<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
// $Id: canvas_jpgarchex.php,v 1.3 2002/08/29 10:14:19 aditus Exp $
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_canvas.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_canvtools.php');

// Scale we are using

// Setup the basic canvas
$g = new CanvasGraph(700,650,'auto');

// ... and a scale
$scale = new CanvasScale($g);

// ... we need shape since we want the indented rectangle
$shape = new Shape($g,$scale);

// ... basic parameters for the overall image
$l = 2;		// Left margin
$r = 18;	// Row number to start the lowest line on
$width = 16;	// Total width

// Setup the two basic rectangle text object we  will use
$tt = new CanvasRectangleText();

$t = new CanvasRectangleText();

// Now start drawing the arch overview from the bottom and up
// This is all pretty manual and one day I will write a proper
// framework to make it easy to construct these types of architecture
// overviews. But for now, just plain old coordinates..

// Line: GD Library and image libraries
$s  = 3; $d=$l + $width-9;
$tt->Set("GD Basic library\n(1.8.x or 2.x)",$l,$r,$width,$h-1); 

// Area: Basic internal JpGraph architecture
$h = 2;
$r -= $h; $d=8;
$t->Set("Image primitives\n(RGB, Anti-aliasing,\nGD Abstraction)",$l,$r-0.5,$width*0.5,$h+0.5);
$t->Set("Image Cache &\nStreaming",$l+0.5*$width,$r,$width*0.4,$h);

$r -= $h; $d=8;
$t->Set("2D Rot & Transformation",$l,$r,$width*0.5,$h-0.5); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

$r -= 2; $h = 4;
$tt->Set("Axis, Labelling, (Auto)-Scaling",$l,$r,$width*0.9,$h-2); $tt->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

$r -= 1;
$tt->Set("Error handling & Utility classes",$l,$r,$width,1); $tt->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

// Area: Top area with graph components
$r -= 3;
$w = $width*0.55/4; $h = 2;


$tt->Set("Base Graph\n(Orthogonal\ncoordinate system)",$l+4*$w,$r,$width-$w*4,3); 

$r -= 2;
$d = 0.7;
$shape->IndentedRectangle($l+3*$w,$r,$w,4, $w*$d,2,0,'gold1');
$t->Set("Canv\nUtil",$l+3*$w,$r,$w*$d,$h);     $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$tt->Set("Canvas\nGraph",$l+3*$w,$r+2,$w,2); $tt->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

// Top line of plotting plugins
$t->Set("Gantt\nPlot",$l,$r,$w,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$t->Set("2D\nPlot",$l+$w,$r,$w/2,$h);     $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$t->Set("Radar\nPlot",$l+2*$w,$r,$w,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

$wp = ($width - 4*$w)/4; 
$t->Set("Error\nPlot",$l+4*$w,$r,$wp,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$t->Set("Line\nPlot",$l+4*$w+$wp,$r,$wp,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$t->Set("Bar\nPlot",$l+4*$w+2*$wp,$r,$wp,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);
$t->Set("Scatter\nPlot",$l+4*$w+3*$wp,$r,$wp,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

// Show application top
$r -= 2.5; $h=2; 
$t->Set("PHP Application",$l,$r,$width,$h); $t->Stroke($g->img,$scale);

// Stroke title
$r = 0.5;
$tt->Set("JpGraph Architecture Overview",$l,$r,$width,1); 

// Stroke footer
$tt->Set("Generated: ".date("ymd H:m",time()),0.1,$ymax*0.95); 

// .. and stream it all back
