<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
// $Id: ganttex_slice.php,v 1.2 2002/07/11 23:27:28 aditus Exp $
// Gantt example with sunday week start and only shows a partial graph
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php');

// Setup Gantt graph
$graph = new GanttGraph(0,0,'auto');

// Only show part of the Gantt

// Weeks start on Sunday

$graph->title->Set("General conversion plan");
$graph->subtitle->Set("(Slice between 2001-11-22 to 2002-01-24)");


$data = array(
	array(0,"Group 1\tJohan", "2002-1-23","2002-01-28",FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD,8),
	array(1,"  Label 2", "2001-10-26","2001-11-16"),
	array(2,"  Label 3", "2001-11-30","2001-12-01"),
	array(4,"Group 2", "2001-11-30","2001-12-22",FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD,8),
	array(5,"  Label 4", "2001-11-30","2001-12-1"),
	array(6,"  Label 5", "2001-12-6","2001-12-8"),
	array(8,"    Label 8", "2001-11-30","2002-01-02")			

// make up some fictionary activity bars
for($i=0; $i<count($data); ++$i) {
	$bar = new GanttBar($data[$i][0],$data[$i][1],$data[$i][2],$data[$i][3],"[5%]",10);
	if( count($data[$i])>4 )


// The line will NOT be shown since it is outside the specified slice
$vline = new GanttVLine("2002-02-28");

// The milestone will NOT be shown since it is outside the specified slice
$ms = new MileStone(7,"M5","2002-01-28","28/1");

