// File:	ODOEX010.PHP
// Description: Example 0 for odometer graphs
// Created:	2002-02-22
// Version:	$Id$
// Comment:
// Example file for odometer graph. Extends odoex09.php to show how multiple
// odometers can have different properties
// Copyright (C) 2002 Johan Persson. All rights reserved.
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_odo.php');

// Create a new odometer graph (width=250, height=200 pixels)
$graph = new OdoGraph(200,300);

// We will display three odometers stacked vertically
// The first thing to do is to create them
$odo1 = new Odometer(); 
$odo2 = new Odometer(); 
$odo3 = new Odometer(); 

// Set Indicator bands for the odometers

// Set display values for the odometers


// Set scale label properties


// Add the odometers to the graph using a vertical layout
$l1 = new LayoutVert( array($odo1,$odo2,$odo3) ) ;
$graph->Add( $l1 );

// ... and finally stroke and stream the image back to the browser

// EOF