/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Dan Evans * Copyright (C) 2017 Travis Griggs * Copyright (C) 2017 Dylan Laduranty * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_sam0_common * @ingroup drivers_periph_adc * @{ * * @file * @brief Low-level ADC driver implementation * * @} */ #include #include "cpu.h" #include "periph/gpio.h" #include "periph/adc.h" #include "periph_conf.h" #include "mutex.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" /* Only if we actually have any ADCs */ #if ADC_NUMOF /* ADC 0 device configuration */ #define ADC_0_DEV ADC #define ADC_0_IRQ ADC_IRQn /* Prototypes */ static bool _adc_syncing(void); static void _adc_poweroff(void); static int _adc_configure(adc_res_t res); static mutex_t _lock = MUTEX_INIT; static inline void _prep(void) { mutex_lock(&_lock); } static inline void _done(void) { mutex_unlock(&_lock); } static bool _adc_syncing(void) { #ifdef CPU_SAMD21 if (ADC_0_DEV->STATUS.reg & ADC_STATUS_SYNCBUSY) { return true; } #else /* CPU_SAML21 */ if (ADC_0_DEV->SYNCBUSY.reg) { return true; } #endif return false; } static void _adc_poweroff(void) { while (_adc_syncing()) {} /* Disable */ ADC_0_DEV->CTRLA.reg &= ~ADC_CTRLA_ENABLE; while (_adc_syncing()) {} /* Disable bandgap */ #ifdef CPU_SAMD21 if (ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT == ADC_REFCTRL_REFSEL_INT1V) { SYSCTRL->VREF.reg &= ~SYSCTRL_VREF_BGOUTEN; } #else /* CPU_SAML21 */ if (ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT == ADC_REFCTRL_REFSEL_INTREF) { SUPC->VREF.reg &= ~SUPC_VREF_VREFOE; } #endif } static int _adc_configure(adc_res_t res) { /* Individual comparison necessary because ADC Resolution Bits are not * numerically in order and 16Bit (averaging - not currently supported) * falls between 12bit and 10bit. See datasheet for details */ assert((res == ADC_RES_8BIT) || (res == ADC_RES_10BIT) || (res == ADC_RES_12BIT)); _adc_poweroff(); if (ADC_0_DEV->CTRLA.reg & ADC_CTRLA_SWRST || ADC_0_DEV->CTRLA.reg & ADC_CTRLA_ENABLE ) { _done(); DEBUG("adc: not ready\n"); return -1; } #ifdef CPU_SAMD21 /* Power On */ PM->APBCMASK.reg |= PM_APBCMASK_ADC; /* GCLK Setup */ GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = (uint32_t)(GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN | GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK0 | (GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID(ADC_GCLK_ID))); /* Configure CTRLB Register HERE IS THE RESOLUTION SET! */ ADC_0_DEV->CTRLB.reg = ADC_0_PRESCALER | res; /* Load the fixed device calibration constants */ ADC_0_DEV->CALIB.reg = ADC_CALIB_BIAS_CAL((*(uint32_t*)ADC_FUSES_BIASCAL_ADDR >> ADC_FUSES_BIASCAL_Pos)) | ADC_CALIB_LINEARITY_CAL((*(uint64_t*)ADC_FUSES_LINEARITY_0_ADDR >> ADC_FUSES_LINEARITY_0_Pos)); /* Set Voltage Reference */ ADC_0_DEV->REFCTRL.reg = ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT; /* Disable all interrupts */ ADC_0_DEV->INTENCLR.reg = (ADC_INTENCLR_SYNCRDY) | (ADC_INTENCLR_WINMON) | (ADC_INTENCLR_OVERRUN) | (ADC_INTENCLR_RESRDY); while (_adc_syncing()) {} /* Enable bandgap if VREF is internal 1V */ if (ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT == ADC_REFCTRL_REFSEL_INT1V) { SYSCTRL->VREF.reg |= SYSCTRL_VREF_BGOUTEN; } #else /* CPU_SAML21 */ /* Power on */ MCLK->APBDMASK.reg |= MCLK_APBDMASK_ADC; /* GCLK Setup */ GCLK->PCHCTRL[ADC_GCLK_ID].reg = GCLK_PCHCTRL_CHEN | GCLK_PCHCTRL_GEN_GCLK0; /* Set Voltage Reference */ ADC_0_DEV->REFCTRL.reg = ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT; /* Configure CTRLB & CTRLC Register */ ADC_0_DEV->CTRLB.reg = ADC_0_PRESCALER; ADC_0_DEV->CTRLC.reg |= res; /* Disable all interrupts */ ADC_0_DEV->INTENCLR.reg = ADC_INTENCLR_WINMON | ADC_INTENCLR_OVERRUN | ADC_INTENCLR_RESRDY; /* Set default calibration from NVM */ ADC_0_DEV->CALIB.reg = ADC_FUSES_BIASCOMP((*(uint32_t*)ADC_FUSES_BIASCOMP_ADDR)) >> ADC_CALIB_BIASCOMP_Pos | ADC_FUSES_BIASREFBUF((*(uint32_t*)ADC_FUSES_BIASREFBUF_ADDR) >> ADC_FUSES_BIASREFBUF_Pos); while (_adc_syncing()) {} /* Enable bandgap if necessary */ if (ADC_0_REF_DEFAULT == ADC_REFCTRL_REFSEL_INTREF) { SUPC->VREF.reg |= SUPC_VREF_VREFOE; } #endif /* Enable ADC Module */ ADC_0_DEV->CTRLA.reg |= ADC_CTRLA_ENABLE; while (_adc_syncing()) {} return 0; } int adc_init(adc_t line) { _prep(); gpio_init(adc_channels[line].pin, GPIO_IN); gpio_init_mux(adc_channels[line].pin, GPIO_MUX_B); _done(); return 0; } int adc_sample(adc_t line, adc_res_t res) { if (line >= ADC_NUMOF) { DEBUG("adc: line arg not applicable\n"); return -1; } _prep(); if (_adc_configure(res) != 0) { _done(); DEBUG("adc: configuration failed\n"); return -1; } #ifdef CPU_SAMD21 ADC_0_DEV->INPUTCTRL.reg = ADC_0_GAIN_FACTOR_DEFAULT | adc_channels[line].muxpos | ADC_0_NEG_INPUT; #else /* CPU_SAML21 */ ADC_0_DEV->INPUTCTRL.reg = adc_channels[line].muxpos | ADC_0_NEG_INPUT; #endif while (_adc_syncing()) {} /* Start the conversion */ ADC_0_DEV->SWTRIG.reg = ADC_SWTRIG_START; /* Wait for the result */ while (!(ADC_0_DEV->INTFLAG.reg & ADC_INTFLAG_RESRDY)) {} int result = ADC_0_DEV->RESULT.reg; _adc_poweroff(); _done(); return result; } #endif /* #if ADC_NUMOF */