direction == VERTICAL ) { $ymin_abs = $aMinY; $ymax_abs = $aMaxY; $xpos_abs = $aXPos; $aImg->StyleLine($xpos_abs, $ymin_abs, $xpos_abs, $ymax_abs); } elseif( $this->direction == HORIZONTAL ) { $xmin_abs = $aMinX; $xmax_abs = $aMaxX; $ypos_abs = $aYPos; $aImg->StyleLine($xmin_abs, $ypos_abs, $xmax_abs, $ypos_abs); } else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25125);//(" Illegal direction for static line"); } $aImg->SetLineStyle($oldStyle); } function Stroke($aImg,$aXScale,$aYScale) { $this->_Stroke($aImg, $aImg->left_margin, $aYScale->Translate($aYScale->GetMinVal()), $aImg->width-$aImg->right_margin, $aYScale->Translate($aYScale->GetMaxVal()), $aXScale->Translate($this->scaleposition), $aYScale->Translate($this->scaleposition) ); } } ?>