microcoap server test ===================== This application is meant to get you started with implementing a CoAP server on RIOT. It uses the GNRC network stack through RIOT's conn socket API. Usage ===== To try out the server on native, compile it with ``` $ make all ``` Then, create a tap interface (to which RIOT will connect): ``` $ sudo ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap user ${USER} $ sudo ip link set tap0 up ``` Run the resulting RIOT binary by invoking: ``` $ make term ``` The application is now listening on all it's configured IP addresses. Now find out its link\_layer address: ``` $ make term /home/kaspar/src/riot/examples/microcoap_server/bin/native/microcoap_server.elf tap0 RIOT native interrupts/signals initialized. LED_GREEN_OFF LED_RED_ON RIOT native board initialized. RIOT native hardware initialization complete. main(): This is RIOT! (Version: 2015.12-devel-632-g8f451-booze-add_conn_coap_example) RIOT microcoap example application Waiting for address autoconfiguration... Configured network interfaces: Iface 5 HWaddr: 96:3c:18:1e:26:f7 MTU:1500 HL:64 RTR RTR_ADV Source address length: 6 Link type: wired inet6 addr: ff02::1/128 scope: local [multicast] inet6 addr: fe80::e42a:1aff:feca:10ec/64 scope: local inet6 addr: ff02::1:ffca:10ec/128 scope: local [multicast] inet6 addr: ff02::2/128 scope: local [multicast] inet6 addr: 2001:db8:1:0:e42a:1aff:feca:10ec/64 scope: global Waiting for incoming UDP packet... ``` The link-layer address in this case is "fe80::e42a:1aff:feca:10ec", the only "scope: local" address set. Testing ======= There are multiple external CoAP clients you can use to test the server on native. libcoap CLI ----------- (replace "fe80::e42a:1aff:feca:10ec" with your link-layer address) ``` # coap-client "coap://[fe80::e42a:1aff:feca:10ec%tap0]/riot/board" ``` Copper (Firefox Plugin) ----------------------- The Copper plugin for Firefox provides you with a nice graphical interface, but getting it to work with RIOT requires a little setup. Make sure you've installed - The [Firefox Copper plugin](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/copper-270430/) - The Router Advertisement Daemon (radvd) And build the application again using `make`. Enter the following into your `/etc/radvd.conf` (if it doesn't exist yet, create one): ``` interface tap0 { AdvSendAdvert on; MinRtrAdvInterval 3; MaxRtrAdvInterval 10; AdvDefaultPreference low; prefix 2001:db8:1:0::/64 { AdvOnLink on; AdvAutonomous on; AdvRouterAddr off; }; }; ``` (you can use `radvd -c` to check for syntax errors) and run ``` sudo radvd ``` Then, run the RIOT binary as usual: ``` make term ``` Note that the output listing all configured interfaces contains a globally scoped address, which you can now use to reach the RIOT instance via Copper. To do so, enter this: ``` coap://[2001:db8:1:0:e42a:1aff:feca:10ec]/riot/board ``` into your Firefox address bar, where you should replace `2001:db8:1:0:e42a:1aff:feca:10ec` with your RIOT instance's address marked as "scope: **global**". If you click the big green `GET` button, the word `native` should appear in the **Payload** text box at the center of the GUI. **If this doesn't work,** try manually adding a Global address to the tap0 interface: ``` sudo service radvd start sudo ip address add 2001:db8:1::a/64 dev tap0 make term ```