Commit fc048c6dc0b5039d79228ff3ba4d509b771b5c78
1 parent
Restructuration du git
101 changed files
1 additions
1054 deletions
Show diff stats deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#!usr/bin/env python | |
2 | - | |
3 | -import serial | |
4 | -from lxml import etree | |
5 | - | |
6 | -xml = etree.parse('111-1.xml') | |
7 | - | |
8 | -ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", 9600, timeout=1) | |
9 | -value = ser.readline() | |
10 | - | |
11 | -for parametre in xml.getchildren(): | |
12 | - if 'name' in parametre.attrib and parametre.attrib['name'] == 'data': | |
13 | - parametre.text = value | |
14 | -with open('111-1.xml', 'w') as myFile: | |
15 | - myFile.write(etree.tounicode(xml)) | |
16 | -myFile.close() | |
17 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
accesBase.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | - function connexion() | |
3 | - { | |
4 | - $machine='' ; | |
5 | - $user='grouille' ; | |
6 | - $pwd='postgres' ; | |
7 | - $db='projetCapteurs' ; | |
8 | - $link = pg_connect("host=$machine user=$user password=$pwd dbname=$db") or die('Erreur de Connection !<br />'.pg_last_error()) ; | |
9 | - return $link ; | |
10 | - } | |
11 | - | |
12 | - function deconnexion($db) | |
13 | - { | |
14 | - pg_close($db); | |
15 | - } | |
16 | - | |
17 | - function verifPwd($id, $pwd) | |
18 | - { | |
19 | - $db = connexion(); | |
20 | - $query = "SELECT pwd FROM membres WHERE identifiant = '$id'"; | |
21 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
22 | - $pass = pg_fetch_assoc($result); | |
23 | - deconnexion($db); | |
24 | - return(password_verify($pwd, $pass['pwd'])); | |
25 | - } | |
26 | - | |
27 | - function notAMember($id) | |
28 | - { | |
29 | - $db = connexion(); | |
30 | - $query = "SELECT * FROM membres WHERE identifiant = '$id'"; | |
31 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
32 | - if (pg_affected_rows($result)!=0){ | |
33 | - return False; | |
34 | - } | |
35 | - else{ | |
36 | - return True; | |
37 | - } | |
38 | - } | |
39 | - | |
40 | - function countMember() | |
41 | - { | |
42 | - $db = connexion(); | |
43 | - $query = "SELECT * FROM membres"; | |
44 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
45 | - return pg_affected_rows($result); | |
46 | - } | |
47 | - | |
48 | - function inscription($id, $pwd, $nom, $prenom) | |
49 | - { | |
50 | - $db = connexion(); | |
51 | - $num = countMember() +1; | |
52 | - $pwd_hache = password_hash($pwd, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); | |
53 | - $query = "INSERT INTO membres VALUES('$num', '$nom', '$prenom', '$pwd_hache', '$id')"; | |
54 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
55 | - if (pg_affected_rows($result)!=0){ | |
56 | - return True; | |
57 | - } | |
58 | - else{ | |
59 | - return False; | |
60 | - } | |
61 | - } | |
62 | - | |
63 | - function getMembreByIdPwd($id, $pwd) | |
64 | - { | |
65 | - $db = connexion(); | |
66 | - $query = "SELECT nom, prenom, pwd FROM membres WHERE identifiant = '$id'"; | |
67 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
68 | - $tab = pg_fetch_assoc($result); | |
69 | - if(password_verify($pwd, $tab['pwd'])) | |
70 | - return $tab; | |
71 | - } | |
72 | - | |
73 | - function getSensors() | |
74 | - { | |
75 | - $db = connexion(); | |
76 | - $query = "SELECT * FROM capteurs"; | |
77 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
78 | - $tab = pg_fetch_all($result); | |
79 | - return $tab; | |
80 | - } | |
81 | - | |
82 | - function upload($index,$maxsize=FALSE,$extensions=FALSE) | |
83 | - { | |
84 | - //Test1: fichier correctement uploadé | |
85 | - if (!isset($_FILES[$index]) OR $_FILES[$index]['error'] > 0) return FALSE; | |
86 | - //Test2: taille limite | |
87 | - if ($maxsize !== FALSE AND $_FILES[$index]['size'] > $maxsize) return FALSE; | |
88 | - //Test3: extension | |
89 | - $ext = substr(strrchr($_FILES[$index]['name'],'.'),1); | |
90 | - if ($extensions !== FALSE AND !in_array($ext,$extensions)) return FALSE; | |
91 | - $name = 'binaire'; | |
92 | - $extension_upload = strtolower( substr( strrchr($_FILES['fichier']['name'], '.') ,1) ); | |
93 | - $fichier = "upload/{$name}.{$extension_upload}"; | |
94 | - //$fichier = basename($_FILES[$index]['name']); | |
95 | - return move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fichier']['tmp_name'],$fichier); | |
96 | - } | |
97 | - | |
98 | - function get_num() | |
99 | - { | |
100 | - $db = connexion(); | |
101 | - $query = "SELECT num FROM verif"; | |
102 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
103 | - $tab = pg_fetch_assoc($result); | |
