<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
// Gantt horizontal grid example
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php');

// Some dummy data for some activities
$data = array(
	array(0,"Group 1  Johan", "2001-10-23","2001-11-06",FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD,8),
	array(1,"  Label 2", "2001-10-26","2001-11-04"),
	array(3,"Group 2", "2001-11-20","2001-11-28",FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD,8),
	array(4,"  Label 1", "2001-11-20","2001-12-1"));

// New Gantt Graph
$graph = new GanttGraph(500);

// Setup a title
$graph->title->Set("Grid example");
$graph->subtitle->Set("(Horizontal grid)");

// Specify what headers to show
$graph->ShowHeaders(GANTT_HMONTH|GANTT_HDAY );

// Setup a horizontal grid

for($i=0; $i<count($data); ++$i) {
    $bar = new GanttBar($data[$i][0],$data[$i][1],$data[$i][2],$data[$i][3],"[5%]",10);
    if( count($data[$i]) > 4 )

// Setup a vertical marker line 
$vline = new GanttVLine("2001-11-01");

// Setup a milestone
$ms = new MileStone(6,"M5","2001-11-28","28/12");

// And to show that you can also add an icon we add "Tux"
$icon = new IconPlot('penguin.png',0.05,0.95,1,15);

// .. and finally send it back to the browser
