<?php require_once('jpgraph/jpgraph_barcode.php'); /*======================================================================= // File: MKBARCODE.PHP // Description: Comman line tool to generate linear barcodes // Created: 2009-06-20 // Ver: $Id: mkbarcode.php 1455 2009-07-03 18:52:25Z ljp $ // // Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved. //======================================================================= */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS ParseArgs // Parse command line arguments and make sanity checks //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class ParseArgs { var $argc,$argv; function ParseArgs() { // Get command line argument $this->argv = ($_SERVER['argv']); $this->argc = ($_SERVER['argc']); } function PrintUsage() { $n = $this->argv[0]; echo "$n -b <symbology> [-r -h -c -o <output format> -m <width> -s <scale> -y <height> -f <filename> ] datastring \n". "Create the specified barcode\n". "-b What symbology to use, one of the following strings (case insensitive)\n". " UPCA \n". " UPCE \n". " EAN128 \n". " EAN13 \n". " EAN8 \n". " CODE11 \n". " CODE39 \n". " CODE128 \n". " CODE25 \n". " CODEI25 \n". " CODABAR \n". " BOOKLAND \n". "-c Add checkdigit for symbologies where this is optional\n". "-o Output format. 0=Image, 1=PS, 2=EPS\n". "-m Module width\n". "-s Scale factor\n". "-h Show this help\n". "-f Filename to write to\n". "-r Rotate barcode 90 degrees\n". "-y height Set height in pixels\n". "-x Hide the human readable text\n". "--silent Silent. Don't give any error mesages\n"; exit(1); } function Get() { $barcode='code39'; $hide=false; $checkdigit=false; $modulewidth=2; $scale=1; $output=0; $filename=''; $data = ''; $rotate = false; $silent=false; $height = 70; if( ($n=$this->GetNum()) > 0 ) { $i=1; while( $i <= $n ) { switch( $this->argv[$i] ) { case '-h': $this->PrintUsage(); exit(0); break; case '-b': $barcode = $this->argv[++$i]; break; case '-o': $output = (int)$this->argv[++$i]; break; case '-y': $height = (int)$this->argv[++$i]; break; case '-x': $hide=true; break; case '-r': $rotate=true; break; case '-c': $checkdigit=true; break; case '--silent': $silent=true; break; case '-s': $scale = (float)$this->argv[++$i]; break; case '-m': $modulewidth = (float)$this->argv[++$i]; break; case '-f': $filename = $this->argv[++$i]; break; default: if( $data == '' ) { $data = $this->argv[$i]; } else { $this->PrintUsage(); die("Illegal specified parameters"); } break; } ++$i; } } if( $output < 0 || $output > 2 ) { fwrite(STDERR,"Unkown output format ($output)\n"); exit(1); } if( $output === 0 ) { $modulewidth = floor($modulewidth); } // Sanity check if( $modulewidth > 15 ) { fwrite(STDERR,"Too large modulewidth\n"); exit(1); } // Sanity check if( $height > 1000 ) { fwrite(STDERR,"Too large height\n"); exit(1); } // Sanity check if( $scale > 15 ) { fwrite(STDERR,"Too large scale factor\n"); exit(1); } if( strlen($filename) > 256 ) { fwrite(STDERR,"Too long filename\n"); exit(1); } if( trim($data) == '' ) { fwrite(STDERR,"No input data specified\n"); exit(1); } $barcodes = array( 'UPCA' => ENCODING_UPCA, 'UPCE' => ENCODING_UPCE, 'EAN128' => ENCODING_EAN128, 'EAN13' => ENCODING_EAN13, 'EAN8' => ENCODING_EAN8, 'CODE11' => ENCODING_CODE11, 'CODE39' => ENCODING_CODE39, 'CODE128' => ENCODING_CODE128, 'CODE25' => ENCODING_CODE25, 'CODEI25' => ENCODING_CODEI25, 'CODABAR' => ENCODING_CODABAR, 'BOOKLAND' => ENCODING_BOOKLAND, ); $barcode = strtoupper($barcode); if( key_exists($barcode,$barcodes) ) { $barcode = $barcodes[$barcode]; } else { fwrite(STDERR,'Specified barcode symbology ('.$barcode.") is not supported\n"); exit(1); } $ret = array( 'barcode' => $barcode, 'hide' => $hide, 'modulewidth' => $modulewidth, 'scale' => $scale, 'output' => $output, 'data' => $data, 'silent' => $silent, 'rotate' => $rotate, 'height' => $height, 'checkdigit' => $checkdigit, 'filename' => $filename ); return $ret; } function _Dump() { var_dump($this->argv); } function GetNum() { return $this->argc-1; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS Driver // Main driver class to create barcodes with the parmeters specified on // the command line. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Driver { private $iParams; static public $silent=false; static public function ErrHandlerPS(Exception $e) { if( !Driver::$silent ) fwrite(STDERR,$e->getMessage()."\n"); exit(1); } static public function ErrHandlerImg(Exception $e) { if( !Driver::$silent ) fwrite(STDERR,$e->getMessage()."\n"); $errobj = new JpGraphErrObjectImg(); $errobj->Raise($e->getMessage()); exit(1); } function Run($aParams) { $this->iParams = $aParams; Driver::$silent = $aParams['silent']; $encoder = BarcodeFactory::Create($aParams['barcode']); $encoder->AddChecksum($aParams['checkdigit']); switch( $aParams['output'] ) { case 0: $e = BackendFactory::Create(BACKEND_IMAGE,$encoder); set_exception_handler(array('Driver','ErrHandlerImg')); break; case 1: $e = BackendFactory::Create(BACKEND_PS,$encoder); set_exception_handler(array('Driver','ErrHandlerPS')); break; case 2: $e = BackendFactory::Create(BACKEND_PS,$encoder); $e->SetEPS(); set_exception_handler(array('Driver','ErrHandlerPS')); break; } $e->SetHeight($aParams['height']); $e->SetVertical($aParams['rotate']); $e->SetModuleWidth($aParams['modulewidth']); $e->SetScale($aParams['scale']); $e->HideText($aParams['hide']); if( $aParams['output'] === 0 ) { $err = $e->Stroke($aParams['data'], $aParams['filename']); } else { $s = $e->Stroke($aParams['data'], $aParams['filename']); if( $aParams['filename'] == '' ) { // If no filename specified then return the generated postscript echo $s; } } } } $pa = new ParseArgs(); $params = $pa->Get(); $driver = new Driver(); $driver->Run($params); // Successfull termination exit(0); ?>