104 | - return $tab['num']; | |
105 | - } | |
106 | - | |
107 | - function inc_num() | |
108 | - { | |
109 | - $db = connexion(); | |
110 | - $query = "SELECT num FROM verif"; | |
111 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
112 | - $tab = pg_fetch_assoc($result); | |
113 | - $var = $tab['num']; | |
114 | - $query = "UPDATE verif SET num='$var'+1"; | |
115 | - $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("La requête a echoué : ".pg_last_error()); | |
116 | - } | |
117 | -?> | |
118 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
arduinoToRpi.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <avr/io.h> // for the input/output register | |
2 | -#include <avr/interrupt.h> | |
3 | -#include <util/delay.h> | |
4 | -#include <unistd.h> | |
5 | -#include <string.h> | |
6 | -#include <stdlib.h> | |
7 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
8 | - | |
9 | -#define PRESCALER 1024 | |
10 | -#define TIME_SLOT 20 | |
11 | -#define NB_TICK 113 | |
12 | -#define BAUDRATE 103 | |
13 | - | |
14 | -void send_serial(unsigned char c) | |
15 | -{ | |
16 | - loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); | |
17 | - UDR0 = c; | |
18 | -} | |
19 | - | |
20 | -void init_serial(void) | |
21 | -{ | |
22 | - /* ACHTUNG : we suppose UBRR value < 0xff */ | |
23 | - /* Not true in all case */ | |
24 | - uint8_t baudrate = BAUDRATE; | |
25 | - /* Set baud rate */ | |
26 | - UBRR0H = 0; | |
27 | - UBRR0L = baudrate; | |
28 | - | |
29 | - /* Enable transmitter *///task_led_red(); | |
30 | - //task_send_serial('A'); | |
31 | - UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0); | |
32 | - | |
33 | - /* Set frame format */ | |
34 | - UCSR0C = 0x06; | |
35 | - | |
36 | -} | |
37 | - | |
38 | - | |
39 | -int main(void) | |
40 | -{ | |
41 | - init_serial(); | |
42 | - while(1) | |
43 | - { | |
44 | - send_serial('A'); | |
45 | - _delay_ms(3000); | |
46 | - } | |
47 | - return 0; | |
48 | -} |
binaire.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
2 | -#include <stdlib.h> | |
3 | -#include <wiringPi.h> | |
4 | -#include <string.h> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -void add_caract(char word[], char caract) | |
7 | -{ | |
8 | - char str[2]; | |
9 | - str[0] = caract; | |
10 | - str[1] = '\0'; | |
11 | - strcat(word, str); | |
12 | -} | |
13 | - | |
14 | -int main() | |
15 | -{ | |
16 | - FILE* fp = fopen("stock.txt", "r"); | |
17 | - char set[2]; | |
18 | - fscanf(fp, "%s", set); | |
19 | - int pin = (int)atoi(set); | |
20 | - if(pin==4) return 0; | |
21 | - if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) | |
22 | - { | |
23 | - return 0; | |
24 | - } | |
25 | - pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); | |
26 | - int i=0; | |
27 | - while(i<10) | |
28 | - { | |
29 | - digitalWrite(pin,1);//la valeur est définie à HIGH (3.3v) | |
30 | - delay(500); //on attend 500ms | |
31 | - digitalWrite(pin,0);//la valeur est définie à LOW (0V) | |
32 | - delay(500); | |
33 | - i++; | |
34 | - } | |
35 | - return 0; | |
36 | -} |
blink.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
2 | -#include <wiringPi.h> | |
3 | -#include <stdlib.h> | |
4 | -#include <string.h> | |
5 | -#include <stdbool.h> | |
6 | - | |
7 | -void add_caract(char word[], char caract) | |
8 | -{ | |
9 | - char str[2]; | |
10 | - str[0] = caract; | |
11 | - str[1] = '\0'; | |
12 | - strcat(word, str); | |
13 | -} | |
14 | - | |
15 | -void read_xml(FILE* fp, char sensor[]) | |
16 | -{ | |
17 | - char c; | |
18 | - int cpt=0; | |
19 | - while(1) | |
20 | - { | |
21 | - c = fgetc(fp); | |
22 | - if(c=='>') cpt++; | |
23 | - if(cpt==2) break; | |
24 | - } | |
25 | - while(1) | |
26 | - { | |
27 | - c = fgetc(fp); | |
28 | - if(c=='<') break; | |
29 | - add_caract(sensor, c); | |
30 | - } | |
31 | -} | |
32 | - | |
33 | -bool verif() | |
34 | -{ | |
35 | - FILE* fpv = fopen("verif.txt", "r"); | |
36 | - FILE* fpd = fopen("demande.txt", "r"); | |
37 | - | |
38 | - if(fpv==NULL || fpd==NULL) return false; | |
39 | - | |
40 | - char v[2]; | |
41 | - char d[2]; | |
42 | - | |
43 | - fgets(v, 3, fpv); | |
44 | - fgets(d, 3, fpd); | |
45 | - | |
46 | - //char cv = fgetc(fpv); | |
47 | - //char cd = fgetc(fpd); | |
48 | - | |
49 | - fclose(fpv); | |
50 | - fclose(fpd); | |
51 | - FILE* fp = fopen("verif.txt", "w+"); | |
52 | - | |
53 | - //add_caract(v, cv); | |
54 | - //add_caract(d, cd); | |
55 | - | |
56 | - int verif = atoi(v); | |
57 | - int demande = atoi(d); | |
58 | - | |
59 | - if(verif!=demande) | |
60 | - fputs(d, fp); | |
61 | - else | |
62 | - fputs(v, fp); | |
63 | - | |
