array(10,10,13,7), 2 => array(2,8,10), 4 => array(1,12,22)), array( 4 => array(12,8,2,3), 2 => array(5,4,4,5,2)), array( 1 => array(12,8,2,3), 3 => array(5,4,4,5,2)), array( 2 => array(12,8,2,3), 3 => array(5,4,4,5,2)), array( 4 => array(12,8,2,3), 6 => array(5,4,4,5,2)) ); // Legend range colors $rangecolors = array('green','yellow','red','brown'); // Create a windrose graph with titles $graph = new WindroseGraph(750,700); $graph->title->Set('Multiple plots with automatic layout'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,14); // Setup the individual windrose plots $wp = array(); for( $i=0; $i < 5; ++$i ) { $wp[$i] = new WindrosePlot($data[$i]); $wp[$i]->SetType(WINDROSE_TYPE8); if( $i < 2) { $wp[$i]->SetSize(0.28); } else { $wp[$i]->legend->Hide(); $wp[$i]->SetSize(0.16); $wp[$i]->SetCenterSize(0.25); } $wp[$i]->SetRangeColors($rangecolors); } // Position with two rows. Two plots in top row and three plots in // bottom row. $hl1 = new LayoutHor( array( $wp[0], $wp[1] ) ); $hl2 = new LayoutHor( array( $wp[2], $wp[3], $wp[4] ) ); $vl = new LayoutVert( array( $hl1, $hl2) ); $graph->Add($vl); $graph->Stroke(); ?>