% C'est un test

% symbole + : 1 ou plus
%         * : 0 ou plus
% pour absence de saut de ligne -->
% {NUMx} pour numérotation
% {SOURCE}ou {SOURCE-} pour le texte initial


Bienvenue dans l'outil d'aide au codage
Traducteur version 1.0, B. CONRARD 
Grammaire du 14/5/14 modifie pour IMA2A
modifié pour ROUSSEL et SUN

    ; {SOURCE}{inst}


[SymboleSi] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [SymboleAlors] [instruction]:inst
{exp}    TST R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}

[SymboleSi] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [SymboleSaut] [Etiquette]:eti [blanc]*  [fin]
{exp}    TST R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}
    JMP {eti}

[SymboleSi] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [SymboleAppel] [Etiquette]:eti [blanc]*  [fin]
{exp}    TST R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}
    CALL {eti}

[blanc]* [Registre]:regd [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Registre]:regs  [blanc]* [fin]
    MOV {regd},{regs}

[blanc]* [Variable]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Registre]:regs  [blanc]* [fin]
    STS {var},{regs}

[blanc]* [Registre]:regd [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]* [fin]
{exp}    MOV {regd},R16

[blanc]* [VariableIO]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]* [fin]
{exp}    OUT {var},R16

[blanc]* [Variable]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]*  [fin]
{exp}    STS {var},R16

[SymboleSaut] [Etiquette]:eti [blanc]*  [fin]
    JMP {eti}

[SymboleAppel] [Etiquette]:eti [blanc]*  [fin]
    CALL {eti}


[blanc]* "," [blanc]* [Registre]:regd [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Registre]:regs [blanc]*
    MOV {regd},{regs}

[blanc]* "," [blanc]* [Variable]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Registre]:regs [blanc]*
    STS {var},{regs}

[blanc]* "," [blanc]* [Registre]:regd [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]*
{exp}    MOV {regd},R16

[blanc]* "," [blanc]* [VariableIO]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]*
{exp}    OUT {var},R16

[blanc]* "," [blanc]* [Variable]:var [blanc]* [SymboleAffectation] [blanc]* [Expression]:exp [blanc]*
{exp}    STS {var},R16



";" [toutcar]* [finligne]












%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Operateur OU booleen


[Expression30]:th [OpExpression25]*:calc


[SymboleOuBool] [Expression30]:exp
    TST R16
    BRNE eti{NUM0}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Operateur ET booleen


[Expression35]:th [OpExpression30]*:calc


[SymboleEtBool] [Expression35]:exp
    TST R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Comparaison


[Expression40]:th [OpExpression35]*:calc


[SymboleCmp]:symb [Expression45]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    CP R17,R16
    {symb} eti{NUM0}
    CLR R16
    RJMP eti{NUM1}
    LDI R16,0x01

[SymboleCmpSup] [Expression45]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    CP R17,R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}
    BRLO eti{NUM0}
    LDI R16,0x01
    RJMP eti{NUM1}
    CLR R16

[SymboleCmpInfEgal] [Expression45]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    CP R17,R16
    BREQ eti{NUM0}
    BRLO eti{NUM0}
    CLR R16
    RJMP eti{NUM1}
    LDI R16,0x01






%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OU Logique


[Expression45]:th [OpExpression40]*:calc


[SymboleOuLogique] [Registre]:reg [Expression45]-
    OR R16,{reg}

[SymboleOuLogique] [Valeur]:val [Expression45]-
    ORI R16,{val}

[SymboleOuLogique] [VariableIO]:var [Expression45]-
    IN R17,{var}
    OR R16,R17

[SymboleOuLogique] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]" [Expression45]-
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    OR R16,R17

[SymboleOuLogique] [Variable]:var [Expression45]-
    LDS R17,{var}
    OR R16,R17

[SymboleOuLogique] [Expression45]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    OR R16,R17

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ET Logique


[Expression50]:th [OpExpression45]*:calc


[SymboleEtLogique] [Registre]:reg [OpExpression50]-
    AND R16,{reg}

[SymboleEtLogique] [Valeur]:val [OpExpression50]-
    ANDI R16,{val}

[SymboleEtLogique] [VariableIO]:var [OpExpression50]-
    IN R17,{var}
    AND R16,R17

[SymboleEtLogique] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]" [OpExpression50]-
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    AND R16,R17

[SymboleEtLogique] [Variable]:var [OpExpression50]-
    LDS R17,{var}
    AND R16,R17

[SymboleEtLogique] [Expression50]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    AND R16,R17



[Expression60]:th [OpExpression50]*:calc


[SymboleAddition] [Registre]:reg [OpExpression60]-
    ADD R16,{reg}

[SymboleAddition] [Valeur]:val [OpExpression60]-
    LDI R17,{val}
    ADD R16,R17

[SymboleAddition] [VariableIO]:var [OpExpression60]-
    IN R17,{var}
    ADD R16,R17