64 | - return(verif!=demande); | |
65 | -} | |
66 | - | |
67 | -int pin_num() | |
68 | -{ | |
69 | - FILE* fp = fopen("sensor.xml", "r"); | |
70 | - if(fp==NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; | |
71 | - | |
72 | - char sensor[15] = ""; | |
73 | - char nb[2]=""; | |
74 | - read_xml(fp, sensor); | |
75 | - | |
76 | - // Vérification présence du capteur/pin sur la RPi | |
77 | - | |
78 | - add_caract(nb, sensor[strlen(sensor)-1]); | |
79 | - if(verif()) | |
80 | - return atoi(nb); | |
81 | - else | |
82 | - return 4; | |
83 | -} | |
84 | - | |
85 | -int main(void) | |
86 | -{ | |
87 | - int pin=pin_num(); | |
88 | - FILE* fp = fopen("stock.txt", "w+"); | |
89 | - fprintf(fp, "%d", pin); | |
90 | - return 0; | |
91 | -} |
capteurs.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | -$sensors = getSensors(); | |
3 | -?> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -<div class="row"> | |
6 | - <div class="col-6 col-md-6 offset-md-3 offset-3"> | |
7 | - <br/> | |
8 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Choix du capteur</h1> | |
9 | - <form action="envoiFichiers.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> | |
10 | - <table class="table table-striped table-bordered"> | |
11 | - <tbody> | |
12 | - <tr> | |
13 | - <td>Sélection</td> | |
14 | - <td>Nom</td> | |
15 | - <td>Raspberry</td> | |
16 | - <td>Type</td> | |
17 | - </tr> | |
18 | - | |
19 | - <?php | |
20 | - foreach($sensors as $sensor){ | |
21 | - ?> | |
22 | - <tr> | |
23 | - <td><div class="form-check"><input class="form-check-input position-static" type="radio" name="sensor" id="sensor1" value="<?php echo $sensor['raspberry'];?>" aria-label="..."></div> | |
24 | - <td><?php echo $sensor['nom'];?></td> | |
25 | - <td><?php echo $sensor['raspberry'];?></td> | |
26 | - <td><?php echo $sensor['type'];?></td> | |
27 | - </tr> | |
28 | - <?php | |
29 | - } | |
30 | - ?> | |
31 | - | |
32 | - </tbody> | |
33 | - </table> | |
34 | - | |
35 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-file-upload"></i> Uploader un fichier</h1> | |
36 | - <div class="panel panel-default"> | |
37 | - | |
38 | - <div class="form-group"> | |
39 | - <label for="exampleFormControlFile1">Charger un fichier</label> | |
40 | - <input type="file" name="fichier" class="form-control-file" id="fichier"> | |
41 | - <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1048576" /> | |
42 | - </div> | |
43 | - | |
44 | - </div> | |
45 | - <input type="submit" class="btn btn-dark btn-lg btn-block"style="margin-top:50px;" value="Envoyer"/> | |
46 | - </form> | |
47 | - </div> | |
48 | -</div> | |
49 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
Tuno_to_rpi.c renamed to codes/Tuno_to_rpi.c
demande.txt deleted
No preview for this file type
envoiFichiers.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | -session_start(); | |
3 | -?> | |
4 | -<!DOCTYPE html> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<html> | |
7 | - <head> | |
8 | - <?php include("head.php"); ?> | |
9 | - </head> | |
10 | - | |
11 | - <!-- Contenu du site --> | |
12 | - <body> | |
13 | - <?php | |
14 | - include("header.php"); | |
15 | - $upload1 = upload('fichier',FALSE, array('c', 'txt') ); | |
16 | - ?> | |
17 | - <div class="row"> | |
18 | - <div class="col-4 col-md-4 offset-md-4 offset-4"> | |
19 | - <br/> | |
20 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-cloud"></i> Envoi du fichier en ligne</h1> | |
21 | - <?php if($upload1){ | |
22 | - inc_num(); | |
23 | - ?> | |
24 | - <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"> | |
25 | - Upload du fichier réussi ! | |
26 | - </div> | |
27 | - <?php | |
28 | - } | |
29 | - else {?> | |
30 | - <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"> | |
31 | - Erreur lors du transfert du fichier ! | |
32 | - </div><?php | |
33 | - } | |
34 | - ?> | |
35 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i> Informations complémentaires</h1> | |
36 | - <table class="table table-striped table-bordered"> | |
37 | - <tbody> | |
38 | - <tr> | |
39 | - <td>Nom du fichier</td> | |
40 | - <td><?php echo $_FILES['fichier']['name'];?></td> | |
41 | - </tr> | |
42 | - <tr> | |
43 | - <td>Type</td> | |
44 | - <td><?php echo $_FILES['fichier']['type'];?></td> | |
45 | - </tr> | |
46 | - <tr> | |
47 | - <td>Localisation</td> | |
48 | - <td><?php echo $_FILES['fichier']['tmp_name'];?></td> | |
49 | - </tr> | |
50 | - <tr> | |
51 | - <td>Erreur</td> | |
52 | - <td><?php echo $_FILES['fichier']['error'];?></td> | |
53 | - </tr> | |
54 | - <tr> | |
55 | - <td>Taille</td> | |
56 | - <td><?php echo $_FILES['fichier']['size'];?></td> | |
