#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (C) 2014 Martine Lenders # # This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser # General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level # directory for more details. # # The following script part has been moved here from: # ./dist/tools/pr_check/pr_check.sh GITHUB_API_HOST="https://api.github.com" GITHUB_REPO="RIOT-OS/RIOT" if which wget &> /dev/null; then GET="wget -O -" elif which curl &> /dev/null; then GET="curl" else echo "Script needs wget or curl" >&2 exit 2 fi if [ -n "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then LABELS_JSON=$(${GET} "${GITHUB_API_HOST}/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/issues/${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}/labels" 2> /dev/null) elif [ -n "$CI_PULL_LABELS" ]; then LABELS_JSON="$CI_PULL_LABELS" fi check_gh_label() { LABEL="${1}" echo "${LABELS_JSON}" | grep -q "${LABEL}" return $? }