#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Copyright (c) 2015 Nick v. IJzendoorn # # A simple script to fetch and build the teensy_loader_cli tool used for the # Teensy boards. # For more information see: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_cli.html # # get sources from repository git clone https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/teensy_loader_cli.git cd teensy_loader_cli # resolv build host in a hacky way UNAME=`uname` TARGET="WINDOWS"; if [ "x$UNAME" = "xLinux" ]; then TARGET="LINUX"; elif [ "x$UNAME" = "xDarwin" ]; then TARGET="MACOSX"; fi; # check if the library exists if [ "x$TARGET" = "xLINUX" ] && ! ldconfig -p | grep 'libusb' > /dev/null; then echo "please install libusb-dev"; exit 1; elif [ "x$TARGET" = "xMACOSX" ] && ! pkg-config --list-all | grep 'libusb' > /dev/null; then echo "please install libusb-dev"; exit 1; elif [ "x$TARGET" = "xWINDOWS" ]; then echo "can't build for windows... yet"; exit 1; fi; # build the application OS=$TARGET make # copy the tool to the base directory mv teensy_loader_cli ../teensy_loader cd .. rm -rf teensy_loader_cli