57 | - | |
58 | - </tr> | |
59 | - </tbody> | |
60 | - </table> | |
61 | - | |
62 | - </div> | |
63 | - </div> | |
64 | - </body> | |
65 | -</html> | |
66 | - | |
67 | -<?php | |
68 | -if ( isset($_POST['sensor']) ) { | |
69 | - $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>\r\n" | |
70 | - . '<sensor>' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['sensor']) . '</sensor>' ; | |
71 | - file_put_contents('upload/sensor.xml', $xml) ; | |
72 | -} | |
73 | -if ( isset($_POST['sensor']) ) { | |
74 | - $txt = get_num(); | |
75 | - file_put_contents('upload/demande.txt', $txt); | |
76 | -} | |
77 | -?> | |
78 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
fichiersRPI/ deleted
formInscription.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<div class="row"> | |
2 | - <div class="col-4 col-md-4 offset-md-4 offset-4"> | |
3 | - <br/> | |
4 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-user-circle"></i> Inscription</h1> | |
5 | - <form action="inscription.php" method="post"> | |
6 | - <table class="table table-striped table-bordered"> | |
7 | - <tbody> | |
8 | - <tr> | |
9 | - <td>Nom : </td> | |
10 | - <td><input type="text" name="nom" placeholder="Entrez votre nom" required="true" /></td> | |
11 | - </tr> | |
12 | - | |
13 | - <tr> | |
14 | - <td>Prénom : </td> | |
15 | - <td><input type="text" name="prenom" placeholder="Entrez votre prénom" required="true" /></td> | |
16 | - </tr> | |
17 | - | |
18 | - <tr> | |
19 | - <td>Identifiant: </td> | |
20 | - <td><input type="text" name="id" placeholder="Entrez votre identifiant" maxlength="30" required="true" /></td> | |
21 | - </tr> | |
22 | - | |
23 | - <tr> | |
24 | - <td>Mot de passe :</td> | |
25 | - <td><input type="password" name="pass1" placeholder="Entrez votre mot de passe" required="true" /></td> | |
26 | - </tr> | |
27 | - <tr> | |
28 | - <td>Confirmer mot de passe :</td> | |
29 | - <td><input type="password" name="pass2" placeholder="Entrez votre mot de passe" required="true" /></td> | |
30 | - </tr> | |
31 | - | |
32 | - <tr> | |
33 | - <td></td> | |
34 | - <td><input type="submit" class="btn btn-dark" value="S'inscrire"/></td> | |
35 | - </tr> | |
36 | - </tbody> | |
37 | - </table> | |
38 | - </form> | |
39 | - </div> | |
40 | -</div> | |
41 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
header.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<!-- header --> | |
2 | -<header class="container-fluid header"> | |
3 | - <div class="container"> | |
4 | - <a href ="accueil.php" class="logo"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Gestion des noeuds</a> | |
5 | - <div class="menu"> | |
6 | - <?php | |
7 | - if(isset($_SESSION['Login'], $_SESSION['Password'])) | |
8 | - { | |
9 | - require("accesBase.php") ; | |
10 | - $membre = getMembreByIdPwd($_SESSION['Login'], $_SESSION['Password']); | |
11 | - ?> | |
12 | - <a href="settings.php"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php echo $membre['prenom']; echo ' '; echo $membre['nom'];?></a> | |
13 | - <a href="deconnecter.php"><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i> Deconnexion</a> | |
14 | - <?php | |
15 | - } | |
16 | - else | |
17 | - { | |
18 | - ?> | |
19 | - <a href="inscrire.php"><i class="fa fa-user-circle"></i> Inscription</a> | |
20 | - <?php | |
21 | - } | |
22 | - ?> | |
23 | - </div> | |
24 | - </div> | |
25 | -</header> | |
26 | -<!-- end header --> | |
27 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file | deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#!/bin/sh | |
2 | - | |
3 | -wget -N -P ./ | |
4 | -wget -N -P ./ | |
5 | -wget -N -P ./ | |
6 | - | |
7 | -gcc -o program program.c -lwiringPi | |
8 | -./program | |
9 | - | |
10 | -cp binaire.c Build/main.c | |
11 | -cd Build | |
12 | -make clean | |
13 | -make upload | |
14 | -#avrdude -p atmega328p -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf -c pi_3 -v -U flash:w:build-uno/Build.hex |
minicom.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
2 | -#include <termios.h> | |
3 | -#include <sys/fcntl.h> | |
4 | - | |
5 | -void main(void) | |
6 | -{ | |
7 | - int fd; | |
8 | - char c; | |
9 | - struct termios termios_p; | |
10 | - | |
11 | - /* Ouverture de la liaison serie */ | |
12 | - if ( (fd=open("/dev/ttyACM0",O_RDWR)) == -1 ) { | |
13 | - perror("open"); | |
14 | - exit(-1); | |
15 | - } | |
16 | - | |
17 | - /* Lecture des parametres courants */ | |
18 | - tcgetattr(fd,&termios_p); | |
19 | - /* On ignore les BREAK et les caracteres avec erreurs de parite */ | |
20 | - termios_p.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR; | |
