# Overview This folder contains a test application for RIOT's sock-based DNS client. # How to test with native Setup up a tap interface: $ sudo ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap user $(id -u -n) $ sudo ip a a 2001:db8::1/64 dev tap0 $ sudo ip link set up dev tap0 Start dnsmasq (in another console): $ sudo dnsmasq -d -2 -z -i tap0 -q --no-resolv \ --dhcp-range=::1,constructor:tap0,ra-only \ --listen-address 2001:db8::1 \ --host-record=example.org,,2001:db8::1 (NetworkManager is known to start an interfering dnsmasq instance. It needs to be stopped before this test.) Then run the test application $ make term The application will take a little while to auto-configure it's IP address. Then you should see something like example.org resolves to 2001:db8::1