#!/bin/sh # This flash script dynamically generates a file with a set of commands which # have to be handed to the flashing script of SEGGER (JLinkExe >4.84). # After that, JLinkExe will be executed with that set of commands to flash the # latest .bin file to the board. # @author Hauke Petersen BINDIR=$1 HEXFILE=$2 FLASHADDR=200000 # setup JLink command file echo "speed 1000" > $BINDIR/burn.seg echo "loadbin $HEXFILE $FLASHADDR" >> $BINDIR/burn.seg echo "r" >> $BINDIR/burn.seg echo "g" >> $BINDIR/burn.seg echo "exit" >> $BINDIR/burn.seg # flash new binary to the board JLinkExe -device CC2538SF53 < $BINDIR/burn.seg echo ""