21 | - /* Pas de mode de sortie particulier */ | |
22 | - termios_p.c_oflag = 0; | |
23 | - /* Liaison a 9600 bps avec 7 bits de donnees et une parite paire */ | |
24 | - termios_p.c_cflag = B9600 | CS7 | PARENB; | |
25 | - /* Mode non-canonique avec echo */ | |
26 | - termios_p.c_lflag = ECHO; | |
27 | - /* Caracteres immediatement disponibles */ | |
28 | - termios_p.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; | |
29 | - termios_p.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; | |
30 | - /* Sauvegarde des nouveaux parametres */ | |
31 | - tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&termios_p); | |
32 | - | |
33 | - /* Affichage sur le terminal */ | |
34 | - write(fd,"Tapez Ctrl-C pour quitter\n",26); | |
35 | - | |
36 | - /* Boucle de lecture */ | |
37 | - while ( 1 ) { | |
38 | - read(fd,&c,1); | |
39 | - if ( c == 0x03 ) /* Ctrl-C */ | |
40 | - break; | |
41 | - printf("%03u %02x %c\n",c&0xff,c&0xff,c); | |
42 | - } | |
43 | - | |
44 | - /* Fermeture */ | |
45 | - close(fd); | |
46 | - | |
47 | - /* Bye... */ | |
48 | - exit(0); | |
49 | -} | |
50 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
EXEC/Build/Makefile renamed to raspberry/Build/Makefile
EXEC/Build/main.c renamed to raspberry/Build/main.c
EXEC/ renamed to raspberry/
EXEC/binaire.c renamed to raspberry/binaire.c
EXEC/ renamed to raspberry/
EXEC/ renamed to raspberry/ deleted deleted
site_projet/.project renamed to site/.project
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site_projet/.ssh/rpi_ssh_key renamed to site/.ssh/rpi_ssh_key
site_projet/.ssh/ renamed to site/.ssh/
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site_projet/accueil.php renamed to site/accueil.php
site_projet/add.php renamed to site/add.php
site_projet/addSensor.php renamed to site/addSensor.php
site_projet/ajoutCapteur.php renamed to site/ajoutCapteur.php
site_projet/capteurs.php renamed to site/capteurs.php
connecter.php renamed to site/connecter.php
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site_projet/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css renamed to site/css/bootstrap-grid.min.css
site_projet/css/ renamed to site/css/
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site_projet/css/ renamed to site/css/
site_projet/css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css renamed to site/css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css
site_projet/css/ renamed to site/css/
site_projet/css/bootstrap.css renamed to site/css/bootstrap.css
site_projet/css/ renamed to site/css/
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site_projet/css/ renamed to site/css/
site_projet/css/style.css renamed to site/css/style.css
site_projet/data.php renamed to site/data.php
deconnecter.php renamed to site/deconnecter.php
site_projet/envoiFichiers.php renamed to site/envoiFichiers.php
fichiersRPI/Build/Makefile renamed to site/fichiersRPI/Build/Makefile
fichiersRPI/Build/main.c renamed to site/fichiersRPI/Build/main.c
fichiersRPI/ renamed to site/fichiersRPI/
site_projet/fichiersRPI/ renamed to site/fichiersRPI/
No preview for this file type
fichiersRPI/ renamed to site/fichiersRPI/
site_projet/fichiersRPI/ renamed to site/fichiersRPI/
site_projet/fichiersRPI/ renamed to site/fichiersRPI/
formConnexion.php renamed to site/formConnexion.php
site_projet/formInscription.php renamed to site/formInscription.php
head.php renamed to site/head.php
site_projet/header.php renamed to site/header.php
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site_projet/history.php renamed to site/history.php
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63.2 KB
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index.php renamed to site/index.php
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site_projet/js/ renamed to site/js/
site_projet/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js renamed to site/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js
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site_projet/js/bootstrap.js renamed to site/js/bootstrap.js
site_projet/js/ renamed to site/js/
site_projet/js/bootstrap.min.js renamed to site/js/bootstrap.min.js
site_projet/js/ renamed to site/js/
site_projet/js/dropzone.js renamed to site/js/dropzone.js
site_projet/logo.php renamed to site/logo.php
site_projet/recherche.php renamed to site/recherche.php
site_projet/requests.php renamed to site/requests.php
accueil.php renamed to site/send.php
site_projet/test.php renamed to site/test.php
site_projet/upload/binaire.c renamed to site/upload/binaire.c
