#### Sample Makefile for building applications with the RIOT OS
#### The example file system layout is:
#### ./application Makefile
#### ../../RIOT

# Set the name of your application:

# If no BOARD is found in the environment, use this default:
BOARD ?= native

# This has to be the absolute path to the RIOT base directory:

# Uncomment this to enable scheduler statistics for ps:

# If you want to use native with valgrind, you should recompile native
# with the target all-valgrind instead of all:
# make -B clean all-valgrind

# Uncomment this to enable code in RIOT that does safety checking
# which is not needed in a production environment but helps in the
# development process:

# Change this to 0 to show compiler invocation lines by default:
QUIET ?= 1

# Modules to include:

#USEMODULE += shell
#USEMODULE += posix
#USEMODULE += xtimer

# If your application is very simple and doesn't use modules that use
# messaging, it can be disabled to save some memory:

#DISABLE_MODULE += core_msg

#export INCLUDES += -Iapplication_include

# Specify custom dependencies for your application here ...
# APPDEPS = app_data.h config.h

include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include

# ... and define them here (after including Makefile.include,
# otherwise you modify the standard target):
#proj_data.h: script.py data.tar.gz
#	./script.py