<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
// $Id: balloonex1.php,v 1.5 2002/12/15 16:08:51 aditus Exp $
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph/jpgraph_scatter.php');

// Some data
$datax = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
$datay = array(12,23,95,18,65,28,86,44);
// Callback for markers
// Must return array(width,color,fill_color)
// If any of the returned values are "" then the
// default value for that parameter will be used.
function FCallback($aVal) {
    // This callback will adjust the fill color and size of
    // the datapoint according to the data value according to
    if( $aVal < 30 ) $c = "blue";
    elseif( $aVal < 70 ) $c = "green";
    else $c="red";
    return array(floor($aVal/3),"",$c);

// Setup a basic graph
$graph = new Graph(400,300,'auto');
$graph->title->Set("Example of ballon scatter plot");
// Use a lot of grace to get large scales

// Make sure X-axis as at the bottom of the graph

// Create the scatter plot
$sp1 = new ScatterPlot($datay,$datax);

// Uncomment the following two lines to display the values

// Specify the callback

// Setup the legend for plot
$sp1->SetLegend('Year 2002');

// Add the scatter plot to the graph

// ... and send to browser