site_projet/upload/sensor.xml renamed to site/upload/sensor.xml
site_projet/values.php renamed to site/values.php
site_projet/connecter.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | -session_start(); | |
3 | -require("accesBase.php") ; | |
4 | -?> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<!DOCTYPE html> | |
7 | - | |
8 | -<html> | |
9 | - <head> | |
10 | - <?php include("head.php"); ?> | |
11 | - </head> | |
12 | - | |
13 | - <!-- Contenu du site --> | |
14 | - <body> | |
15 | - <?php include("header.php"); ?> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <!-- Centre de la page --> | |
18 | - <div class="container-fluid"> | |
19 | - <div class="row"> | |
20 | - | |
21 | - <!-- Contenu de la page --> | |
22 | - <!-- Connexion --> | |
23 | - <div class="row syst"> | |
24 | - <div class="connect"> | |
25 | - <?php | |
26 | - if (verifPwd($_POST["id"], $_POST["pwd"])){ | |
27 | - $_SESSION['Login'] = $_POST['id']; | |
28 | - $_SESSION['Password'] = $_POST['pwd']; | |
29 | - ?><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=accueil.php" /><?php | |
30 | - } | |
31 | - else | |
32 | - echo "---------------------erreur de mdp";?> | |
33 | - </div> | |
34 | - </div> | |
35 | - <!-- fin connexion --> | |
36 | - </div> | |
37 | - <!-- fin contenu de la page --> | |
38 | - </div> | |
39 | - </div> | |
40 | - <!-- fin centre de la page --> | |
41 | - </body> | |
42 | -</html> |
site_projet/deconnecter.php deleted
site_projet/fichiersRPI/Build/Makefile deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -export CC = avr-gcc | |
2 | - | |
3 | -export MCU = atmega328p | |
4 | -export TARGET_ARCH = -mmcu=$(MCU) | |
5 | - | |
6 | -export CFLAGS = -Wall -I. -DF_CPU=16000000 -Os #-g | |
7 | -export LDFLAGS = -g $(TARGET_ARCH) -lm -Wl,--gc-sections # -Os | |
8 | - | |
9 | - | |
10 | -TARGET = blink | |
11 | -CPPFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) | |
12 | -PGMERISP = -c pi_3 | |
13 | -ARVDUDECONF= -C ~/avrdude_gpio.conf | |
14 | -export DUDE = avrdude -v -p $(MCU) $(AVRDUDECONF) | |
15 | - | |
16 | -C_SRC = $(wildcard *.c) | |
17 | -OBJS = $(C_SRC:.c=.o) | |
18 | - | |
19 | - | |
20 | -all: $(TARGET).hex | |
21 | - | |
22 | - | |
23 | -clean: | |
24 | - rm -f *.o *.hex *.elf build-uno | |
25 | - | |
26 | -%.o:%.c | |
27 | - $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ | |
28 | - | |
29 | - | |
30 | -$(TARGET).elf: $(OBJS) | |
31 | - $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) | |
32 | - | |
33 | -$(TARGET).hex: $(TARGET).elf | |
34 | - avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).hex | |
35 | - avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $(TARGET).elf eeprom.hex | |
36 | - | |
37 | -upload: $(TARGET).hex | |
38 | - $(DUDE) $(PGMERISP) -U flash:w:$(TARGET).hex | |
39 | - | |
40 | -size: $(TARGET).elf | |
41 | - avr-size --format=avr --mcu=$(MCU) $(TARGET).elf | |
42 | - |
site_projet/fichiersRPI/Build/main.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <avr/io.h> // for the input/output register | |
2 | -#include <avr/interrupt.h> | |
3 | -#include <util/delay.h> | |
4 | -#include <string.h> | |
5 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
6 | -#include <stdlib.h> | |
7 | -#define PRESCALER 1024 | |
8 | -#define TIME_SLOT 20 | |
9 | -#define BAUDRATE 103 | |
10 | - | |
11 | -#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) | |
12 | -#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) | |
13 | - | |
14 | -char Donnee[24]; | |
15 | -float temp; | |
16 | - | |
17 | -void init_serial(void) | |
18 | -{ | |
19 | - /* ACHTUNG : we suppose UBRR value < 0xff */ | |
20 | - /* Not true in all case */ | |
21 | - uint8_t baudrate = BAUDRATE; | |
22 | - /* Set baud rate */ | |
23 | - UBRR0H = 0; | |
24 | - UBRR0L = baudrate; | |
25 | - /* Enable transmitter *///task_led_red(); | |
26 | - //task_send_serial('A'); | |
27 | - UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0); | |
28 | - /* Set frame format */ | |
29 | - UCSR0C = 0x06; | |
30 | - | |
31 | -} | |
32 | - | |
33 | -void send_serial(unsigned char c) | |
34 | -{ | |
35 | - loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); | |
36 | - UDR0 = c; | |
37 | -} | |
38 | - | |
39 | - | |
40 | -void send_msg2(char Donnee[]){ | |
41 | - | |
42 | - while (( UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) == 0){}; | |
43 | - | |
44 | - for (int i = 0; i < strlen(Donnee); i++){ | |
45 | - while (( UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) == 0){}; | |
46 | - UDR0 = Donnee[i]; | |
47 | - if (i == (strlen(Donnee) - 1)){ | |
48 | - send_serial('\n'); | |