[SymboleAddition] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]" [OpExpression60]-
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    ADD R16,R17

[SymboleAddition] [Variable]:var [OpExpression60]-
    LDS R17,{var}
    ADD R16,R17

[SymboleAddition] [Expression60]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    ADD R16,R17

[SymboleSoustraction] [Registre]:reg [OpExpression60]-
    SUB R16,{reg}

[SymboleSoustraction] [Valeur]:val [OpExpression60]-
    LDI R17,{val}
    SUB R16,R17

[SymboleSoustraction] [VariableIO]:var [OpExpression60]-
    IN R17,{var}
    SUB R16,R17

[SymboleSoustraction] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]" [OpExpression60]-
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    SUB R16,R17

[SymboleSoustraction] [Variable]:var [OpExpression60]-
    LDS R17,{var}
    SUB R16,R17

[SymboleSoustraction] [Expression60]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    MOV R17,R16
    POP R16
    SUB R16,R17



[Expression100]:th [OpExpression60]*:prod


[SymboleMultiplier] [Registre]:reg
    MUL R16,{reg}
    MOV R16,R0

[SymboleMultiplier] [Valeur]:val
    LDI R17,{val}
    MUL R16,R17
    MOV R16,R0

[SymboleMultiplier] [VariableIO]:var
    IN R17,{var}
    MUL R16,R17
    MOV R16,R0

[SymboleMultiplier] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]"
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    MUL R16,R17
    MOV R16,R0

[SymboleMultiplier] [Variable]:var
    LDS R17,{var}
    MUL R16,R17
    MOV R16,R0

[SymboleMultiplier] [Expression100]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    MUL R16,R17
    MOV R16,R0

% diviser

[SymboleDiviser] [Registre]:reg
    MOV R17,{reg}
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

[SymboleDiviser] [Valeur]:val
    LDI R17,{val}
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

[SymboleDiviser] [VariableIO]:var
    IN R17,{var}
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

[SymboleDiviser] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]"
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

[SymboleDiviser] [Variable]:var
    LDS R17,{var}
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

[SymboleDiviser] [Expression100]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    POP R17
    SER R18
    INC R18
    SUB R17,R16
    BRCC eti{NUM0}
    MOV R16,R18

% Modulo

[SymboleModulo] [Registre]:reg
    MOV R17,{reg}
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}

[SymboleModulo] [Valeur]:val
    LDI R17,{val}
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}

[SymboleModulo] [VariableIO]:var
    IN R17,{var}
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}

[SymboleModulo] [Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]"
    PUSH R16
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R17,X
    POP R16
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}

[SymboleModulo] [Variable]:var
    LDS R17,{var}
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}

[SymboleModulo] [Expression100]:exp
    PUSH R16
{exp}    MOV R17,R16
    POP R16
    SUB R16,R17
    BRCC eti{NUM0}






    MOV R16,{reg}

    IN R16,{var}

    LDI R30,low({var}<<1)
    LDI R31,high({var}<<1)
    LPM R16,Z

[TableauROM]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]"
{exp}    LDI R30,low({var}<<1)
    LDI R31,high({var}<<1)
    CLR R17
    ADD R30,R16
    ADC R31,R17
    LPM R16,Z

[Tableau]:var [Expression]:exp [blanc]* "]"
{exp}    LDI R26,low({var})
    LDI R27,high({var})
    CLR R17
    ADD R26,R16
    ADC R27,R17
    LD R16,X

    LDS R16,{var}

    LDI R16,{val}

[blanc]* "(" [Expression]:exp [blanc]* ")"

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Variable %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


[blanc]* 'Rr' '0123456789'+:id

[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@REG" "["-


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@IO"


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@ROM" "["-

[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@pgm" "["-


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@"-


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "["


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@ROM["

[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2 "@pgm["


[blanc]* "0b" '01'+:val

[blanc]* "0x" '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'+:val

[blanc]* '0123456789'+:val

[blanc]* "'" [toutcar]:car "'"


[blanc]* [Alpha]:l1 [AlphaNum]*:l2

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SYMBOLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


[blanc]* "appel"


[blanc]* "saut"

[blanc]* "goto"

[blanc]* "jump"


[blanc]* "si"

[blanc]* "if"

[blanc]* "SI"

[blanc]* "IF"


[blanc]* "then"

[blanc]* "alors"

[blanc]* "THEN"

[blanc]* "ALORS"


[blanc]* ","


[blanc]* "&&"

[blanc]* "et"


[blanc]* "||"

[blanc]* "ou"


[blanc]* "<"


[blanc]* "<="


[blanc]* ">"


[blanc]* ">="


[blanc]* "!="

[blanc]* "<>"


[blanc]* "=="

[blanc]* "="


[blanc]* "&"


[blanc]* "|"


[blanc]* "/"


[blanc]* "%"


[blanc]* "*"


[blanc]* "ou"


[blanc]* "+"


[blanc]* "-"


[blanc]* "<-"

[blanc]* "="








" "