49 | - send_serial('\r'); | |
50 | - } | |
51 | - } | |
52 | -} | |
53 | - | |
54 | -void send_msg(char Donnee[]){ | |
55 | - int i=0; | |
56 | - for(i=0; i<strlen(Donnee); i++){ | |
57 | - if (i==strlen(Donnee)-1){ | |
58 | - send_serial(Donnee[i]); | |
59 | - send_serial('\n'); | |
60 | - send_serial('\r'); | |
61 | - } | |
62 | - else{ | |
63 | - send_serial(Donnee[i]); | |
64 | - } | |
65 | - _delay_ms(100); | |
66 | - } | |
67 | -} | |
68 | - | |
69 | - | |
70 | -// équivalent de analogueRead() | |
71 | -int analogReadNew(uint8_t pin) { | |
72 | - /* | |
73 | - // Définition de la référence de tension | |
74 | - ADMUX |= (1 << REFS0); | |
75 | - // On sélectionne notre pin | |
76 | - ADMUX |= pin & 0x07; | |
77 | - | |
78 | - // On lance la conversion | |
79 | - sbi(ADCSRA, ADSC); | |
80 | - | |
81 | - // Le bit sera désactivé à la fin de la conversion | |
82 | - while(bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC)); | |
83 | - | |
84 | - // Lire ADCL en premier est obligatoire, sinon l'ADC se bloque | |
85 | - uint8_t low = ADCL; | |
86 | - | |
87 | - // Récupérer le résultat | |
88 | - return ((ADCH << 8) | low); | |
89 | - */ | |
90 | - ADCSRA |= (1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0); | |
91 | - ADMUX |= (1<<REFS0)|(1<<ADLAR); | |
92 | - ADMUX = (ADMUX&0xf0)|pin; | |
93 | - ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN); | |
94 | - | |
95 | - ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); | |
96 | - while(bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC)); | |
97 | - return ADCH; | |
98 | -} | |
99 | - | |
100 | -int main() | |
101 | -{ | |
102 | - int reading; | |
103 | - init_serial(); | |
104 | - while(1){ | |
105 | - reading=analogReadNew(0); | |
106 | - temp = reading * 1.9607843; | |
107 | - dtostrf(temp, 4, 1, Donnee); | |
108 | - //send_serial('T'); | |
109 | - //send_serial('='); | |
110 | - send_msg2(Donnee); | |
111 | - _delay_ms(2000); | |
112 | - } | |
113 | - return 0; | |
114 | -} |
site_projet/fichiersRPI/ deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#!usr/bin/env python | |
2 | - | |
3 | -import serial | |
4 | -import requests | |
5 | -import datetime | |
6 | - | |
7 | -date_comp = | |
8 | -A = str(date_comp.year) | |
9 | -M = str(date_comp.month) | |
10 | -J = str( | |
11 | -h = str(date_comp.hour) | |
12 | -m = str(date_comp.minute) | |
13 | -s = str(date_comp.second) | |
14 | -date = A + '-' + M + '-' + J + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s | |
15 | - | |
16 | -ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", 9600, timeout=1) | |
17 | -value = ser.readline() | |
18 | -while (value in ['\r', '', '\n']): | |
19 | - value = ser.readline() | |
20 | -data = str(float(value[0:4])) | |
21 | - | |
22 | -params = {"ip_address":"", "numero":"2", "name":"Solaris", "data": data, "date": date} | |
23 | -r ="", data = params) | |
24 | -print(data) | |
25 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
site_projet/fichiersRPI/ deleted
site_projet/formConnexion.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<div class="row"> | |
2 | - <div class="col-4 col-md-4 offset-md-4 offset-4"> | |
3 | - <br/> | |
4 | - <h1 style="margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:50px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding-bottom:20px;"><i class="fa fa-user-shield"></i> Connexion</h1> | |
5 | - <form action="connecter.php" method="post"> | |
6 | - <table class="table table-striped table-bordered"> | |
7 | - <tbody> | |
8 | - <tr> | |
9 | - <td>Identifiant : </td> | |
10 | - <td><input type="text" name="id" placeholder="Entrez votre identifiant" maxlength="30" required="true" class="case" /></td> | |
11 | - </tr> | |
12 | - <tr><td>Mot de passe :</td> | |
13 | - <td><input type="password" name="pwd" placeholder="Entrez votre mot de passe" required="true" class="case" /></td> | |
14 | - </tr> | |
15 | - <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" class="btn btn-dark" value="Se connecter"/></td></tr> | |
16 | - </tbody> | |
17 | - </table> | |
18 | - </form> | |
19 | - </div> | |
20 | -</div> | |
21 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
site_projet/head.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
2 | -<title>Administration Réseau</title> | |
3 | - | |
4 | -<!-- font --> | |
5 | -<link href=",400,500,600" rel="stylesheet"> | |
6 | - | |
7 | -<!-- css --> | |
8 | -<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> | |
9 | -<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> | |
10 | -<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> | |
11 | -<script src="js/dropzone.js"></script> | |
12 | - | |
13 | -<!-- js --> | |
14 | -<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> | |
15 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |
site_projet/index.php deleted
site_projet/inscription.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | -session_start(); | |
3 | -require("accesBase.php") ; | |
4 | -?> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<!DOCTYPE html> | |
7 | - | |
8 | -<html> | |
9 | - <head> | |
10 | - <?php include("head.php"); ?> | |
11 | - </head> | |
12 | - | |
13 | - <!-- Contenu du site --> | |
14 | - <body> | |
15 | - <?php include("header.php"); ?> | |
16 | - | |
17 | - <!-- Centre de la page --> | |
18 | - <div class="container-fluid"> | |
19 | - <div class="row"> | |
20 | - | |
21 | - <!-- Contenu de la page --> | |
22 | - <!-- Connexion --> | |
23 | - <div class="row syst"> | |
24 | - <div class="inscritpion"> | |
25 | - <?php | |
26 | - if (notAMember($_POST["id"])){ | |
27 | - if($_POST["pass1"]==$_POST["pass2"]){ | |
28 | - if(inscription($_POST["id"], $_POST["pass1"], $_POST["nom"], $_POST["prenom"])) | |
29 | - { | |
30 | - $_SESSION['Login'] = $_POST['id']; | |
31 | - $_SESSION['Password'] = $_POST['pass1']; | |
32 | - ?><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=accueil.php" /><?php | |
33 | - } | |
34 | - else | |
35 | - echo "erreur inscri"; | |
36 | - | |
37 | - } | |
38 | - else | |
39 | - echo "erreur pwd"; | |
40 | - } | |
41 | - else{ | |
42 | - echo "erreur membre"; | |
43 | - } | |
44 | - ?> | |
45 | - </div> | |
46 | - </div> | |
47 | - <!-- fin connexion --> | |
48 | - </div> | |
49 | - <!-- fin contenu de la page --> | |
50 | - </div> | |
51 | - </div> | |
52 | - <!-- fin centre de la page --> | |
53 | - </body> | |
54 | -</html> |
site_projet/inscrire.php deleted
site_projet/send.php deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -<?php | |
2 | -session_start(); | |
3 | -?> | |
4 | -<!DOCTYPE html> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -<html> | |
7 | - <head> | |
8 | - <?php include("head.php"); ?> | |
9 | - </head> | |
10 | - | |
11 | - <!-- Contenu du site --> | |
12 | - <body> | |
13 | - <?php | |
14 | - include("header.php"); | |
15 | - if(isset($_SESSION['Login'], $_SESSION['Password'])) | |
16 | - { | |
17 | - include("capteurs.php"); | |
18 | - } | |
19 | - else | |
20 | - { | |
21 | - include("formConnexion.php"); | |
22 | - } | |
23 | - ?> | |
24 | - </body> | |
25 | -</html> |
style.css deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -@CHARSET "UTF-8"; | |
2 | - | |
3 | -body { | |
4 | - padding:0; | |
5 | - font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; | |
6 | - margin:0 auto; | |
7 | - width: 100%; | |
8 | - overflow-x: hidden; | |
9 | - background-color:#fafafa; | |
10 | -} | |
11 | - | |
12 | -html { | |
13 | - padding:0; | |
14 | - margin:0; | |
15 | -} | |
16 | - | |
17 | -/* Header */ | |
18 | - | |
19 | -.header { | |
20 | - background-color: #0D0D0D; | |
21 | - height:70px; | |
22 | - line-height: 70px; | |
23 | -} | |
24 | - | |
25 | -a, a:hover { | |
26 | - text-decoration: none; | |
27 | -} | |
28 | - | |
29 | -.container-fluid { | |
30 | - padding: 0; | |
31 | -} | |
32 | - | |
33 | { | |
34 | - float: right; | |
35 | -} | |
36 | - | |
37 | a { | |
38 | - color:#fff; | |
39 | - margin-right: 20px; | |
40 | -} | |
41 | - | |
42 | a:hover { | |
43 | - color:#cfcfcf; | |
44 | -} | |
45 | - | |
46 | -.logo { | |
47 | - color: #fff; | |
48 | - /*text-transform: uppercase;*/ | |
49 | - letter-spacing: 1px; | |
50 | - float:left; | |
51 | - font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; | |
52 | -} | |
53 | - | |
54 | -.logo:hover { | |
55 | - color:#cfcfcf | |
56 | -} | |
57 | - | |
58 | -.inscription { | |
59 | - text-align:center; | |
60 | -} |
test.c deleted
... | ... | @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
1 | -#include <stdio.h> | |
2 | -#include <stdlib.h> | |
3 | -#include <Serial.h> | |
4 | -#include <unistd.h> | |
5 | - | |
6 | -//#define rxPin 0 | |
7 | -//#define txPin 1 | |
8 | - | |
9 | -//SoftwareSerial mySerial = SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin); | |
10 | - | |
11 | -void setup() | |
12 | -{ | |
13 | - //DDRD = 0x02; | |
14 | - Serial.begin(9600); | |
15 | -} | |
16 | - | |
17 | -void loop() | |
18 | -{ | |
19 | - //if(mySerial.available() > 0) | |
20 | - //{ | |
21 | - Serial.println('A'); | |
22 | - //} | |
23 | -} | |
24 | - | |
25 | -int main(void) | |
26 | -{ | |
27 | - while(1) | |
28 | - { | |
29 | - loop(); | |
30 | - _delay_ms(2000); | |
31 | - } | |
32 | -} |